From c4537744868b4d03f7591360bb7b9f90998feac6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "Committo,Ergo:sum" <>
Date: Mon, 16 Jan 2006 22:11:51 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] eclatement de inc_sites_tous pour qu'il soit exclusivement
 inclus par include_fonction, tandis que le nouveau venu est exclusivement
 inclus explicitement

 .gitattributes            |   1 +
 ecrire/inc_accueil.php    |   4 +-
 ecrire/inc_mots_edit.php  |   2 +-
 ecrire/inc_naviguer.php   |  11 +-
 ecrire/inc_recherche.php  |   2 +-
 ecrire/inc_sites.php3     |   3 +-
 ecrire/inc_sites_tous.php | 295 +-----------------------------------
 ecrire/inc_sites_voir.php | 309 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 8 files changed, 321 insertions(+), 306 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 ecrire/inc_sites_voir.php

diff --git a/.gitattributes b/.gitattributes
index 0e2ac8d53d..8b1bceeb58 100644
--- a/.gitattributes
+++ b/.gitattributes
@@ -316,6 +316,7 @@ ecrire/inc_recherche.php -text
 ecrire/inc_rubriques_edit.php -text
 ecrire/inc_sites_edit.php -text
 ecrire/inc_sites_tous.php -text
+ecrire/inc_sites_voir.php -text
 ecrire/inc_spip_action_autoriser.php -text
 ecrire/inc_spip_action_ical.php -text
 ecrire/inc_spip_action_iconifier.php -text
diff --git a/ecrire/inc_accueil.php b/ecrire/inc_accueil.php
index 12233e7fd4..99afbca25c 100644
--- a/ecrire/inc_accueil.php
+++ b/ecrire/inc_accueil.php
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ afficher_breves(afficher_plus(generer_url_ecrire('breves'))._T('info_breves_vali
 	// Les sites references a valider
 if (afficher_plus(generer_url_ecrire('sites_tous')).$GLOBALS['meta']['activer_syndic'] != 'non') {
-		include_ecrire("inc_sites_tous");
+		include_ecrire("inc_sites_voir");
 		afficher_sites(afficher_plus(generer_url_ecrire('sites_tous'))._T('info_site_valider'), "SELECT * FROM spip_syndic WHERE statut='prop' ORDER BY nom_site");
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ if (afficher_plus(generer_url_ecrire('sites_tous')).$GLOBALS['meta']['activer_sy
 	// Les sites a probleme
 if ($GLOBALS['meta']['activer_syndic'] != 'non' AND $connect_statut == '0minirezo' AND $connect_toutes_rubriques) {
-		include_ecrire("inc_sites_tous");
+		include_ecrire("inc_sites_voir");
 		afficher_sites(afficher_plus(generer_url_ecrire('sites_tous'))._T('avis_sites_syndiques_probleme'), "SELECT * FROM spip_syndic WHERE (syndication='off' OR syndication='sus') AND statut='publie' ORDER BY nom_site");
diff --git a/ecrire/inc_mots_edit.php b/ecrire/inc_mots_edit.php
index d0bfa5f99c..9d886259a5 100644
--- a/ecrire/inc_mots_edit.php
+++ b/ecrire/inc_mots_edit.php
@@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ if ($id_mot) {
 	"SELECT breves.* FROM spip_breves AS breves, spip_mots_breves AS lien WHERE lien.id_mot='$id_mot'
 	AND lien.id_breve=breves.id_breve ORDER BY breves.date_heure DESC");
-	include_ecrire ("inc_sites_tous");
+	include_ecrire("inc_sites_voir");
 	"SELECT syndic.* FROM spip_syndic AS syndic, spip_mots_syndic AS lien WHERE lien.id_mot='$id_mot'
 	AND lien.id_syndic=syndic.id_syndic ORDER BY syndic.nom_site DESC");
diff --git a/ecrire/inc_naviguer.php b/ecrire/inc_naviguer.php
index 0f71df226a..d7a2521563 100644
