3 warning si lien vers un doc inexistant dans 1 article
SPIP 4.2.6 + AR 6.0.1 avec PHP 8.2
Dans un article, je fais juste [->doc300000] et quand j'enregistre (ou que je retourne voir la page des propriétés de l'article en question, j'ai 3 warnings :
( ! ) Warning: Undefined array key 1 in plugins\auto\accesrestreint\v6.0.1\inc\accesrestreint_autoriser.php on line 287
Call Stack
# Time Memory Function Location
1 0.0004 369072 {main}( ) ...\index.php:0
2 0.0168 759376 charger_fonction( $nom = 'fond', $dossier = ???, $continue = ??? ) ...\index.php:154
3 0.0168 759528 include_spip( $f = 'exec/fond', $include = ??? ) ...\utils.php:81
4 0.0168 759568 find_in_path( $file = 'exec/fond.php', $dirname = '', $include = TRUE ) ...\utils.php:159
5 0.0181 762856 include_once( 'ecrire\exec\fond.php ) ...\utils.php:1633
6 0.0182 781320 include( 'ecrire\public.php ) ...\fond.php:74
7 0.0360 1128688 include( 'ecrire\public\evaluer_page.php ) ...\public.php:156
8 0.0361 1149336 eval( 'ecrire\public\evaluer_page.php(52) : eval()'d code ) ...\evaluer_page.php:52
9 0.0361 1150624 recuperer_fond( $fond = 'prive/squelettes/structure', $contexte = ['exec' => 'article', 'id_article' => 8513, 'date' => '2023-10-11 15:58:30', 'date_default' => TRUE, 'date_redac' => '2023-10-11 15:58:30', 'date_redac_default' => TRUE, 'type-page' => 'article', 'composition' => '', 'lang' => 'fr'], $options = ['compil' => [0 => '../prive/squelettes/page.html', 1 => 'html_64796f80abde55af0c82791806ea8647', 2 => '', 3 => 2, 4 => 'fr']], $connect = '' ) ...\evaluer_page.php(52) : eval()'d code:1
10 0.0361 1151216 evaluer_fond( $fond = 'prive/squelettes/structure', $contexte = ['exec' => 'article', 'id_article' => 8513, 'date' => '2023-10-11 15:58:30', 'date_default' => TRUE, 'date_redac' => '2023-10-11 15:58:30', 'date_redac_default' => TRUE, 'type-page' => 'article', 'composition' => '', 'lang' => 'fr'], $connect = '' ) ...\utils.php:3461
11 0.0378 1156448 include( 'ecrire\public\evaluer_page.php ) ...\assembler.php:715
12 0.0379 1180968 eval( 'ecrire\public\evaluer_page.php(52) : eval()'d code ) ...\evaluer_page.php:52
13 0.1414 1298560 recuperer_fond( $fond = 'prive/squelettes/body', $contexte = ['exec' => 'article', 'id_article' => 8513, 'date' => '2023-10-11 15:58:30', 'date_default' => TRUE, 'date_redac' => '2023-10-11 15:58:30', 'date_redac_default' => TRUE, 'type-page' => 'article', 'composition' => '', 'lang' => 'fr', 'espace_prive' => '1'], $options = ['compil' => [0 => '../prive/squelettes/structure.html', 1 => 'html_93549ec99e186cb864c77319356657f1', 2 => '', 3 => 9, 4 => 'fr']], $connect = '' ) ...\evaluer_page.php(52) : eval()'d code:19
14 0.1414 1299152 evaluer_fond( $fond = 'prive/squelettes/body', $contexte = ['exec' => 'article', 'id_article' => 8513, 'date' => '2023-10-11 15:58:30', 'date_default' => TRUE, 'date_redac' => '2023-10-11 15:58:30', 'date_redac_default' => TRUE, 'type-page' => 'article', 'composition' => '', 'lang' => 'fr', 'espace_prive' => '1'], $connect = '' ) ...\utils.php:3461
15 0.1474 1315456 include( 'ecrire\public\evaluer_page.php ) ...\assembler.php:715
16 0.1475 1359096 eval( 'ecrire\public\evaluer_page.php(52) : eval()'d code ) ...\evaluer_page.php:52
17 0.5546 1834248 recuperer_fond( $fond = 'prive/squelettes/contenu/article', $contexte = ['exec' => 'article', 'id_article' => 8513, 'date' => '2023-10-11 15:58:30', 'date_default' => TRUE, 'date_redac' => '2023-10-11 15:58:30', 'date_redac_default' => TRUE, 'type-page' => 'article', 'composition' => '', 'lang' => 'fr', 'espace_prive' => '1'], $options = ['compil' => [0 => '../prive/squelettes/body.html', 1 => 'html_1327058fbc79c2336144c7cd9a9d2074', 2 => '', 3 => 22, 4 => 'fr'], 'ajax' => 'contenu'], $connect = '' ) ...\evaluer_page.php(52) : eval()'d code:62
