diff --git a/ecrire/ajax_page.php b/ecrire/ajax_page.php
index 5dcfe2a2670a83924be5dcb36d3d56f7ea796984..0e555e0ce0775b0c3b03c15ada41ac3c6ad8f2b0 100644
--- a/ecrire/ajax_page.php
+++ b/ecrire/ajax_page.php
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ include ("inc.php3");
 $charset = lire_meta("charset");
 echo "<"."?xml version='1.0' encoding='$charset'?>";
 	if ($GLOBALS["id_ajax_fonc"]) {
 		$res = spip_query("SELECT * FROM spip_ajax_fonc WHERE id_ajax_fonc = $id_ajax_fonc AND id_auteur=$connect_id_auteur");
 		if ($row = spip_fetch_array($res)) {
@@ -34,6 +35,95 @@ echo "<"."?xml version='1.0' encoding='$charset'?>";
+if ($GLOBALS["recherche"]) {
+	$recherche = $GLOBALS["recherche"];
+	$query_articles = "SELECT * FROM spip_articles WHERE";
+	$query_breves = "SELECT * FROM spip_breves WHERE ";
+	$query_rubriques = "SELECT * FROM spip_rubriques WHERE ";
+	$query_sites = "SELECT * FROM spip_syndic WHERE ";
+	if (ereg("^[0-9]+$", $recherche)) {
+		$query_articles .= " (id_article = $recherche) OR ";
+		$query_breves .= " (id_breve = $recherche) OR ";
+		$query_rubriques .= " (id_rubrique = $recherche) OR ";
+		$query_sites .= " (id_syndic = $recherche) OR ";
+	}
+	// Eviter les symboles '%', caracteres SQL speciaux
+	$recherche = str_replace("%","\%",$recherche);
+	$rech2 = split("[[:space:]]+", $recherche);
+	if ($rech2)
+		$where = " (titre LIKE '%".join("%' AND titre LIKE '%", $rech2)."%') ";
+	else
+		$where = " 1=2";
+	$query_articles .= " $where ORDER BY date_modif DESC";
+	$query_breves .= " $where ORDER BY maj DESC";
+	$query_rubriques .= " $where ORDER BY maj DESC";
+	$query_sites .= " $where ORDER BY maj DESC";
+	$query_sites  = ereg_replace("titre LIKE", "nom_site LIKE", $query_sites);
+	$activer_moteur = (lire_meta('activer_moteur') == 'oui');
+	if ($activer_moteur) {	// texte integral
+		include_ecrire ('inc_index.php3');
+		list($hash_recherche,) = requete_hash ($recherche);
+		$query_articles_int = requete_txt_integral('article', $hash_recherche);
+		$query_breves_int = requete_txt_integral('breve', $hash_recherche);
+		$query_rubriques_int = requete_txt_integral('rubrique', $hash_recherche);
+		$query_sites_int = requete_txt_integral('syndic', $hash_recherche);
+		$query_auteurs_int = requete_txt_integral('auteur', $hash_recherche);
+	}
+	if ($query_articles)
+		$nba = afficher_articles (_T('info_articles_trouves'), $query_articles, false, false);
+	if ($activer_moteur) {
+		if ($nba) {
+			$doublons = join($nba, ",");
+			$query_articles_int = ereg_replace ("WHERE", "WHERE objet.id_article NOT IN ($doublons) AND", $query_articles_int);
+		}
+		$nba1 = afficher_articles (_T('info_articles_trouves_dans_texte'), $query_articles_int, false, false);
+	}
+	if ($query_breves)
+		$nbb = afficher_breves (_T('info_breves_touvees'), $query_breves, true);
+	if ($activer_moteur) {
+		if ($nbb) {
+			$doublons = join($nbb, ",");
+			$query_breves_int = ereg_replace ("WHERE", "WHERE objet.id_breve NOT IN ($doublons) AND", $query_breves_int);
+		}
+		$nbb1 = afficher_breves (_T('info_breves_touvees_dans_texte'), $query_breves_int, true);
+	}
+	if ($query_rubriques)
+		$nbr = afficher_rubriques (_T('info_rubriques_trouvees'), $query_rubriques);
+	if ($activer_moteur) {
+		if ($nbr) {
+			$doublons = join($nbr, ",");
+			$query_rubriques_int = ereg_replace ("WHERE", "WHERE objet.id_rubrique NOT IN ($doublons) AND", $query_rubriques_int);
+		}
+		$nbr1 = afficher_rubriques (_T('info_rubriques_trouvees_dans_texte'), $query_rubriques_int);
+	}
+	if ($activer_moteur)
+		$nbt = afficher_auteurs (_T('info_auteurs_trouves'), $query_auteurs_int);
+	if ($query_sites)
+		$nbs = afficher_sites (_T('info_sites_trouves'), $query_sites);
+	if ($activer_moteur) {
+		if ($nbs) {
+			$doublons = join($nbs, ",");
+			$query_sites_int = ereg_replace ("WHERE", "WHERE objet.id_syndic NOT IN ($doublons) AND", $query_sites_int);
+		}
+		$nbs1 = afficher_sites (_T('info_sites_trouves_dans_texte'), $query_sites_int);
+	}
+	if (!$nba AND !$nba1 AND !$nbb AND !$nbb1 AND !$nbr AND !$nbr1 AND !$nbt AND !$nbs AND !$nbs1) {
+		echo "<FONT FACE='Verdana,Arial,Sans,sans-serif'>"._T('avis_aucun_resultat')."</FONT><P>";
+	}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ecrire/inc_presentation.php3 b/ecrire/inc_presentation.php3
index 16f8b152ae04c9fb7d44f90f40ee5fddaad94432..696af1c97be8f18337754f645ec797b079cdedc8 100644
--- a/ecrire/inc_presentation.php3
