From 0014e6e94d2851bcc03ed6231805efee6c7ac1b5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "Committo,Ergo:sum" <>
Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2008 10:59:25 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] =?UTF-8?q?Elimination=20de=20la=20table=20principale=20de?=
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Scorie de [11089] qui empêchait contenu_document de fonctionner dans un cas.
 ecrire/inc/distant.php     |  3 ++-
 ecrire/public/boucles.php  |  7 +++----
 ecrire/public/composer.php |  2 +-
 ecrire/req/mysql.php       | 10 ++++++++--
 ecrire/req/pg.php          |  9 ++++++++-
 5 files changed, 22 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ecrire/inc/distant.php b/ecrire/inc/distant.php
index 05f989fdb5..5c82c070af 100644
--- a/ecrire/inc/distant.php
+++ b/ecrire/inc/distant.php
@@ -312,10 +312,11 @@ function fichier_copie_locale($source) {
 	// Ping  pour voir si son extension est connue et autorisee
 	$path_parts = recuperer_infos_distantes($source,0,false) ;
-	$ext = $path_part ? $path_parts['extension'] : '';
+	$ext = $path_parts ? $path_parts['extension'] : '';
 	if ($ext AND sql_getfetsel("extension", "spip_types_documents", "extension=".sql_quote($ext))) {
 		return nom_fichier_copie_locale($source, $ext);
+	spip_log("pas de copie locale pour $source");
diff --git a/ecrire/public/boucles.php b/ecrire/public/boucles.php
index a07c766582..e8bb2cbb11 100644
--- a/ecrire/public/boucles.php
+++ b/ecrire/public/boucles.php
@@ -178,10 +178,9 @@ function boucle_DOCUMENTS_dist($id_boucle, &$boucles) {
 	AND !$boucle->modificateur['criteres']['id_rubrique']
 	AND !$boucle->modificateur['criteres']['id_document']
 	) {
-		# pallier un defaut du compilo sur le AS qui se met a la fin
-		unset($boucle->from[$id_table]);
-		$boucle->from[] = "spip_documents AS `${id_table}`
-		LEFT JOIN spip_documents_articles AS a
+		# Espace avant LEFT JOIN indispensable pour insertion de AS
+		# a refaire plus proprement
+		$boucle->from[$id_table] = "spip_documents LEFT JOIN spip_documents_articles AS a
 			ON `$id_table`.id_document=a.id_document
 			LEFT JOIN spip_articles AS aa
 				ON a.id_article=aa.id_article
diff --git a/ecrire/public/composer.php b/ecrire/public/composer.php
index a18d5331eb..65a7a18ec2 100644
--- a/ecrire/public/composer.php
+++ b/ecrire/public/composer.php
@@ -518,6 +518,7 @@ function calculer_select ($select = array(), $from = array(),
 	  $e = '/\b(' . "$t\\." . join("|" . $t . '\.', $equiv) . ')\b/';
 	  if (!( count($equiv) <> 1 OR // a faire sauter un jour
+		 strpos($t, ' ') OR // jointure des le depart cf boucle_doc
 		 calculer_jointnul($t, $select, $e) OR
 		 calculer_jointnul($t, $join, $e) OR
 		 calculer_jointnul($t, $where, $e) OR
@@ -533,7 +534,6 @@ function calculer_select ($select = array(), $from = array(),
 	    $where = remplacer_jointnul($t, $where, $e);
 	    $having = remplacer_jointnul($t, $having, $e);
 	  $from[-1] = $sfrom; 
diff --git a/ecrire/req/mysql.php b/ecrire/req/mysql.php
index 4cfaad3a2d..740f925251 100644
--- a/ecrire/req/mysql.php
+++ b/ecrire/req/mysql.php
@@ -239,8 +239,14 @@ function spip_mysql_select_as($args)
 	} else $join ='';
 	$res = '';
 	foreach($args as $k => $v) {
-		$res .= ', ' . $v . (is_numeric($k) ? '' : " AS `$k`") . $join;
-		$join = '';
+	  if (!is_numeric($k)) {
+	  	$p = strpos($v, " ");
+		if ($p)
+		  $v = substr($v,0,$p) . " AS `$k`" . substr($v,$p);
+		else $v .= " AS `$k`";
+	  }
+	  $res .= ', ' . $v ;
 	return substr($res,2) . $join;
diff --git a/ecrire/req/pg.php b/ecrire/req/pg.php
index 760877c431..2a7b2a73bc 100644
--- a/ecrire/req/pg.php
+++ b/ecrire/req/pg.php
@@ -488,11 +488,18 @@ function spip_pg_select_as($args)
 	$argsas = "";
         foreach($args as $k => $v) {
 		$as = '';
+		  spip_log("$k : $v");
 		if (!is_numeric($k)) {
 			if (preg_match('/\.(.*)$/', $k, $r))
 				$v = $k;
-			elseif ($v != $k) $as = " AS $k"; 
+			elseif ($v != $k) {
+				$p = strpos($v, " ");
+				if ($p)
+				  $v = substr($v,0,$p) . " AS $k" . substr($v,$p);
+				else  $as = " AS $k"; 
+			}
+		  spip_log("subs $k : $v avec $as");
 		if (strpos($v, 'JOIN') === false)  $argsas .= ', ';
 		$argsas .= $v . $as; 