From de571ead6992cf6e95864a660533bcdc9b7015f2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: JamesRezo <>
Date: Wed, 27 Nov 2024 14:57:15 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] build: version 5.0.0 stable

---          |    2 +-
 composer.json         |    5 +-
 paquet.xml            |    4 +-
 phpstan-baseline.neon | 1315 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------
 phpstan.neon.dist     |    2 +-
 5 files changed, 923 insertions(+), 405 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ b/
index c74fbf48..a0b68b0b 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 # Changelog
-## Unreleased
+## 5.0.0 - 2025-11-27
 ### Added
diff --git a/composer.json b/composer.json
index c2adf975..f926b90c 100644
--- a/composer.json
+++ b/composer.json
@@ -17,8 +17,7 @@
     "require-dev": {
         "dealerdirect/phpcodesniffer-composer-installer": "^1.0",
         "phpcompatibility/php-compatibility": "dev-develop",
-        "phpstan/phpstan": "^1.10",
-        "rector/rector": "^0.15.23",
+        "rector/rector": "^1.2",
         "spip/coding-standards": "^1.3"
     "config": {
@@ -26,7 +25,7 @@
             "dealerdirect/phpcodesniffer-composer-installer": true
         "platform": {
-            "php": "8.2.24"
+            "php": "8.2.26"
     "extra": {
diff --git a/paquet.xml b/paquet.xml
index ead5b9f8..a5c06ba8 100644
--- a/paquet.xml
+++ b/paquet.xml
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-	version="5.0.0-dev"
-	etat="dev"
+	version="5.0.0"
+	etat="stable"
diff --git a/phpstan-baseline.neon b/phpstan-baseline.neon
index 4b5dd48f..4c4dca7e 100644
--- a/phpstan-baseline.neon
+++ b/phpstan-baseline.neon
@@ -1,1937 +1,2456 @@
-			message: "#^Function _T not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function _T not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 2
 			path: action/acceder_document.php
-			message: "#^Function _request not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function _request not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 3
 			path: action/acceder_document.php
-			message: "#^Function get_spip_doc not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function get_spip_doc not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: action/acceder_document.php
-			message: "#^Function include_spip not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function include_spip not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 6
 			path: action/acceder_document.php
-			message: "#^Function minipres not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function minipres not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 2
 			path: action/acceder_document.php
-			message: "#^Function set_spip_doc not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function set_spip_doc not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: action/acceder_document.php
-			message: "#^Function spip_livrer_fichier not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function spip_livrer_fichier not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: action/acceder_document.php
-			message: "#^Function spip_log not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function spip_log not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: action/acceder_document.php
-			message: "#^Function sql_fetsel not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function sql_fetsel not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: action/acceder_document.php
-			message: "#^Function sql_quote not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function sql_quote not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: action/acceder_document.php
-			message: "#^Function verifier_cle_action not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function verifier_cle_action not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: action/acceder_document.php
-			message: "#^Function _T not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function _T not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 6
 			path: action/ajouter_documents.php
-			message: "#^Function charger_fonction not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function charger_fonction not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 6
 			path: action/ajouter_documents.php
-			message: "#^Function copie_locale not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function copie_locale not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: action/ajouter_documents.php
-			message: "#^Function copier_document not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function copier_document not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 3
 			path: action/ajouter_documents.php
-			message: "#^Function corriger_extension not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function corriger_extension not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: action/ajouter_documents.php
-			message: "#^Function deplacer_fichier_upload not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function deplacer_fichier_upload not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 2
 			path: action/ajouter_documents.php
-			message: "#^Function effacer_repertoire_temporaire not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function effacer_repertoire_temporaire not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: action/ajouter_documents.php
-			message: "#^Function get_spip_doc not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function get_spip_doc not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 4
 			path: action/ajouter_documents.php
-			message: "#^Function include_spip not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function include_spip not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 9
 			path: action/ajouter_documents.php
-			message: "#^Function pipeline not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function pipeline not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: action/ajouter_documents.php
-			message: "#^Function set_spip_doc not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function set_spip_doc not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 2
 			path: action/ajouter_documents.php
-			message: "#^Function spip_log not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function spip_log not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 12
 			path: action/ajouter_documents.php
-			message: "#^Function spip_unlink not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function spip_unlink not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 5
 			path: action/ajouter_documents.php
-			message: "#^Function sql_fetsel not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function sql_fetsel not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 2
 			path: action/ajouter_documents.php
-			message: "#^Function sql_getfetsel not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function sql_getfetsel not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 2
 			path: action/ajouter_documents.php
-			message: "#^Function sql_quote not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function sql_quote not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 3
 			path: action/ajouter_documents.php
-			message: "#^Function supprimer_fichier not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function supprimer_fichier not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: action/ajouter_documents.php
-			message: "#^Function tester_url_absolue not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function tester_url_absolue not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: action/ajouter_documents.php
-			message: "#^Function translitteration not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function translitteration not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 2
 			path: action/ajouter_documents.php
-			message: "#^Instantiated class Spip\\\\Archiver\\\\SpipArchiver not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Instantiated class Spip\\Archiver\\SpipArchiver not found\.$#'
+			identifier: class.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: action/ajouter_documents.php
-			message: "#^Function autoriser not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function autoriser not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: action/changer_mode_document.php
-			message: "#^Function charger_fonction not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function charger_fonction not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: action/changer_mode_document.php
-			message: "#^Function include_spip not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function include_spip not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 2
 			path: action/changer_mode_document.php
-			message: "#^Function spip_log not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function spip_log not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: action/changer_mode_document.php
-			message: "#^Function _T not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function _T not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: action/copier_local.php
-			message: "#^Function charger_fonction not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function charger_fonction not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 2
 			path: action/copier_local.php
-			message: "#^Function copie_locale not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function copie_locale not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: action/copier_local.php
-			message: "#^Function include_spip not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function include_spip not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 2
 			path: action/copier_local.php
-			message: "#^Function spip_log not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function spip_log not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 4
 			path: action/copier_local.php
-			message: "#^Function spip_unlink not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function spip_unlink not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: action/copier_local.php
-			message: "#^Function sql_fetsel not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function sql_fetsel not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: action/copier_local.php
-			message: "#^Function tester_url_absolue not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function tester_url_absolue not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: action/copier_local.php