--- a/ecrire/inc_naviguer.php
+++ b/ecrire/inc_naviguer.php
@@ -322,7 +322,7 @@ if ($relief) {
 	// Les sites references a valider
 	if ($GLOBALS['meta']['activer_syndic'] != 'non') {
-		include_ecrire("inc_sites_tous");
+		include_ecrire("inc_sites_voir");
 		afficher_sites(_T('info_site_valider'), "SELECT * FROM spip_syndic WHERE id_rubrique='$id_rubrique' AND statut='prop' ORDER BY nom_site");
@@ -330,7 +330,7 @@ if ($relief) {
 	// Les sites a probleme
 	if ($GLOBALS['meta']['activer_syndic'] != 'non' AND $connect_statut == '0minirezo' AND $connect_toutes_rubriques) {
-		include_ecrire("inc_sites_tous");
+		include_ecrire("inc_sites_voir");
 			"SELECT * FROM spip_syndic WHERE id_rubrique='$id_rubrique' AND (syndication='off' OR syndication='sus') AND statut='publie' ORDER BY nom_site");
@@ -382,11 +382,10 @@ if ($relief) {
 //// Les sites references
 	if ($GLOBALS['meta']["activer_sites"] == 'oui') {
-	  include_ecrire("inc_sites_tous");
-	  afficher_sites(_T('titre_sites_references_rubrique'), "SELECT * FROM spip_syndic WHERE id_rubrique='$id_rubrique' AND statut!='refuse' AND statut != 'prop' AND syndication NOT IN ('off','sus') ORDER BY nom_site");
+		include_ecrire("inc_sites_voir");
+		afficher_sites(_T('titre_sites_references_rubrique'), "SELECT * FROM spip_syndic WHERE id_rubrique='$id_rubrique' AND statut!='refuse' AND statut != 'prop' AND syndication NOT IN ('off','sus') ORDER BY nom_site");
-	  $proposer_sites=$GLOBALS['meta']["proposer_sites"];
-	  if ($id_rubrique > 0 AND ($flag_editable OR $proposer_sites > 0)) {
+		if ($id_rubrique > 0 AND ($flag_editable OR $GLOBALS['meta']["proposer_sites"]> 0)) {
 		echo "<div align='$spip_lang_right'>";
 		icone(_T('info_sites_referencer'), generer_url_ecrire('sites_edit', "id_rubrique=$id_rubrique&redirect=" . urlencode($clean_link->getUrl())), "site-24.gif", "creer.gif");
diff --git a/ecrire/inc_recherche.php b/ecrire/inc_recherche.php
index 5fb01e7cb4..3a2caaca81 100644
--- a/ecrire/inc_recherche.php
+++ b/ecrire/inc_recherche.php
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
 if (!defined("_ECRIRE_INC_VERSION")) return;
 function recherche_dist()
diff --git a/ecrire/inc_sites.php3 b/ecrire/inc_sites.php3
index 9f5d294157..5392eb21c9 100644
--- a/ecrire/inc_sites.php3
+++ b/ecrire/inc_sites.php3
@@ -10,10 +10,9 @@
  *  Pour plus de details voir le fichier COPYING.txt ou l'aide en ligne.   *
 if (!defined("_ECRIRE_INC_VERSION")) return;
-include_ecrire ("inc_sites_tous");
 include_ecrire ("inc_logos");
 include_ecrire ("inc_mots");
diff --git a/ecrire/inc_sites_tous.php b/ecrire/inc_sites_tous.php
index 13c791f44a..6837980cb8 100644
--- a/ecrire/inc_sites_tous.php
+++ b/ecrire/inc_sites_tous.php
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
 if (!defined("_ECRIRE_INC_VERSION")) return;
 function sites_tous_dist()
@@ -60,298 +61,4 @@ afficher_syndic_articles(_T('titre_dernier_article_syndique'),
-function afficher_sites($titre_table, $requete) {
-	global $couleur_claire, $spip_lang_left, $spip_lang_right;
-	global $connect_id_auteur;
-	$tranches = afficher_tranches_requete($requete, 3);
-	if ($tranches) {
-//		debut_cadre_relief("site-24.gif");
-		if ($titre_table) echo "<div style='height: 12px;'></div>";