18 0.5546 1834840 evaluer_fond( $fond = 'prive/squelettes/contenu/article', $contexte = ['exec' => 'article', 'id_article' => 8513, 'date' => '2023-10-11 15:58:30', 'date_default' => TRUE, 'date_redac' => '2023-10-11 15:58:30', 'date_redac_default' => TRUE, 'type-page' => 'article', 'composition' => '', 'lang' => 'fr', 'espace_prive' => '1'], $connect = '' ) ...\utils.php:3461
19 0.6071 1883808 include( 'ecrire\public\evaluer_page.php ) ...\assembler.php:715
20 0.6072 1928056 eval( 'ecrire\public\evaluer_page.php(52) : eval()'d code ) ...\evaluer_page.php:52
21 0.6612 2006256 recuperer_fond( $fond = 'prive/objets/contenu/article', $contexte = ['id' => '8513', 'id_article' => '8513', 'virtuel' => 'oui', 'wysiwyg' => '1', 'espace_prive' => '1', 'lang' => 'fr'], $options = ['compil' => [0 => '../prive/squelettes/contenu/article.html', 1 => 'html_993e6d5c6feb97a238d8d333b7c06992', 2 => '', 3 => 22, 4 => 'fr'], 'ajax' => 'wysiwyg'], $connect = '' ) ...\evaluer_page.php(52) : eval()'d code:42
22 0.6612 2006848 evaluer_fond( $fond = 'prive/objets/contenu/article', $contexte = ['id' => '8513', 'id_article' => '8513', 'virtuel' => 'oui', 'wysiwyg' => '1', 'espace_prive' => '1', 'lang' => 'fr'], $connect = '' ) ...\utils.php:3461
23 0.6612 2006848 inclure_page( $fond = 'prive/objets/contenu/article', $contexte = ['id' => '8513', 'id_article' => '8513', 'virtuel' => 'oui', 'wysiwyg' => '1', 'espace_prive' => '1', 'lang' => 'fr'], $connect = '' ) ...\assembler.php:709
24 0.6616 2008488 public_produire_page_dist( $fond = 'prive/objets/contenu/article', $contexte = ['id' => '8513', 'id_article' => '8513', 'virtuel' => 'oui', 'wysiwyg' => '1', 'espace_prive' => '1', 'lang' => 'fr'], $use_cache = 1, $chemin_cache = 'd6e40f9e68f1241469dba0ad506f879e.cache', $contexte_cache = ['id' => '8513', 'id_article' => '8513', 'virtuel' => 'oui', 'wysiwyg' => '1', 'espace_prive' => '1', 'lang' => 'fr'], $page = ['contexte_implicite' => ['squelettes' => '', 'host' => 'ae2021.localhost', 'https' => '', 'espace' => TRUE, 'marqueur' => ':accesrestreint_zones_autorisees=1', 'marqueur_skel' => '', 'notes' => '', 'spip_version_code' => 20230715, 'cache' => 'prive/objets/contenu/article']], $lastinclude = 0, $connect = '' ) ...\assembler.php:303
25 0.6616 2008488 public_parametrer_dist( $fond = 'prive/objets/contenu/article', $contexte = ['id' => '8513', 'id_article' => '8513', 'virtuel' => 'oui', 'wysiwyg' => '1', 'espace_prive' => '1', 'lang' => 'fr'], $cache = 'd6e40f9e68f1241469dba0ad506f879e.cache', $connect = '' ) ...\assembler.php:339
26 0.6644 2012632 html_a5b45c295805ff5c0dae66b56fbf7327( $Cache = ['cache' => 'd6e40f9e68f1241469dba0ad506f879e.cache'], $Pile = [0 => ['id' => '8513', 'id_article' => '8513', 'virtuel' => 'oui', 'wysiwyg' => '1', 'espace_prive' => '1', 'lang' => 'fr', 'date' => '2023-10-11 15:58:31', 'date_default' => TRUE, 'date_redac' => '2023-10-11 15:58:31', 'date_redac_default' => TRUE]], $doublons = ???, $Numrows = ???, $SP = ??? ) ...\parametrer.php:111
