From e51a5706676da0d8201575ff42a97bc756ab5e0c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "Committo,Ergo:sum" <>
Date: Tue, 26 Jan 2010 13:15:59 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] =?UTF-8?q?Une=20petite=20fonction=20pour=20signaler=20(au?=
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 ecrire/inc/presentation_mini.php | 32 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 31 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/ecrire/inc/presentation_mini.php b/ecrire/inc/presentation_mini.php
index 985d395605..79a0f20e1b 100644
--- a/ecrire/inc/presentation_mini.php
+++ b/ecrire/inc/presentation_mini.php
@@ -348,6 +348,8 @@ function fin_page()
 			.  _T("access_interface_graphique")
 			. "</a></div>")
 		: ("<div id='copyright'>"
+		. info_maj ()
 			. info_copyright()
 			. "<br />"
 		 	. _T('info_copyright_doc',
@@ -393,8 +395,36 @@ function info_copyright() {
 		   array('spip' => "<b>SPIP $version</b> ",
 			 'lien_gpl' =>
 			 "<a href='". generer_url_ecrire("aide_index", "aide=licence&var_lang=$spip_lang") . "' onclick=\", 'spip_aide', 'scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,width=740,height=580'); return false;\">" . _T('info_copyright_gpl')."</a>"))
-			. $secu;
+		. $secu;
+define('_VERSIONS_SERVEUR', '');
+function info_maj ()
+	global $spip_version_branche;
+	if (!autoriser('webmestre')) return '';
+	include_spip('inc/distant');
+	if (!$page = recuperer_page(_VERSIONS_SERVEUR)) return '';
+	list($maj,$min,$rev) = preg_split('/\D+/', $spip_version_branche);
+#	list($maj,$min,$rev) = preg_split('/\D+/', '1.9.2i'); # pour test
+	// reperer toutes les versions de numero majeur superieur ou egal
+	// (a revoir quand on arrivera a SPIP V10 ...)
+	$p = substr("0123456789", intval($maj));
+	$re = ',' . _VERSIONS_SERVEUR . 'SPIP\D+([' . $p . ']+)\D+(\d+)(\D+(\d+))?[\w.-]*,';
+	preg_match_all($re, $page, $m,  PREG_SET_ORDER);
+	foreach ($m as $v) {
+		list(, $maj2, $min2,, $rev2) = $v;
+		if (($maj2 > $maj)
+		OR (($maj2 == $maj)
+			AND (($min2 > $min)
+				OR (($min2 == $min) AND ($rev2 > $rev)))))
+	    return "<br /><a style='color: red' href='" . _VERSIONS_SERVEUR . "'>" . 
+	    _L('De nouvelles_versions_de_SPIP_sont_disponibles') .
+	    '</a><br />';
+	}
+	  return "";