-		echo "<div class='liste'>";
-		bandeau_titre_boite2($titre_table, "site-24.gif", $couleur_claire, "black");
-		echo "<table width='100%' cellpadding='2' cellspacing='0' border='0'>";
-		echo $tranches;
-	 	$result = spip_query($requete);
-		$num_rows = spip_num_rows($result);
-		$ifond = 0;
-		$premier = true;
-		$compteur_liste = 0;
-		while ($row = spip_fetch_array($result)) {
-			$vals = '';
-			$id_syndic=$row["id_syndic"];
-			$id_rubrique=$row["id_rubrique"];
-			$nom_site=sinon(typo($row["nom_site"]), _T('info_sans_titre'));
-			$url_site=$row["url_site"];
-			$url_syndic=$row["url_syndic"];
-			$description=propre($row["description"]);
-			$syndication=$row["syndication"];
-			$statut=$row["statut"];
-			$date=$row["date"];
-			$moderation=$row['moderation'];
-			$tous_id[] = $id_syndic;
-			//echo "<tr bgcolor='$couleur'>";
-			//echo "<td class='arial2'>";
-			$link = new Link(generer_url_ecrire("sites","id_syndic=$id_syndic"));
-			switch ($statut) {
-			case 'publie':
-				if (acces_restreint_rubrique($id_rubrique))
-					$puce = 'puce-verte-anim.gif';
-				else
-					$puce='puce-verte-breve.gif';
-				$title = _T('info_site_reference');
-				break;
-			case 'prop':
-				if (acces_restreint_rubrique($id_rubrique))
-					$puce = 'puce-orange-anim.gif';
-				else
-					$puce='puce-orange-breve.gif';
-				$title = _T('info_site_attente');
-				break;
-			case 'refuse':
-				if (acces_restreint_rubrique($id_rubrique))
-					$puce = 'puce-poubelle-anim.gif';
-				else
-					$puce='puce-poubelle-breve.gif';
-				$title = _T('info_site_refuse');
-				break;
-			}
-			if ($syndication == 'off' OR $syndication == 'sus') {
-				$puce = 'puce-orange-anim.gif';
-				$title = _T('info_panne_site_syndique');
-			}
-			$s = "<a href=\"".$link->getUrl()."\" title=\"$title\">";
-			if ($spip_display != 1 AND $spip_display != 4 AND $GLOBALS['meta']['image_process'] != "non") {
-				include_ecrire("inc_logos");
-				$logo = decrire_logo("siteon$id_syndic");
-				if ($logo) {
-					$s.= "<div style='float: $spip_lang_right; margin-top: -2px; margin-bottom: -2px;'>"
-					. reduire_image_logo(_DIR_IMG.$logo[0], 26, 20)
-					. "</div>\n";
-				}
-			}
-			$s .= http_img_pack($puce, $statut, "width='7' height='7' border='0'") ."&nbsp;&nbsp;";
-			$s .= typo($nom_site);
-			$s .= "</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; <font size='1'>[<a href='$url_site'>"._T('lien_visite_site')."</a>]</font>";
-			$vals[] = $s;
-			//echo "</td>";
-			$s = "";
-			//echo "<td class='arial1' align='right'> &nbsp;";
-			if ($syndication == 'off' OR $syndication == 'sus') {
-				$s .= "<font color='red'>"._T('info_probleme_grave')." </font>";
-			}
-			if ($syndication == "oui" or $syndication == "off" OR $syndication == 'sus'){
-				$s .= "<font color='red'>"._T('info_syndication')."</font>";
-			}
-				$vals[] = $s;
-			//echo "</td>";					
-			//echo "<td class='arial1'>";
-			$s = "";
-			if ($syndication == "oui" OR $syndication == "off" OR $syndication == "sus") {
-				$result_art = spip_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM spip_syndic_articles WHERE id_syndic='$id_syndic'");
-				list($total_art) = spip_fetch_array($result_art);
-				$s .= " $total_art "._T('info_syndication_articles');
-			} else {