-			message: "#^Function valider_url_distante not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function valider_url_distante not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 2
 			path: action/copier_local.php
-			message: "#^Function autoriser not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function _image_extensions_logos not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: action/desordonner_liens_documents.php
-			message: "#^Function charger_fonction not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function autoriser not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: action/desordonner_liens_documents.php
-			message: "#^Function include_spip not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function charger_fonction not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: action/desordonner_liens_documents.php
-			message: "#^Function objet_qualifier_liens not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function include_spip not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
+			count: 2
+			path: action/desordonner_liens_documents.php
+		-
+			message: '#^Function objet_qualifier_liens not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: action/desordonner_liens_documents.php
-			message: "#^Function spip_log not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function spip_log not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: action/desordonner_liens_documents.php
-			message: "#^Function sql_fetch not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function sql_fetch not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: action/desordonner_liens_documents.php
-			message: "#^Function sql_in not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function sql_in not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: action/desordonner_liens_documents.php
-			message: "#^Function sql_quote not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function sql_quote not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 2
 			path: action/desordonner_liens_documents.php
-			message: "#^Function sql_select not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function sql_select not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: action/desordonner_liens_documents.php
-			message: "#^Function autoriser not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function autoriser not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: action/dissocier_document.php
-			message: "#^Function charger_fonction not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function charger_fonction not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 3
 			path: action/dissocier_document.php
-			message: "#^Function depublier_branche_rubrique_if not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function depublier_branche_rubrique_if not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: action/dissocier_document.php
-			message: "#^Function id_table_objet not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function id_table_objet not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: action/dissocier_document.php
-			message: "#^Function include_spip not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function include_spip not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 4
 			path: action/dissocier_document.php
-			message: "#^Function objet_dissocier not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function objet_dissocier not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: action/dissocier_document.php
-			message: "#^Function pipeline not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function pipeline not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: action/dissocier_document.php
-			message: "#^Function spip_log not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function spip_log not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: action/dissocier_document.php
-			message: "#^Function sql_countsel not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function sql_countsel not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: action/dissocier_document.php
-			message: "#^Function sql_fetch not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function sql_fetch not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: action/dissocier_document.php
-			message: "#^Function sql_fetsel not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function sql_fetsel not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: action/dissocier_document.php
-			message: "#^Function sql_in not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function sql_in not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: action/dissocier_document.php
-			message: "#^Function sql_quote not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function sql_quote not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 2
 			path: action/dissocier_document.php
-			message: "#^Function sql_select not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function sql_select not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: action/dissocier_document.php
-			message: "#^Function sql_updateq not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function sql_updateq not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: action/dissocier_document.php
-			message: "#^Function suivre_invalideur not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function suivre_invalideur not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: action/dissocier_document.php
-			message: "#^Function supprimer_lien_document\\(\\) should return bool but return statement is missing\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function supprimer_lien_document\(\) should return bool but return statement is missing\.$#'
+			identifier: return.missing
 			count: 1
 			path: action/dissocier_document.php
-			message: "#^Function table_objet not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function table_objet not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: action/dissocier_document.php
-			message: "#^Function table_objet_sql not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function table_objet_sql not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: action/dissocier_document.php
-			message: "#^Function autoriser not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function autoriser not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 2
 			path: action/editer_document.php
-			message: "#^Function calculer_rubriques_if not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function calculer_rubriques_if not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: action/editer_document.php
-			message: "#^Function charger_fonction not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function charger_fonction not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 2
 			path: action/editer_document.php
-			message: "#^Function collecter_requests not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function collecter_requests not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 2
 			path: action/editer_document.php
-			message: "#^Function get_spip_doc not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function get_spip_doc not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: action/editer_document.php
-			message: "#^Function include_spip not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function include_spip not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 7
 			path: action/editer_document.php
-			message: "#^Function objet_associer not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function objet_associer not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: action/editer_document.php
-			message: "#^Function objet_dissocier not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function objet_dissocier not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: action/editer_document.php
-			message: "#^Function objet_info not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function objet_info not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: action/editer_document.php
-			message: "#^Function objet_modifier_champs not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function objet_modifier_champs not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: action/editer_document.php
-			message: "#^Function objet_trouver_liens not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function objet_trouver_liens not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: action/editer_document.php
-			message: "#^Function pipeline not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function pipeline not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 4
 			path: action/editer_document.php
-			message: "#^Function spip_unlink not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function spip_unlink not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: action/editer_document.php
-			message: "#^Function sql_allfetsel not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function sql_allfetsel not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: action/editer_document.php
-			message: "#^Function sql_fetsel not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function sql_fetsel not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: action/editer_document.php
-			message: "#^Function sql_getfetsel not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function sql_getfetsel not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 2
 			path: action/editer_document.php
-			message: "#^Function sql_insertq not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function sql_insertq not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: action/editer_document.php
-			message: "#^Function sql_updateq not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function sql_updateq not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: action/editer_document.php
-			message: "#^Function suivre_invalideur not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function suivre_invalideur not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 2
 			path: action/editer_document.php
-			message: "#^Function tester_url_absolue not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function tester_url_absolue not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: action/editer_document.php
-			message: "#^Function _T not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function _T not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 4
 			path: action/ordonner_liens_documents.php
-			message: "#^Function _request not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function _request not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 4
