Bifurcation depuis
spip / spip
12426 validations de retard le dépôt en amont.
renato a rédigé
ajoute la classe pas_surlignable a le body du page de recherche pour ne pas surligner les resultats; maintenaint on surligne pas que les mots de 3 chars ou plus; le script de surligne ne separe pas le mots d'une phrase entre guillemets
renato a rédigéajoute la classe pas_surlignable a le body du page de recherche pour ne pas surligner les resultats; maintenaint on surligne pas que les mots de 3 chars ou plus; le script de surligne ne separe pas le mots d'une phrase entre guillemets
SearchHighlight.js 8,47 Kio
* SearchHighlight plugin for jQuery
* Thanks to Scott Yang <>
* for the original idea and some code
* @author Renato Formato <>
* @version 0.34
* Options
* - exact (string, default:"exact")
* "exact" : find and highlight the exact words.
* "whole" : find partial matches but highlight whole words
* "partial": find and highlight partial matches
* - style_name (string, default:'hilite')
* The class given to the span wrapping the matched words.
* - style_name_suffix (boolean, default:true)
* If true a different number is added to style_name for every different matched word.
* - debug_referrer (string, default:null)
* Set a referrer for debugging purpose.
* - engines (array of regex, default:null)
* Add a new search engine regex to highlight searches coming from new search engines.
* The first element is the regex to match the domain.
* The second element is the regex to match the query string.
* Ex: [/^http:\/\/my\.site\.net/i,/search=([^&]+)/i]
* - highlight (string, default:null)
* A jQuery selector or object to set the elements enabled for highlight.
* If null or no elements are found, all the document is enabled for highlight.
* - nohighlight (string, default:null)
* A jQuery selector or object to set the elements not enabled for highlight.
* This option has priority on highlight.
* - keys (string, default:null)
* Disable the analisys of the referrer and search for the words given as argument
* - min_length (number, defalt:null)
* Set the minimun length of a key
jQuery.fn.SearchHighlight = function(options) {
var ref = options.debug_referrer || document.referrer;
if(!ref && options.keys==undefined) return this;
SearchHighlight.options = $.extend({exact:"exact",style_name:'hilite',style_name_suffix:true},options);
if(options.engines) SearchHighlight.engines.unshift(options.engines);
var q = SearchHighlight.splitKeywords(options.keys!=undefined?options.keys.toLowerCase():SearchHighlight.decodeURL(ref,SearchHighlight.engines));
if(q && q.join("")) {
if(!SearchHighlight.regex) return this;
return this.each(function(){
var el = this;
if(el==document) el = $("body")[0];
} else return this;
var SearchHighlight = {
options: {},
regex: null,
engines: [
[/^http:\/\/(www\.)?google\./i, /q=([^&]+)/i], // Google
[/^http:\/\/(www\.)?search\.yahoo\./i, /p=([^&]+)/i], // Yahoo
[/^http:\/\/(www\.)?search\.msn\./i, /q=([^&]+)/i], // MSN
[/^http:\/\/(www\.)?search\.live\./i, /query=([^&]+)/i], // MSN Live
[/^http:\/\/(www\.)?search\.aol\./i, /userQuery=([^&]+)/i], // AOL
[/^http:\/\/(www\.)?ask\.com/i, /q=([^&]+)/i], //
[/^http:\/\/(www\.)?altavista\./i, /q=([^&]+)/i], // AltaVista
[/^http:\/\/(www\.)?feedster\./i, /q=([^&]+)/i], // Feedster
[/^http:\/\/(www\.)?search\.lycos\./i, /q=([^&]+)/i], // Lycos
[/^http:\/\/(www\.)?alltheweb\./i, /q=([^&]+)/i], // AllTheWeb
[/^http:\/\/(www\.)?technorati\.com/i, /([^\?\/]+)(?:\?.*)$/i] // Technorati
subs: {},
decodeURL: function(URL,reg) {
//try to properly escape not UTF-8 URI encoded chars
try {
URL = decodeURIComponent(URL);
} catch (e) {
URL = unescape(URL);
var query = null;
if(n[0].test(URL)) {
var match = URL.match(n[1]);
if(match) {
query = match[1].toLowerCase();
return false;
return query;
splitKeywords: function(query) {
if(query) {
//do not split keywords enclosed by "
var m = query.match(/"([^"]*)"/g);
for(var i=0, ml=m.length;i<ml;i++) {
var regex = new RegExp(m[i]);
query = query.replace(regex,'@@@'+i+'@@@');
query = query.split(/[\s,\+\.]+/);
for(var i=0,l = query.length;i<l;i++) {
for(var j=0, ml=m.length;j<ml;j++) {
var regex = new RegExp("@@@"+j+"@@@");
query[i] = query[i].replace(regex,m[j].substring(1,m[j].length-1))
return query;
regexAccent : [
matchAccent : /[\x91\x92\xC0-\xC5\xC7-\xCF\xD1-\xD6\xD8-\xDC\xFF\u0100-\u010D\u015A-\u0167\u2018\u2019]/ig,
replaceAccent: function(q) {
SearchHighlight.matchAccent.lastIndex = 0;
if(SearchHighlight.matchAccent.test(q)) {
for(var i=0,l=SearchHighlight.regexAccent.length;i<l;i++)
q = q.replace(SearchHighlight.regexAccent[i][0],SearchHighlight.regexAccent[i][1]);
return q;
escapeRegEx : /((?:\\{2})*)([[\]{}*?|])/g, //the special chars . and + are already gone at this point because they are considered split chars
buildReplaceTools : function(query) {
var re = [], regex;
if(SearchHighlight.options.min_length && n.length>=SearchHighlight.options.min_length)
if(n = SearchHighlight.replaceAccent(n).replace(SearchHighlight.escapeRegEx,"$1\\$2"))
if(!re.length) return;
regex = re.join("|");
switch(SearchHighlight.options.exact) {
case "exact":
regex = '\\b(?:'+regex+')\\b';
case "whole":
regex = '\\b\\w*('+regex+')\\w*\\b';
SearchHighlight.regex = new RegExp(regex, "gi");
SearchHighlight.subs[n] = SearchHighlight.options.style_name+
nosearch: /s(?:cript|tyle)|textarea/i,
hiliteElement: function(el) {
var opt = SearchHighlight.options, elHighlight, noHighlight;
elHighlight = opt.highlight?$(opt.highlight):$("body");
if(!elHighlight.length) elHighlight = $("body");
noHighlight = opt.nohighlight?$(opt.nohighlight):$([]);
hiliteTree : function(el,noHighlight) {
if(noHighlight.index(el)!=-1) return;
var matchIndex = SearchHighlight.options.exact=="whole"?1:0;
for(var startIndex=0,endIndex=el.childNodes.length;startIndex<endIndex;startIndex++) {
var item = el.childNodes[startIndex];
if ( item.nodeType != 8 ) {//comment node
//text node
if(item.nodeType==3) {
var text =, textNoAcc = SearchHighlight.replaceAccent(text);
var newtext="",match,index=0;
SearchHighlight.regex.lastIndex = 0;
while(match = SearchHighlight.regex.exec(textNoAcc)) {
newtext += text.substr(index,match.index-index)+'<span class="'+
index = match.index+match[0].length;
if(newtext) {
//add the last part of the text
newtext += text.substring(index);
var repl = $.merge([],$("<span>"+newtext+"</span>")[0].childNodes);
endIndex += repl.length-1;
startIndex += repl.length-1;
} else {
if(item.nodeType==1 &&