-				$s .= "&nbsp;";
-			}
-			$vals[] = $s;
-			//echo "</td>";					
-			//echo "</tr></n>";
-			$table[] = $vals;
-		}
-		spip_free_result($result);
-		$largeurs = array('','','');
-		$styles = array('arial11', 'arial1', 'arial1');
-		afficher_liste($largeurs, $table, $styles);
-		echo "</table>";
-		//fin_cadre_relief();
-		echo "</div>\n";
-	}
-	return $tous_id;
-function afficher_syndic_articles($titre_table, $requete, $afficher_site = false) {
-	global $connect_statut;
-	global $REQUEST_URI;
-	global $debut_liste_sites;
-	global $flag_editable;
-	static $n_liste_sites;
-	global $spip_lang_rtl, $spip_lang_right;
-	$adresse_page = substr($REQUEST_URI, strpos($REQUEST_URI, "/ecrire")+8, strlen($REQUEST_URI));
-	$adresse_page = ereg_replace("\&?debut\_liste\_sites\[$n_liste_sites\]\=[0-9]+","",$adresse_page);
-	$adresse_page = ereg_replace("\&?(ajouter\_lien|supprimer_lien)\=[0-9]+","",$adresse_page);
-	if (ereg("\?",$adresse_page)) $lien_url = "&";
-	else $lien_url = "?";
-	$lien_url .= "debut_liste_sites[".$n_liste_sites."]=".$debut_liste_sites[$n_liste_sites]."&";
-	$cols = 2;
-	if ($connect_statut == '0minirezo') $cols ++;
-	if ($afficher_site) $cols ++;
-	$tranches = afficher_tranches_requete($requete, $cols);
-	if (strlen($tranches)) {
-		if ($titre_table) echo "<div style='height: 12px;'></div>";
-		echo "<div class='liste'>";
-		//debut_cadre_relief("rubrique-24.gif");
-		if ($titre_table) {
-			bandeau_titre_boite2($titre_table, "site-24.gif", "#999999", "white");
-		}
-		echo "<table width=100% cellpadding=3 cellspacing=0 border=0 background=''>";
-		echo $tranches;
-		$result = spip_query($requete);
-		$table = '';
-		while ($row = spip_fetch_array($result)) {
-			$vals = '';
-			$id_syndic_article=$row["id_syndic_article"];
-			$id_syndic=$row["id_syndic"];
-			$titre=safehtml($row["titre"]);
-			$url=$row["url"];
-			$date=$row["date"];
-			$lesauteurs=typo($row["lesauteurs"]);
-			$statut=$row["statut"];
-			$descriptif=safehtml($row["descriptif"]);
-			if ($statut=='publie') {
-				if (acces_restreint_rubrique($id_rubrique))
-					$puce = 'puce-verte-anim.gif';
-				else
-					$puce='puce-verte.gif';
-			}
-			else if ($statut == "refuse") {
-					$puce = 'puce-poubelle.gif';
-			}
-			else if ($statut == "dispo") { // moderation : a valider
-					$puce = 'puce-rouge.gif';
-			}
-			else if ($statut == "off") { // feed d'un site en mode "miroir"
-					$puce = 'puce-rouge-anim.gif';
-			}
-			$s = http_img_pack($puce, $statut, "width='7' height='7' border='0'");
-			$vals[] = $s;
-			$s = "<a href='$url'>$titre</a>";
-			$date = affdate_court($date);
-			if (strlen($lesauteurs) > 0) $date = $lesauteurs.', '.$date;
-			$s.= " ($date)";
-			// Tags : d'un cote les enclosures, de l'autre les liens
-			if($e = afficher_enclosures($row['tags']))
-				$s .= ' '.$e;
-			// descriptif
-			if (strlen($descriptif) > 0)
-				$s .= "<div class='arial1'>".safehtml($descriptif)."</div>";
-			// tags
-			if ($tags = afficher_tags($row['tags']))
-				$s .= "<div style='float:$spip_lang_right;'>&nbsp;<em>"
-					. $tags . '</em></div>';
-			// source
-			if (strlen($row['url_source']))
-				$s .= "<div style='float:$spip_lang_right;'>"
-				. propre("[".$row['source']."->".$row['url_source']."]")