 			path: action/ordonner_liens_documents.php
-			message: "#^Function autoriser not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function autoriser not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: action/ordonner_liens_documents.php
-			message: "#^Function include_spip not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function include_spip not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 3
 			path: action/ordonner_liens_documents.php
-			message: "#^Function objet_associable not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function objet_associable not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 2
 			path: action/ordonner_liens_documents.php
-			message: "#^Function objet_type not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function objet_type not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 2
 			path: action/ordonner_liens_documents.php
-			message: "#^Function sql_allfetsel not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function sql_allfetsel not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: action/ordonner_liens_documents.php
-			message: "#^Function sql_in not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function sql_in not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: action/ordonner_liens_documents.php
-			message: "#^Function sql_quote not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function sql_quote not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 4
 			path: action/ordonner_liens_documents.php
-			message: "#^Function sql_updateq not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function sql_updateq not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: action/ordonner_liens_documents.php
-			message: "#^Function autoriser not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function autoriser not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: action/supprimer_document.php
-			message: "#^Function charger_fonction not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function charger_fonction not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: action/supprimer_document.php
-			message: "#^Function copie_locale not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function copie_locale not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: action/supprimer_document.php
-			message: "#^Function get_spip_doc not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function get_spip_doc not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: action/supprimer_document.php
-			message: "#^Function include_spip not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function include_spip not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 5
 			path: action/supprimer_document.php
-			message: "#^Function objet_dissocier not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function objet_dissocier not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 2
 			path: action/supprimer_document.php
-			message: "#^Function pipeline not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function pipeline not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: action/supprimer_document.php
-			message: "#^Function spip_log not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function spip_log not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 3
 			path: action/supprimer_document.php
-			message: "#^Function spip_unlink not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function spip_unlink not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 2
 			path: action/supprimer_document.php
-			message: "#^Function sql_allfetsel not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function sql_allfetsel not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: action/supprimer_document.php
-			message: "#^Function sql_delete not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function sql_delete not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: action/supprimer_document.php
-			message: "#^Function sql_fetsel not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function sql_fetsel not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: action/supprimer_document.php
-			message: "#^Function sql_getfetsel not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function sql_getfetsel not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: action/supprimer_document.php
-			message: "#^Function charger_fonction not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function charger_fonction not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 2
 			path: action/supprimer_tous_orphelins.php
-			message: "#^Function include_spip not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function include_spip not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: action/supprimer_tous_orphelins.php
-			message: "#^Function sql_fetch not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function sql_fetch not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: action/supprimer_tous_orphelins.php
-			message: "#^Function sql_get_select not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function sql_get_select not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: action/supprimer_tous_orphelins.php
-			message: "#^Function sql_quote not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function sql_quote not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 3
 			path: action/supprimer_tous_orphelins.php
-			message: "#^Function sql_select not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function sql_select not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: action/supprimer_tous_orphelins.php
-			message: "#^Function action_tourner_post invoked with 1 parameter, 2 required\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function action_tourner_post invoked with 1 parameter, 2 required\.$#'
+			identifier: arguments.count
 			count: 1
 			path: action/tourner.php
-			message: "#^Function autoriser not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function autoriser not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: action/tourner.php
-			message: "#^Function charger_fonction not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function charger_fonction not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: action/tourner.php
-			message: "#^Function copie_locale not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function copie_locale not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: action/tourner.php
-			message: "#^Function deplacer_fichier_upload not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function deplacer_fichier_upload not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: action/tourner.php
-			message: "#^Function extraire_attribut not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function extraire_attribut not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 2
 			path: action/tourner.php
-			message: "#^Function filtrer not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function filtrer not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 2
 			path: action/tourner.php
-			message: "#^Function get_spip_doc not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function get_spip_doc not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: action/tourner.php
-			message: "#^Function include_spip not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function include_spip not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 6
 			path: action/tourner.php
-			message: "#^Function pipeline not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function pipeline not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: action/tourner.php
-			message: "#^Function set_spip_doc not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function set_spip_doc not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: action/tourner.php
-			message: "#^Function spip_getimagesize not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function spip_getimagesize not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: action/tourner.php
-			message: "#^Function spip_log not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function spip_log not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 4
 			path: action/tourner.php
-			message: "#^Function spip_unlink not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function spip_unlink not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: action/tourner.php
-			message: "#^Function sql_fetsel not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function sql_fetsel not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: action/tourner.php
-			message: "#^Function sql_updateq not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function sql_updateq not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: action/tourner.php
-			message: "#^Function supprimer_timestamp not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function supprimer_timestamp not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: action/tourner.php
-			message: "#^Function taille_image not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function taille_image not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: action/tourner.php
-			message: "#^Function autoriser not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function autoriser not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: action/verifier_documents_brises.php
-			message: "#^Function charger_fonction not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function charger_fonction not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: action/verifier_documents_brises.php
-			message: "#^Function get_spip_doc not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function get_spip_doc not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: action/verifier_documents_brises.php
-			message: "#^Function include_spip not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function include_spip not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 2
 			path: action/verifier_documents_brises.php
-			message: "#^Function sql_fetch not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function sql_fetch not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: action/verifier_documents_brises.php
-			message: "#^Function sql_select not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function sql_select not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: action/verifier_documents_brises.php
-			message: "#^Function sql_updateq not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function sql_updateq not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: action/verifier_documents_brises.php