+++ b/ecrire/inc_presentation.php3
@@ -512,7 +512,7 @@ function afficher_tranches_requete(&$query, $colspan, $tmp_var=false, $javascrip
 		$texte .= "<a name='a$ancre'></a>";
-		if ($spip_display != 4) $texte .= "<tr style='background-color: #dddddd;'><td class=\"arial2\" style='border-bottom: 1px solid #444444;' colspan=\"".($colspan - 1)."\">";
+		if ($spip_display != 4) $texte .= "<tr style='background-color: #dddddd;'><td class=\"arial11\" style='border-bottom: 1px solid #444444;' colspan=\"".($colspan - 1)."\">";
 		for ($i = 0; $i < $num_rows; $i += $nb_aff){
 			$deb = $i + 1;
@@ -542,7 +542,7 @@ function afficher_tranches_requete(&$query, $colspan, $tmp_var=false, $javascrip
 		if ($deb_aff == -1) {
-			$texte .= "<B>"._T('info_tout_afficher')."</B>";
+			//$texte .= "<B>"._T('info_tout_afficher')."</B>";
 		} else {
 			$link = new Link;
 			$link->addVar($tmp_var, -1);
@@ -806,20 +806,23 @@ function afficher_articles($titre_table, $requete, $afficher_visites = false, $a
 				include_ecrire ("inc_abstract_sql.php3");
 				$id_fonc = spip_abstract_insert("spip_ajax_fonc", "(id_auteur, fonction, variables, hash, date)", "($connect_id_auteur, 'afficher_articles', '$jjscript', $hash, NOW())");
-			echo "<div id='$tmp_var'>";
-		}
-		echo "<div style='height: 12px;'></div>";
-		echo "<div class='liste'>";
+			echo "<div style='height: 12px;'></div>";
+			echo "<div class='liste'>";
+			$id_img = "img_".$tmp_var;
+			$texte_img .= "<img src='img_pack/searching.gif' id='$id_img' style='visibility: hidden; border: 0px; float: $spip_lang_right' />";
-		$id_img = "img_".$tmp_var;
-		$texte_img .= "<img src='img_pack/searching.gif' id='$id_img' style='visibility: hidden; margin-left: 10px; border: 0px; vertical-align: middle;' />";
+			bandeau_titre_boite2($texte_img.$titre_table, "article-24.gif");
-		bandeau_titre_boite2($titre_table.$texte_img, "article-24.gif");
+			echo "<div id='$tmp_var'>";
+		}
 		//echo "<table width='100%' cellpadding='2' cellspacing='0' border='0'>";
 		echo afficher_liste_debut_tableau();
@@ -922,7 +925,7 @@ function afficher_articles($titre_table, $requete, $afficher_visites = false, $a
 				$largeurs = array(11, '', 80, 100, 50);
 				$styles = array('', 'arial2', 'arial1', 'arial1', 'arial1');
 			} else {
-				$largeurs = array(11, '', 100, 35);
+				$largeurs = array(11, '', 100, 50);
 				$styles = array('', 'arial2', 'arial1', 'arial1');
 		} else {
@@ -2343,7 +2346,7 @@ else {
 		else echo "<a href='brouteur.php3' class='icone26' onMouseOver=\"changestyle('bandeaunavrapide','visibility','visible');\" >" .
 		  http_img_pack("naviguer-site.png", "", "width='26' height='20' border='0'") . "</a>";
-		echo "<a href='recherche.php3' class='icone26' onMouseOver=\"changestyle('bandeaurecherche','visibility','visible');\" >" .
+		echo "<a href='recherche.php3' class='icone26' onMouseOver=\"changestyle('bandeaurecherche','visibility','visible'); findObj('form_recherche').focus();\" >" .
 		  http_img_pack("loupe.png", "", "width='26' height='20' border='0'") ."</a>";
 		echo http_img_pack("rien.gif", " ", "width='10'");
@@ -2583,12 +2586,20 @@ else {
 	// GADGET Recherche
-		echo "<div id='bandeaurecherche' class='bandeau_couleur_sous' style='width: 100px; $spip_lang_left: 60px;'>";
+		echo "<div id='bandeaurecherche' class='bandeau_couleur_sous' style='width: 450px; $spip_lang_left: 60px;'>";
 		global $recherche;
 				$recherche_aff = _T('info_rechercher');
-				$onfocus = "onfocus=this.value='';";
-			echo "<form method='get' style='margin: 0px;' action='recherche.php3'>";
-			echo '<input type="text" size="10" value="'.$recherche_aff.'" name="recherche" class="formo" accesskey="r" '.$onfocus.'>';
+			//	$onfocus = "onfocus=this.value='';";
+			echo "<form method='get' style='margin: 0px; position: relative;' action='recherche.php3'>";
+			echo "<img src='img_pack/searching.gif' style='position: absolute; left: -25px; top: 5px; visibility: hidden;' id='img_resultats_recherche'>";
+			echo '<input type="search" id="form_recherche" style="width: 200px;" size="10" value="'.$recherche_aff.'" name="recherche" onkeypress="if (this.value.length > 3) charger_id_url(\'ajax_page.php?recherche=\'+this.value,\'resultats_recherche\')" autocomplete="off" class="formo" accesskey="r" '.$onfocus.'>';
+			echo "<div id='resultats_recherche'></div>";
 			echo "</form>";
 		echo "</div>";
 	// FIN GADGET recherche