-				. "</div>";
-			else if (strlen($row['source']))
-				$s .= "<div style='float:$spip_lang_right;'>"
-				. typo($row['source'])
-				. "</div>";
-			$vals[] = $s;
-			// $my_sites cache les resultats des requetes sur les sites
-			if (!$my_sites[$id_syndic])
-				$my_sites[$id_syndic] = spip_fetch_array(spip_query(
-					"SELECT * FROM spip_syndic WHERE id_syndic=$id_syndic"));
-			if ($afficher_site) {
-				$aff = $my_sites[$id_syndic]['nom_site'];
-				if ($my_sites[$id_syndic]['moderation'] == 'oui')
-					$s = "<i>$aff</i>";
-				else
-					$s = $aff;
-				$s = "<a href='" . generer_url_ecrire("sites","id_syndic=$id_syndic") . "'>$aff</a>";
-				$vals[] = $s;
-			}
-			if ($connect_statut == '0minirezo'){
-				if ($statut == "publie"){
-					$s =  "[<a href='".$adresse_page.$lien_url."id_syndic=$id_syndic&supprimer_lien=$id_syndic_article'><font color='black'>"._T('info_bloquer_lien')."</font></a>]";
-				}
-				else if ($statut == "refuse"){
-					$s =  "[<a href='".$adresse_page.$lien_url."id_syndic=$id_syndic&ajouter_lien=$id_syndic_article'>"._T('info_retablir_lien')."</a>]";
-				}
-				else if ($statut == "off"
-				AND $my_sites[$id_syndic]['miroir'] == 'oui') {
-					$s = '('._T('syndic_lien_obsolete').')';
-				}
-				else /* 'dispo' ou 'off' (dans le cas ancien site 'miroir') */
-				{
-					$s = "[<a href='".$adresse_page.$lien_url."id_syndic=$id_syndic&ajouter_lien=$id_syndic_article'>"._T('info_valider_lien')."</a>]";
-				}
-				$vals[] = $s;
-			}
-			$table[] = $vals;
-		}
-		spip_free_result($result);
-		if ($afficher_site) {
-			$largeurs = array(7, '', '100');
-			$styles = array('','arial11', 'arial1');
-		} else {
-			$largeurs = array(7, '');
-			$styles = array('','arial11');
-		}
-		if ($connect_statut == '0minirezo') {
-			$largeurs[] = '80';
-			$styles[] = 'arial1';
-		}
-		afficher_liste($largeurs, $table, $styles);
-		echo "</TABLE>";
-		//fin_cadre_relief();
-		echo "</div>";
-	}
-	return $tous_id;
diff --git a/ecrire/inc_sites_voir.php b/ecrire/inc_sites_voir.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7610fe783f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ecrire/inc_sites_voir.php
@@ -0,0 +1,309 @@
+ *  SPIP, Systeme de publication pour l'internet                           *
+ *                                                                         *
+ *  Copyright (c) 2001-2006                                                *
+ *  Arnaud Martin, Antoine Pitrou, Philippe Riviere, Emmanuel Saint-James  *
+ *                                                                         *
+ *  Ce programme est un logiciel libre distribue sous licence GNU/GPL.     *
+ *  Pour plus de details voir le fichier COPYING.txt ou l'aide en ligne.   *
+if (!defined("_ECRIRE_INC_VERSION")) return;
+function afficher_sites($titre_table, $requete) {
+	global $couleur_claire, $spip_lang_left, $spip_lang_right;
+	global $connect_id_auteur;
+	$tranches = afficher_tranches_requete($requete, 3);
+	if ($tranches) {
+//		debut_cadre_relief("site-24.gif");
+		if ($titre_table) echo "<div style='height: 12px;'></div>";
+		echo "<div class='liste'>";
+		bandeau_titre_boite2($titre_table, "site-24.gif", $couleur_claire, "black");
+		echo "<table width='100%' cellpadding='2' cellspacing='0' border='0'>";
+		echo $tranches;
+	 	$result = spip_query($requete);
+		$num_rows = spip_num_rows($result);
+		$ifond = 0;
+		$premier = true;
+		$compteur_liste = 0;
+		while ($row = spip_fetch_array($result)) {
+			$vals = '';
+			$id_syndic=$row["id_syndic"];
+			$id_rubrique=$row["id_rubrique"];
+			$nom_site=sinon(typo($row["nom_site"]), _T('info_sans_titre'));
+			$url_site=$row["url_site"];
+			$url_syndic=$row["url_syndic"];
+			$description=propre($row["description"]);
+			$syndication=$row["syndication"];
+			$statut=$row["statut"];
+			$date=$row["date"];
+			$moderation=$row['moderation'];