-			message: "#^Function charger_fonction not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function charger_fonction not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: action/verifier_documents_liens.php
-			message: "#^Function include_spip not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function include_spip not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: action/verifier_documents_liens.php
-			message: "#^Function objet_optimiser_liens not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function objet_optimiser_liens not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: action/verifier_documents_liens.php
-			message: "#^Function charger_fonction not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function charger_fonction not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: base/medias.php
-			message: "#^Function include_spip not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function include_spip not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 3
 			path: base/medias.php
-			message: "#^Function objet_optimiser_liens not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function objet_optimiser_liens not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: base/medias.php
-			message: "#^Function sql_allfetsel not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function sql_allfetsel not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: base/medias.php
-			message: "#^Function sql_fetch not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function sql_fetch not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: base/medias.php
-			message: "#^Function sql_in not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function sql_in not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: base/medias.php
-			message: "#^Function sql_insertq_multi not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function sql_insertq_multi not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: base/medias.php
-			message: "#^Function sql_quote not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function sql_quote not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: base/medias.php
-			message: "#^Function sql_select not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function sql_select not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: base/medias.php
-			message: "#^Function sql_updateq not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function sql_updateq not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: base/medias.php
-			message: "#^Function _T not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function _T not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: formulaires/configurer_documents.php
-			message: "#^Function _request not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function _request not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 2
 			path: formulaires/configurer_documents.php
-			message: "#^Function ecrire_meta not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function ecrire_meta not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 2
 			path: formulaires/configurer_documents.php
-			message: "#^Function _T not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function _T not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 3
 			path: formulaires/editer_document.php
-			message: "#^Function _request not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function _image_extensions_acceptees_en_entree not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
+			count: 1
+			path: formulaires/editer_document.php
+		-
+			message: '#^Function _request not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 21
 			path: formulaires/editer_document.php
-			message: "#^Function affdate not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function affdate not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 2
 			path: formulaires/editer_document.php
-			message: "#^Function autoriser not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function autoriser not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 2
 			path: formulaires/editer_document.php
-			message: "#^Function charger_fonction not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function charger_fonction not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 5
 			path: formulaires/editer_document.php
-			message: "#^Function formulaires_editer_objet_charger not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function formulaires_editer_objet_charger not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: formulaires/editer_document.php
-			message: "#^Function formulaires_editer_objet_traiter not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function formulaires_editer_objet_traiter not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: formulaires/editer_document.php
-			message: "#^Function formulaires_editer_objet_verifier not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function formulaires_editer_objet_verifier not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: formulaires/editer_document.php
-			message: "#^Function get_spip_doc not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function get_spip_doc not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 3
 			path: formulaires/editer_document.php
-			message: "#^Function include_spip not found\\.$#"
-			count: 5
+			message: '#^Function include_spip not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
+			count: 6
 			path: formulaires/editer_document.php
-			message: "#^Function lire_config not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function lire_config not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 2
 			path: formulaires/editer_document.php
-			message: "#^Function recup_date not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function recup_date not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: formulaires/editer_document.php
-			message: "#^Function set_request not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function set_request not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 9
 			path: formulaires/editer_document.php
-			message: "#^Function spip_unlink not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function spip_unlink not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: formulaires/editer_document.php
-			message: "#^Function sql_allfetsel not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function sql_allfetsel not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: formulaires/editer_document.php
-			message: "#^Function sql_fetsel not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function sql_fetsel not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: formulaires/editer_document.php
-			message: "#^Function sql_getfetsel not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function sql_getfetsel not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 2
 			path: formulaires/editer_document.php
-			message: "#^Function sql_quote not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function sql_quote not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: formulaires/editer_document.php
-			message: "#^Function tester_url_absolue not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function tester_url_absolue not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: formulaires/editer_document.php
-			message: "#^Function _T not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function _T not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 3
 			path: formulaires/illustrer_document.php
-			message: "#^Function _request not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function _request not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 2
 			path: formulaires/illustrer_document.php
-			message: "#^Function autoriser not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function autoriser not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: formulaires/illustrer_document.php
-			message: "#^Function charger_fonction not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function charger_fonction not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 3
 			path: formulaires/illustrer_document.php
-			message: "#^Function get_spip_doc not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function get_spip_doc not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: formulaires/illustrer_document.php
-			message: "#^Function include_spip not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function include_spip not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 3
 			path: formulaires/illustrer_document.php
-			message: "#^Function sql_fetsel not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function sql_fetsel not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 2
 			path: formulaires/illustrer_document.php
-			message: "#^Function sql_getfetsel not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function sql_getfetsel not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 2
 			path: formulaires/illustrer_document.php
-			message: "#^Function _T not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function _T not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 9
 			path: formulaires/joindre_document.php
-			message: "#^Function _request not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function _request not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 6
 			path: formulaires/joindre_document.php
-			message: "#^Function attribut_html not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function attribut_html not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: formulaires/joindre_document.php
-			message: "#^Function autoriser not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function autoriser not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 2
 			path: formulaires/joindre_document.php
-			message: "#^Function charger_fonction not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function charger_fonction not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: formulaires/joindre_document.php
-			message: "#^Function corriger_extension not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function corriger_extension not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: formulaires/joindre_document.php
-			message: "#^Function date_interface not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function date_interface not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: formulaires/joindre_document.php
-			message: "#^Function determine_upload not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function determine_upload not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: formulaires/joindre_document.php