+			$tous_id[] = $id_syndic;
+			//echo "<tr bgcolor='$couleur'>";
+			//echo "<td class='arial2'>";
+			$link = new Link(generer_url_ecrire("sites","id_syndic=$id_syndic"));
+			switch ($statut) {
+			case 'publie':
+				if (acces_restreint_rubrique($id_rubrique))
+					$puce = 'puce-verte-anim.gif';
+				else
+					$puce='puce-verte-breve.gif';
+				$title = _T('info_site_reference');
+				break;
+			case 'prop':
+				if (acces_restreint_rubrique($id_rubrique))
+					$puce = 'puce-orange-anim.gif';
+				else
+					$puce='puce-orange-breve.gif';
+				$title = _T('info_site_attente');
+				break;
+			case 'refuse':
+				if (acces_restreint_rubrique($id_rubrique))
+					$puce = 'puce-poubelle-anim.gif';
+				else
+					$puce='puce-poubelle-breve.gif';
+				$title = _T('info_site_refuse');
+				break;
+			}
+			if ($syndication == 'off' OR $syndication == 'sus') {
+				$puce = 'puce-orange-anim.gif';
+				$title = _T('info_panne_site_syndique');
+			}
+			$s = "<a href=\"".$link->getUrl()."\" title=\"$title\">";
+			if ($spip_display != 1 AND $spip_display != 4 AND $GLOBALS['meta']['image_process'] != "non") {
+				include_ecrire("inc_logos");
+				$logo = decrire_logo("siteon$id_syndic");
+				if ($logo) {
+					$s.= "<div style='float: $spip_lang_right; margin-top: -2px; margin-bottom: -2px;'>"
+					. reduire_image_logo(_DIR_IMG.$logo[0], 26, 20)
+					. "</div>\n";
+				}
+			}
+			$s .= http_img_pack($puce, $statut, "width='7' height='7' border='0'") ."&nbsp;&nbsp;";
+			$s .= typo($nom_site);
+			$s .= "</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; <font size='1'>[<a href='$url_site'>"._T('lien_visite_site')."</a>]</font>";
+			$vals[] = $s;
+			//echo "</td>";
+			$s = "";
+			//echo "<td class='arial1' align='right'> &nbsp;";
+			if ($syndication == 'off' OR $syndication == 'sus') {
+				$s .= "<font color='red'>"._T('info_probleme_grave')." </font>";
+			}
+			if ($syndication == "oui" or $syndication == "off" OR $syndication == 'sus'){
+				$s .= "<font color='red'>"._T('info_syndication')."</font>";
+			}
+				$vals[] = $s;
+			//echo "</td>";					
+			//echo "<td class='arial1'>";
+			$s = "";
+			if ($syndication == "oui" OR $syndication == "off" OR $syndication == "sus") {
+				$result_art = spip_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM spip_syndic_articles WHERE id_syndic='$id_syndic'");
+				list($total_art) = spip_fetch_array($result_art);
+				$s .= " $total_art "._T('info_syndication_articles');
+			} else {
+				$s .= "&nbsp;";
+			}
+			$vals[] = $s;
+			//echo "</td>";					
+			//echo "</tr></n>";
+			$table[] = $vals;
+		}
+		spip_free_result($result);
+		$largeurs = array('','','');
+		$styles = array('arial11', 'arial1', 'arial1');
+		afficher_liste($largeurs, $table, $styles);
+		echo "</table>";
+		//fin_cadre_relief();
+		echo "</div>\n";
+	}
+	return $tous_id;
+function afficher_syndic_articles($titre_table, $requete, $afficher_site = false) {
+	global $connect_statut;
+	global $REQUEST_URI;
+	global $debut_liste_sites;
+	global $flag_editable;
+	static $n_liste_sites;
+	global $spip_lang_rtl, $spip_lang_right;
+	$adresse_page = substr($REQUEST_URI, strpos($REQUEST_URI, "/ecrire")+8, strlen($REQUEST_URI));
+	$adresse_page = ereg_replace("\&?debut\_liste\_sites\[$n_liste_sites\]\=[0-9]+","",$adresse_page);
+	$adresse_page = ereg_replace("\&?(ajouter\_lien|supprimer_lien)\=[0-9]+","",$adresse_page);
+	if (ereg("\?",$adresse_page)) $lien_url = "&";
+	else $lien_url = "?";
+	$lien_url .= "debut_liste_sites[".$n_liste_sites."]=".$debut_liste_sites[$n_liste_sites]."&";
+	$cols = 2;
+	if ($connect_statut == '0minirezo') $cols ++;
+	if ($afficher_site) $cols ++;
+	$tranches = afficher_tranches_requete($requete, $cols);
+	if (strlen($tranches)) {
+		if ($titre_table) echo "<div style='height: 12px;'></div>";
+		echo "<div class='liste'>";