-			message: "#^Function effacer_repertoire_temporaire not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function effacer_repertoire_temporaire not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 2
 			path: formulaires/joindre_document.php
-			message: "#^Function include_spip not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function include_spip not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 7
 			path: formulaires/joindre_document.php
-			message: "#^Function joli_repertoire not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function joli_repertoire not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: formulaires/joindre_document.php
-			message: "#^Function preg_files not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function preg_files not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: formulaires/joindre_document.php
-			message: "#^Function recuperer_fond not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function recuperer_fond not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: formulaires/joindre_document.php
-			message: "#^Function set_request not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function set_request not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: formulaires/joindre_document.php
-			message: "#^Function singulier_ou_pluriel not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function singulier_ou_pluriel not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 2
 			path: formulaires/joindre_document.php
-			message: "#^Function sql_fetsel not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function sql_fetsel not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: formulaires/joindre_document.php
-			message: "#^Function sql_getfetsel not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function sql_getfetsel not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 2
 			path: formulaires/joindre_document.php
-			message: "#^Function table_objet_sql not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function table_objet_sql not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: formulaires/joindre_document.php
-			message: "#^Function taille_en_octets not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function taille_en_octets not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: formulaires/joindre_document.php
-			message: "#^Function test_espace_prive not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function test_espace_prive not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: formulaires/joindre_document.php
-			message: "#^Function translitteration not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function translitteration not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: formulaires/joindre_document.php
-			message: "#^Function charger_fonction not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function include_spip not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
+			count: 1
+			path: genie/medias_nettoyer_repertoire_upload.php
+		-
+			message: '#^Function purger_repertoire not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
+			count: 1
+			path: genie/medias_nettoyer_repertoire_upload.php
+		-
+			message: '#^Function charger_fonction not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: inc/determiner_statut_document.php
-			message: "#^Function include_spip not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function include_spip not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: inc/determiner_statut_document.php
-			message: "#^Function objet_test_si_publie not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function objet_test_si_publie not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: inc/determiner_statut_document.php
-			message: "#^Function sql_fetch not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function sql_fetch not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: inc/determiner_statut_document.php
-			message: "#^Function sql_fetsel not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function sql_fetsel not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: inc/determiner_statut_document.php
-			message: "#^Function sql_select not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function sql_select not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: inc/determiner_statut_document.php
-			message: "#^Function charger_fonction not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function charger_fonction not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: inc/documenter_objet.php
-			message: "#^Function id_table_objet not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function id_table_objet not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: inc/documenter_objet.php
-			message: "#^Function recuperer_fond not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function recuperer_fond not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: inc/documenter_objet.php
-			message: "#^Function sql_fetsel not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function sql_fetsel not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: inc/documenter_objet.php
-			message: "#^Function table_objet not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function table_objet not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: inc/documenter_objet.php
-			message: "#^Function table_objet_sql not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function table_objet_sql not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: inc/documenter_objet.php
-			message: "#^Function test_espace_prive not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function test_espace_prive not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: inc/documenter_objet.php
-			message: "#^Function _T not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function _T not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: inc/documents.php
-			message: "#^Function attribut_html not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function attribut_html not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 2
 			path: inc/documents.php
-			message: "#^Function autoriser not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function autoriser not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 2
 			path: inc/documents.php
-			message: "#^Function calculer_cle_action not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function calculer_cle_action not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: inc/documents.php
-			message: "#^Function charger_fonction not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function charger_fonction not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: inc/documents.php
-			message: "#^Function copie_locale not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function copie_locale not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 3
 			path: inc/documents.php
-			message: "#^Function couper not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function couper not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: inc/documents.php
-			message: "#^Function document_spip_externe not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function document_spip_externe not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: inc/documents.php
-			message: "#^Function formats_image_acceptables not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function formats_image_acceptables not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: inc/documents.php
-			message: "#^Function generer_url_action not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function generer_url_action not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: inc/documents.php
-			message: "#^Function get_spip_doc not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function get_spip_doc not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 3
 			path: inc/documents.php
-			message: "#^Function image_reduire not found\\.$#"
-			count: 2
+			message: '#^Function image_reduire not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
+			count: 1
 			path: inc/documents.php
-			message: "#^Function importer_charset not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function importer_charset not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 2
 			path: inc/documents.php
-			message: "#^Function include_spip not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function include_spip not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 9
 			path: inc/documents.php
-			message: "#^Function inserer_attribut not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function inserer_attribut not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 2
 			path: inc/documents.php
-			message: "#^Function is_utf8 not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function is_utf8 not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: inc/documents.php
-			message: "#^Function spip_file_get_contents not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function spip_file_get_contents not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: inc/documents.php
-			message: "#^Function spip_getimagesize not found\\.$#"
-			count: 2
+			message: '#^Function spip_getimagesize not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
+			count: 1
 			path: inc/documents.php
-			message: "#^Function sql_fetsel not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function sql_fetsel not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 3
 			path: inc/documents.php
-			message: "#^Function sql_quote not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function sql_quote not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: inc/documents.php
-			message: "#^Function supprimer_tags not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function supprimer_tags not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: inc/documents.php
-			message: "#^Function taille_en_octets not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function taille_en_octets not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: inc/documents.php
-			message: "#^Function test_espace_prive not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function test_espace_prive not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: inc/documents.php
-			message: "#^Function typo not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function typo not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: inc/documents.php
-			message: "#^Function _T not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function _T not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 2
 			path: inc/getdocument.php
-			message: "#^Function include_spip not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function include_spip not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 2
 			path: inc/getdocument.php
-			message: "#^Function minipres not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function minipres not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: inc/getdocument.php
-			message: "#^Function taille_en_octets not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function taille_en_octets not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: inc/getdocument.php
-			message: "#^Function _T not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function _T not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 15
 			path: inc/joindre_document.php
-			message: "#^Function _request not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function _request not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 11
 			path: inc/joindre_document.php
-			message: "#^Function accepte_fichier_upload\\(\\) should return bool\\|int but return statement is missing\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function accepte_fichier_upload\(\) should return bool\|int but return statement is missing\.$#'
+			identifier: return.missing
 			count: 1
 			path: inc/joindre_document.php
-			message: "#^Function copier_document not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function copier_document not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: inc/joindre_document.php
-			message: "#^Function corriger_extension not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function corriger_extension not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 2
 			path: inc/joindre_document.php
-			message: "#^Function creer_repertoire_documents not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function creer_repertoire_documents not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: inc/joindre_document.php
-			message: "#^Function determine_upload not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function determine_upload not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: inc/joindre_document.php
-			message: "#^Function include_spip not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function include_spip not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 9
 			path: inc/joindre_document.php
-			message: "#^Function preg_files not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function preg_files not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: inc/joindre_document.php
-			message: "#^Function propre not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function propre not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: inc/joindre_document.php
-			message: "#^Function session_set not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function session_set not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: inc/joindre_document.php
-			message: "#^Function sous_repertoire not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function sous_repertoire not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: inc/joindre_document.php
-			message: "#^Function spip_log not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function spip_log not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 2
 			path: inc/joindre_document.php
-			message: "#^Function sql_countsel not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function sql_countsel not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: inc/joindre_document.php
-			message: "#^Function sql_fetsel not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function sql_fetsel not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 2
 			path: inc/joindre_document.php
-			message: "#^Function sql_quote not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function sql_quote not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 3
 			path: inc/joindre_document.php
-			message: "#^Function valider_url_distante not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function valider_url_distante not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: inc/joindre_document.php
-			message: "#^Instantiated class Spip\\\\Archiver\\\\SpipArchiver not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Instantiated class Spip\\Archiver\\SpipArchiver not found\.$#'
+			identifier: class.notFound
 			count: 2
 			path: inc/joindre_document.php
-			message: "#^Function charger_fonction not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function charger_fonction not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: inc/marquer_doublons_doc.php
-			message: "#^Function include_spip not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function include_spip not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 4
 			path: inc/marquer_doublons_doc.php
-			message: "#^Function lister_tables_objets_sql not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function lister_tables_objets_sql not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: inc/marquer_doublons_doc.php
-			message: "#^Function objet_associer not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function objet_associer not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: inc/marquer_doublons_doc.php
-			message: "#^Function objet_qualifier_liens not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function objet_qualifier_liens not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 2
 			path: inc/marquer_doublons_doc.php
-			message: "#^Function objet_trouver_liens not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function objet_trouver_liens not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: inc/marquer_doublons_doc.php
-			message: "#^Function sql_allfetsel not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function sql_allfetsel not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: inc/marquer_doublons_doc.php
-			message: "#^Function sql_fetsel not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function sql_fetsel not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: inc/marquer_doublons_doc.php
-			message: "#^Function sql_in not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function sql_in not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: inc/marquer_doublons_doc.php
-			message: "#^Function sql_quote not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function sql_quote not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: inc/marquer_doublons_doc.php
-			message: "#^Function traiter_modeles not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function traiter_modeles not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: inc/marquer_doublons_doc.php
-			message: "#^Function _T not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function _T not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 3
 			path: inc/renseigner_document.php
-			message: "#^Function charger_fonction not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function charger_fonction not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 3
 			path: inc/renseigner_document.php
-			message: "#^Function include_spip not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function include_spip not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 2
 			path: inc/renseigner_document.php
-			message: "#^Function objet_info not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function objet_info not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: inc/renseigner_document.php
-			message: "#^Function pipeline not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function pipeline not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 2
 			path: inc/renseigner_document.php
-			message: "#^Function recuperer_infos_distantes not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function recuperer_infos_distantes not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: inc/renseigner_document.php
-			message: "#^Function recuperer_url not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function recuperer_url not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: inc/renseigner_document.php
-			message: "#^Function set_spip_doc not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function set_spip_doc not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: inc/renseigner_document.php
-			message: "#^Function spip_log not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function spip_log not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 2
 			path: inc/renseigner_document.php
-			message: "#^Function sql_getfetsel not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function sql_getfetsel not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: inc/renseigner_document.php
-			message: "#^Function sql_quote not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function sql_quote not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: inc/renseigner_document.php
-			message: "#^Function _T not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function _T not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 2
 			path: inc/verifier_document_mode_image.php
-			message: "#^Function _T not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function _T not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 2
 			path: inc/verifier_document_mode_vignette.php
-			message: "#^Function _T not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function _T not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 7
 			path: inc/verifier_taille_document_acceptable.php
-			message: "#^Function extraire_attribut not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function extraire_attribut not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: inc/verifier_taille_document_acceptable.php
-			message: "#^Function filtrer not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function filtrer not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: inc/verifier_taille_document_acceptable.php
-			message: "#^Function include_spip not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function include_spip not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: inc/verifier_taille_document_acceptable.php
-			message: "#^Function spip_log not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function spip_log not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 2
 			path: inc/verifier_taille_document_acceptable.php
-			message: "#^Function spip_unlink not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function spip_unlink not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: inc/verifier_taille_document_acceptable.php