+		//debut_cadre_relief("rubrique-24.gif");
+		if ($titre_table) {
+			bandeau_titre_boite2($titre_table, "site-24.gif", "#999999", "white");
+		}
+		echo "<table width=100% cellpadding=3 cellspacing=0 border=0 background=''>";
+		echo $tranches;
+		$result = spip_query($requete);
+		$table = '';
+		while ($row = spip_fetch_array($result)) {
+			$vals = '';
+			$id_syndic_article=$row["id_syndic_article"];
+			$id_syndic=$row["id_syndic"];
+			$titre=safehtml($row["titre"]);
+			$url=$row["url"];
+			$date=$row["date"];
+			$lesauteurs=typo($row["lesauteurs"]);
+			$statut=$row["statut"];
+			$descriptif=safehtml($row["descriptif"]);
+			if ($statut=='publie') {
+				if (acces_restreint_rubrique($id_rubrique))
+					$puce = 'puce-verte-anim.gif';
+				else
+					$puce='puce-verte.gif';
+			}
+			else if ($statut == "refuse") {
+					$puce = 'puce-poubelle.gif';
+			}
+			else if ($statut == "dispo") { // moderation : a valider
+					$puce = 'puce-rouge.gif';
+			}
+			else if ($statut == "off") { // feed d'un site en mode "miroir"
+					$puce = 'puce-rouge-anim.gif';
+			}
+			$s = http_img_pack($puce, $statut, "width='7' height='7' border='0'");
+			$vals[] = $s;
+			$s = "<a href='$url'>$titre</a>";
+			$date = affdate_court($date);
+			if (strlen($lesauteurs) > 0) $date = $lesauteurs.', '.$date;
+			$s.= " ($date)";
+			// Tags : d'un cote les enclosures, de l'autre les liens
+			if($e = afficher_enclosures($row['tags']))
+				$s .= ' '.$e;
+			// descriptif
+			if (strlen($descriptif) > 0)
+				$s .= "<div class='arial1'>".safehtml($descriptif)."</div>";
+			// tags
+			if ($tags = afficher_tags($row['tags']))
+				$s .= "<div style='float:$spip_lang_right;'>&nbsp;<em>"
+					. $tags . '</em></div>';
+			// source
+			if (strlen($row['url_source']))
+				$s .= "<div style='float:$spip_lang_right;'>"
+				. propre("[".$row['source']."->".$row['url_source']."]")
+				. "</div>";
+			else if (strlen($row['source']))
+				$s .= "<div style='float:$spip_lang_right;'>"
+				. typo($row['source'])
+				. "</div>";
+			$vals[] = $s;
+			// $my_sites cache les resultats des requetes sur les sites
+			if (!$my_sites[$id_syndic])
+				$my_sites[$id_syndic] = spip_fetch_array(spip_query(
+					"SELECT * FROM spip_syndic WHERE id_syndic=$id_syndic"));
+			if ($afficher_site) {
+				$aff = $my_sites[$id_syndic]['nom_site'];
+				if ($my_sites[$id_syndic]['moderation'] == 'oui')
+					$s = "<i>$aff</i>";
+				else
+					$s = $aff;
+				$s = "<a href='" . generer_url_ecrire("sites","id_syndic=$id_syndic") . "'>$aff</a>";
+				$vals[] = $s;
+			}
+			if ($connect_statut == '0minirezo'){
+				if ($statut == "publie"){
+					$s =  "[<a href='".$adresse_page.$lien_url."id_syndic=$id_syndic&supprimer_lien=$id_syndic_article'><font color='black'>"._T('info_bloquer_lien')."</font></a>]";
+				}
+				else if ($statut == "refuse"){
+					$s =  "[<a href='".$adresse_page.$lien_url."id_syndic=$id_syndic&ajouter_lien=$id_syndic_article'>"._T('info_retablir_lien')."</a>]";
+				}
+				else if ($statut == "off"
+				AND $my_sites[$id_syndic]['miroir'] == 'oui') {
+					$s = '('._T('syndic_lien_obsolete').')';
+				}
+				else /* 'dispo' ou 'off' (dans le cas ancien site 'miroir') */
+				{
+					$s = "[<a href='".$adresse_page.$lien_url."id_syndic=$id_syndic&ajouter_lien=$id_syndic_article'>"._T('info_valider_lien')."</a>]";
+				}
+				$vals[] = $s;
+			}
+			$table[] = $vals;
+		}
+		spip_free_result($result);
+		if ($afficher_site) {
+			$largeurs = array(7, '', '100');
+			$styles = array('','arial11', 'arial1');
+		} else {
+			$largeurs = array(7, '');
+			$styles = array('','arial11');
+		}
+		if ($connect_statut == '0minirezo') {
+			$largeurs[] = '80';
+			$styles[] = 'arial1';
+		}
+		afficher_liste($largeurs, $table, $styles);
+		echo "</TABLE>";
+		//fin_cadre_relief();
+		echo "</div>";
+	}
+	return $tous_id;