-			message: "#^Function supprimer_timestamp not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function supprimer_timestamp not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: inc/verifier_taille_document_acceptable.php
-			message: "#^Function taille_en_octets not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function taille_en_octets not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 2
 			path: inc/verifier_taille_document_acceptable.php
-			message: "#^Function taille_image not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function taille_image not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: inc/verifier_taille_document_acceptable.php
-			message: "#^Function charger_fonction not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function charger_fonction not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: inc/vignette.php
-			message: "#^Function find_in_path not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function find_in_path not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: inc/vignette.php
-			message: "#^Function spip_getimagesize not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function spip_getimagesize not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: inc/vignette.php
-			message: "#^Function charger_fonction not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function charger_fonction not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 2
 			path: medias_administrations.php
-			message: "#^Function ecrire_meta not found\\.$#"
-			count: 2
+			message: '#^Function ecrire_meta not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
+			count: 3
 			path: medias_administrations.php
-			message: "#^Function include_spip not found\\.$#"
-			count: 4
+			message: '#^Function effacer_meta not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
+			count: 3
 			path: medias_administrations.php
-			message: "#^Function lister_tables_objets_sql not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function exif_determiner_si_portrait not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: medias_administrations.php
-			message: "#^Function logo_migrer_en_base not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function include_spip not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
+			count: 6
+			path: medias_administrations.php
+		-
+			message: '#^Function lister_tables_objets_sql not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
+			count: 1
+			path: medias_administrations.php
+		-
+			message: '#^Function logo_migrer_en_base not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
+			count: 1
+			path: medias_administrations.php
+		-
+			message: '#^Function maj_plugin not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: medias_administrations.php
-			message: "#^Function maj_plugin not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function objet_type not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: medias_administrations.php
-			message: "#^Function objet_type not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function spip_getimagesize not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: medias_administrations.php
-			message: "#^Function sql_allfetsel not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function spip_logger not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 2
 			path: medias_administrations.php
-			message: "#^Function sql_fetch not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function sql_allfetsel not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
+			count: 3
+			path: medias_administrations.php
+		-
+			message: '#^Function sql_fetch not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
+			count: 1
+			path: medias_administrations.php
+		-
+			message: '#^Function sql_getfetsel not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: medias_administrations.php
-			message: "#^Function sql_getfetsel not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function sql_in not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: medias_administrations.php
-			message: "#^Function sql_quote not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function sql_quote not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 6
 			path: medias_administrations.php
-			message: "#^Function sql_select not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function sql_select not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: medias_administrations.php
-			message: "#^Function sql_update not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function sql_update not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 2
 			path: medias_administrations.php
-			message: "#^Function sql_updateq not found\\.$#"
-			count: 1
+			message: '#^Function sql_updateq not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
+			count: 2
 			path: medias_administrations.php
-			message: "#^Function autoriser not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function _image_extensions_acceptees_en_entree not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
+			count: 1
+			path: medias_autoriser.php
+		-
+			message: '#^Function autoriser not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 11
 			path: medias_autoriser.php
-			message: "#^Function autoriser_orphelins_supprimer_dist\\(\\) should return bool but return statement is missing\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function autoriser_orphelins_supprimer_dist\(\) should return bool but return statement is missing\.$#'
+			identifier: return.missing
 			count: 1
 			path: medias_autoriser.php
-			message: "#^Function id_table_objet not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function id_table_objet not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: medias_autoriser.php
-			message: "#^Function include_spip not found\\.$#"
-			count: 1
+			message: '#^Function include_spip not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
+			count: 2
 			path: medias_autoriser.php
-			message: "#^Function lire_config not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function lire_config not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: medias_autoriser.php
-			message: "#^Function sql_allfetsel not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function sql_allfetsel not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: medias_autoriser.php
-			message: "#^Function sql_countsel not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function sql_countsel not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 2
 			path: medias_autoriser.php
-			message: "#^Function sql_fetch not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function sql_fetch not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: medias_autoriser.php
-			message: "#^Function sql_fetsel not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function sql_fetsel not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: medias_autoriser.php
-			message: "#^Function sql_getfetsel not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function sql_getfetsel not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 5
 			path: medias_autoriser.php
-			message: "#^Function sql_quote not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function sql_quote not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: medias_autoriser.php
-			message: "#^Function sql_select not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function sql_select not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: medias_autoriser.php
-			message: "#^Function table_objet_sql not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function table_objet_sql not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 2
 			path: medias_autoriser.php
-			message: "#^Function _T not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function _T not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 10
 			path: medias_fonctions.php
-			message: "#^Function attribut_html not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function attribut_html not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: medias_fonctions.php
-			message: "#^Function calculer_boucle not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function calculer_boucle not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: medias_fonctions.php
-			message: "#^Function charger_filtre not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function charger_filtre not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: medias_fonctions.php
-			message: "#^Function charger_fonction not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function charger_fonction not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: medias_fonctions.php
-			message: "#^Function http_img_pack not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function http_img_pack not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: medias_fonctions.php
-			message: "#^Function include_spip not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function include_spip not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: medias_fonctions.php
-			message: "#^Function minipres not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function minipres not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: medias_fonctions.php
-			message: "#^Function pipeline not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function pipeline not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 2
 			path: medias_fonctions.php
-			message: "#^Function session_set not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function session_set not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: medias_fonctions.php
-			message: "#^Function spip_strlen not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function spip_strlen not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: medias_fonctions.php
-			message: "#^Function sql_fetsel not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function sql_fetsel not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: medias_fonctions.php
-			message: "#^Function sql_get_select not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function sql_get_select not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: medias_fonctions.php
-			message: "#^Function sql_serveur not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function sql_serveur not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: medias_fonctions.php
-			message: "#^Function test_espace_prive not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function test_espace_prive not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: medias_fonctions.php
-			message: "#^Function textebrut not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function textebrut not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: medias_fonctions.php
-			message: "#^Function trouve_modele not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function trouve_modele not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 4
 			path: medias_fonctions.php
-			message: "#^Function _T not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function _T not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: medias_ieconfig.php
-			message: "#^Function autoriser not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function autoriser not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 3
 			path: medias_pipelines.php
-			message: "#^Function charger_fonction not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function charger_fonction not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 3
 			path: medias_pipelines.php
-			message: "#^Function id_table_objet not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function id_table_objet not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 2
 			path: medias_pipelines.php
-			message: "#^Function include_spip not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function include_spip not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 9
 			path: medias_pipelines.php
-			message: "#^Function lire_config not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function lire_config not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: medias_pipelines.php
-			message: "#^Function objet_associer not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function objet_associer not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: medias_pipelines.php
-			message: "#^Function objet_trouver_liens not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function objet_trouver_liens not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 2
 			path: medias_pipelines.php
-			message: "#^Function objet_type not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function objet_type not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 2
 			path: medias_pipelines.php
-			message: "#^Function recuperer_fond not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function recuperer_fond not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 2
 			path: medias_pipelines.php
-			message: "#^Function singulier_ou_pluriel not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function singulier_ou_pluriel not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: medias_pipelines.php
-			message: "#^Function sql_allfetsel not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function sql_allfetsel not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: medias_pipelines.php
-			message: "#^Function sql_countsel not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function sql_countsel not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 3
 			path: medias_pipelines.php
-			message: "#^Function sql_delete not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function sql_delete not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: medias_pipelines.php
-			message: "#^Function sql_fetch not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function sql_fetch not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: medias_pipelines.php
-			message: "#^Function sql_in not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function sql_in not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: medias_pipelines.php
-			message: "#^Function sql_quote not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function sql_quote not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 4
 			path: medias_pipelines.php
-			message: "#^Function sql_select not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function sql_select not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: medias_pipelines.php
-			message: "#^Function sql_updateq not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function sql_updateq not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: medias_pipelines.php
-			message: "#^Function table_objet not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function table_objet not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: medias_pipelines.php
-			message: "#^Function table_objet_sql not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function table_objet_sql not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: medias_pipelines.php
-			message: "#^Function trouver_objet_exec not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function trouver_objet_exec not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: medias_pipelines.php
-			message: "#^Function autoriser not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function autoriser not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: metadata/html.php
-			message: "#^Function ecrire_fichier not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function ecrire_fichier not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: metadata/html.php
-			message: "#^Function include_spip not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function include_spip not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 2
 			path: metadata/html.php
-			message: "#^Function safehtml not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function safehtml not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: metadata/html.php
-			message: "#^Function spip_file_get_contents not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function spip_file_get_contents not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: metadata/html.php
-			message: "#^Function spip_getimagesize not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function spip_getimagesize not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: metadata/image.php
-			message: "#^Function charger_fonction not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function charger_fonction not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: metadata/swf.php
-			message: "#^Function _T not found\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: modeles/document_case_fonctions.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Function include_spip not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function include_spip not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: modeles/document_case_fonctions.php
-			message: "#^Function include_spip not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function include_spip not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: modeles/document_desc_fonctions.php
-			message: "#^Function include_spip not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function include_spip not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: prive/squelettes/inclure/ajouter-documents_fonctions.php
-			message: "#^Function sql_allfetsel not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function sql_allfetsel not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: prive/squelettes/inclure/mediatheque-navigation_fonctions.php
-			message: "#^Function sql_quote not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function sql_quote not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: prive/squelettes/inclure/mediatheque-navigation_fonctions.php
-			message: "#^Function chemin_image not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function chemin_image not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: puce_statut/document.php
-			message: "#^Function include_spip not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Access to an undefined property MediasMigrerDimensionsImagesExif\:\:\$io\.$#'
+			identifier: property.notFound
+			count: 7
+			path: spip-cli/MediasMigrerDimensionsImagesExif.php
+		-
+			message: '#^Access to undefined constant MediasMigrerDimensionsImagesExif\:\:SUCCESS\.$#'
+			identifier: classConstant.notFound
+			count: 1
+			path: spip-cli/MediasMigrerDimensionsImagesExif.php
+		-
+			message: '#^Call to an undefined method MediasMigrerDimensionsImagesExif\:\:setName\(\)\.$#'
+			identifier: method.notFound
+			count: 1
+			path: spip-cli/MediasMigrerDimensionsImagesExif.php
+		-
+			message: '#^Function effacer_meta not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
+			count: 1
+			path: spip-cli/MediasMigrerDimensionsImagesExif.php
+		-
+			message: '#^Function exif_determiner_si_portrait not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
+			count: 1
+			path: spip-cli/MediasMigrerDimensionsImagesExif.php
+		-
+			message: '#^Function include_spip not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
+			count: 2
+			path: spip-cli/MediasMigrerDimensionsImagesExif.php
+		-
+			message: '#^Function spip_getimagesize not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
+			count: 1
+			path: spip-cli/MediasMigrerDimensionsImagesExif.php
+		-
+			message: '#^Function spip_timer not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
+			count: 2
+			path: spip-cli/MediasMigrerDimensionsImagesExif.php
+		-
+			message: '#^Function sql_allfetsel not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
+			count: 1
+			path: spip-cli/MediasMigrerDimensionsImagesExif.php
+		-
+			message: '#^Function sql_in not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
+			count: 1
+			path: spip-cli/MediasMigrerDimensionsImagesExif.php
+		-
+			message: '#^Function sql_updateq not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
+			count: 1
+			path: spip-cli/MediasMigrerDimensionsImagesExif.php
+		-
+			message: '#^Parameter \$input of method MediasMigrerDimensionsImagesExif\:\:execute\(\) has invalid type Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Input\\InputInterface\.$#'
+			identifier: class.notFound
+			count: 1
+			path: spip-cli/MediasMigrerDimensionsImagesExif.php
+		-
+			message: '#^Parameter \$output of method MediasMigrerDimensionsImagesExif\:\:execute\(\) has invalid type Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Output\\OutputInterface\.$#'
+			identifier: class.notFound
+			count: 1
+			path: spip-cli/MediasMigrerDimensionsImagesExif.php
+		-
+			message: '#^Function include_spip not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: urls/generer_url_document.php
-			message: "#^Function include_spip not found\\.$#"
+			message: '#^Function include_spip not found\.$#'
+			identifier: function.notFound
 			count: 1
 			path: urls/generer_url_ecrire_document.php
diff --git a/phpstan.neon.dist b/phpstan.neon.dist
index 072ce7ab..3de314af 100644
--- a/phpstan.neon.dist
+++ b/phpstan.neon.dist
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ includes:
 	- phpstan-baseline.neon
-	phpVersion: 080100
+	phpVersion: 080200
 		- .