27 0.6644 2012760 BOUCLE_afficher_contenuhtml_a5b45c295805ff5c0dae66b56fbf7327( $Cache = ['cache' => 'd6e40f9e68f1241469dba0ad506f879e.cache'], $Pile = [0 => ['id' => '8513', 'id_article' => '8513', 'virtuel' => 'oui', 'wysiwyg' => '1', 'espace_prive' => '1', 'lang' => 'fr', 'date' => '2023-10-11 15:58:31', 'date_default' => TRUE, 'date_redac' => '2023-10-11 15:58:31', 'date_redac_default' => TRUE], 1 => ['virtuel' => '', 'lang' => 'fr', 'surtitre' => '', 'titre' => 'test AR', 'soustitre' => '', 'descriptif' => '', 'chapo' => '', 'nom_site' => '', 'url_site' => '', 'texte' => '[->doc30000]', 'ps' => '', 'id_rubrique' => '191', 'id_article' => '8513']], $doublons = [], $Numrows = [], $SP = 0 ) ...\html_a5b45c295805ff5c0dae66b56fbf7327.php:255
28 0.6678 2032872 propre( $t = '[->doc30000]', $connect = '', $env = ['id' => '8513', 'id_article' => '8513', 'virtuel' => 'oui', 'wysiwyg' => '1', 'espace_prive' => '1', 'lang' => 'fr', 'date' => '2023-10-11 15:58:31', 'date_default' => TRUE, 'date_redac' => '2023-10-11 15:58:31', 'date_redac_default' => TRUE] ) ...\html_a5b45c295805ff5c0dae66b56fbf7327.php:182
29 0.6685 2056232 expanser_liens( $t = '[->doc30000]', $connect = '', $env = ['id' => '8513', 'id_article' => '8513', 'virtuel' => 'oui', 'wysiwyg' => '1', 'espace_prive' => '1', 'lang' => 'fr', 'date' => '2023-10-11 15:58:31', 'date_default' => TRUE, 'date_redac' => '2023-10-11 15:58:31', 'date_redac_default' => TRUE] ) ...\texte.php:909
30 0.6692 2058088 inc_lien_dist( $lien = 'doc30000', $texte = '', $class = '', $title = FALSE, $hlang = FALSE, $rel = '', $connect = '', $env = ['id' => '8513', 'id_article' => '8513', 'virtuel' => 'oui', 'wysiwyg' => '1', 'espace_prive' => '1', 'lang' => 'fr', 'date' => '2023-10-11 15:58:31', 'date_default' => TRUE, 'date_redac' => '2023-10-11 15:58:31', 'date_redac_default' => TRUE] ) ...\lien.php:301
31 0.6692 2058496 calculer_url( $ref = 'doc30000', $texte = '', $pour = 'tout', $connect = '', $echappe_typo = ??? ) ...\lien.php:94
32 0.6692 2058496 traiter_lien_implicite( $ref = 'doc30000', $texte = '', $pour = 'tout', $connect = '' ) ...\lien.php:512
33 0.6705 2060864 generer_objet_url( $id = '30000', $entite = 'document', $args = '', $ancre = '', $public = NULL, $type = '', $connect = '' ) ...\lien.php:612
34 0.6708 2060864 generer_objet_url_ecrire( $id = 30000, $objet = 'document', $args = '', $ancre = '', $public = FALSE, $connect = '' ) ...\utils.php:1884
35 0.6723 2063296 urls_generer_url_ecrire_document_dist( $id = 30000, $args = '', $ancre = '', $public = FALSE, $connect = '' ) ...\urls.php:328
36 0.6723 2063296 generer_url_document_dist( $id_document = 30000, $args = ???, $ancre = ??? ) ...\generer_url_ecrire_document.php:31
37 0.6723 2063296 autoriser( $faire = 'voir', $type = 'document', $id = 30000, $qui = NULL, $opt = ['htaccess' => TRUE] ) ...\documents.php:66
38 0.6723 2063296 autoriser_dist( $faire = 'voir', $type = 'document', $id = 30000, $qui = NULL, $opt = ['htaccess' => TRUE] ) ...\autoriser.php:113
39 0.6724 2065136 autoriser_document_voir( $faire = 'voir', $type = 'document', $id = 30000, $qui = ['statut' => '0minirezo', 'id_auteur' => '592', 'webmestre' => 'oui', 'prefs' => ['couleur' => '5', 'display' => 1, 'cnx' => 'perma', 'display_navigation' => 'navigation_avec_icones', 'display_outils' => 'oui'], 'nom' => 'Jacques Pyrat', 'bio' => '', 'email' => 'jacques@pyrat.net', 'nom_site' => '', 'url_site' => '', 'login' => 'jpyrat', 'maj' => '2023-10-11 15:57:46', 'pgp' => '', 'en_ligne' => '2023-10-11 15:57:46', 'imessage' => 'oui', 'messagerie' => '', 'cookie_oubli' => '436147738608fa91650a5b2.67016444', 'source' => 'spip', 'lang' => 'fr', 'extra' => '', 'auth' => 'spip', 'cookie' => 'oui', 'hash_env' => '91ed0e5d34ef81505c237e6357c9d658', 'ip_change' => FALSE, 'date_session' => 1696852448, 'restreint' => [], 'quand' => '2023-10-11 15:57:46', 'svp_admin_plugin_voir' => 'tous'], $options = ['htaccess' => TRUE] ) ...\autoriser.php:221
( ! ) Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in plugins\auto\accesrestreint\v6.0.1\inc\accesrestreint_autoriser.php on line 287
Call Stack
# Time Memory Function Location
1 0.0004 369072 {main}( ) ...\index.php:0
2 0.0168 759376 charger_fonction( $nom = 'fond', $dossier = ???, $continue = ??? ) ...\index.php:154
3 0.0168 759528 include_spip( $f = 'exec/fond', $include = ??? ) ...\utils.php:81
4 0.0168 759568 find_in_path( $file = 'exec/fond.php', $dirname = '', $include = TRUE ) ...\utils.php:159
5 0.0181 762856 include_once( 'ecrire\exec\fond.php ) ...\utils.php:1633
6 0.0182 781320 include( 'ecrire\public.php ) ...\fond.php:74
7 0.0360 1128688 include( 'ecrire\public\evaluer_page.php ) ...\public.php:156
8 0.0361 1149336 eval( 'ecrire\public\evaluer_page.php(52) : eval()'d code ) ...\evaluer_page.php:52
9 0.0361 1150624 recuperer_fond( $fond = 'prive/squelettes/structure', $contexte = ['exec' => 'article', 'id_article' => 8513, 'date' => '2023-10-11 15:58:30', 'date_default' => TRUE, 'date_redac' => '2023-10-11 15:58:30', 'date_redac_default' => TRUE, 'type-page' => 'article', 'composition' => '', 'lang' => 'fr'], $options = ['compil' => [0 => '../prive/squelettes/page.html', 1 => 'html_64796f80abde55af0c82791806ea8647', 2 => '', 3 => 2, 4 => 'fr']], $connect = '' ) ...\evaluer_page.php(52) : eval()'d code:1
10 0.0361 1151216 evaluer_fond( $fond = 'prive/squelettes/structure', $contexte = ['exec' => 'article', 'id_article' => 8513, 'date' => '2023-10-11 15:58:30', 'date_default' => TRUE, 'date_redac' => '2023-10-11 15:58:30', 'date_redac_default' => TRUE, 'type-page' => 'article', 'composition' => '', 'lang' => 'fr'], $connect = '' ) ...\utils.php:3461
11 0.0378 1156448 include( 'ecrire\public\evaluer_page.php ) ...\assembler.php:715
12 0.0379 1180968 eval( 'ecrire\public\evaluer_page.php(52) : eval()'d code ) ...\evaluer_page.php:52
13 0.1414 1298560 recuperer_fond( $fond = 'prive/squelettes/body', $contexte = ['exec' => 'article', 'id_article' => 8513, 'date' => '2023-10-11 15:58:30', 'date_default' => TRUE, 'date_redac' => '2023-10-11 15:58:30', 'date_redac_default' => TRUE, 'type-page' => 'article', 'composition' => '', 'lang' => 'fr', 'espace_prive' => '1'], $options = ['compil' => [0 => '../prive/squelettes/structure.html', 1 => 'html_93549ec99e186cb864c77319356657f1', 2 => '', 3 => 9, 4 => 'fr']], $connect = '' ) ...\evaluer_page.php(52) : eval()'d code:19
14 0.1414 1299152 evaluer_fond( $fond = 'prive/squelettes/body', $contexte = ['exec' => 'article', 'id_article' => 8513, 'date' => '2023-10-11 15:58:30', 'date_default' => TRUE, 'date_redac' => '2023-10-11 15:58:30', 'date_redac_default' => TRUE, 'type-page' => 'article', 'composition' => '', 'lang' => 'fr', 'espace_prive' => '1'], $connect = '' ) ...\utils.php:3461
15 0.1474 1315456 include( 'ecrire\public\evaluer_page.php ) ...\assembler.php:715
16 0.1475 1359096 eval( 'ecrire\public\evaluer_page.php(52) : eval()'d code ) ...\evaluer_page.php:52
17 0.5546 1834248 recuperer_fond( $fond = 'prive/squelettes/contenu/article', $contexte = ['exec' => 'article', 'id_article' => 8513, 'date' => '2023-10-11 15:58:30', 'date_default' => TRUE, 'date_redac' => '2023-10-11 15:58:30', 'date_redac_default' => TRUE, 'type-page' => 'article', 'composition' => '', 'lang' => 'fr', 'espace_prive' => '1'], $options = ['compil' => [0 => '../prive/squelettes/body.html', 1 => 'html_1327058fbc79c2336144c7cd9a9d2074', 2 => '', 3 => 22, 4 => 'fr'], 'ajax' => 'contenu'], $connect = '' ) ...\evaluer_page.php(52) : eval()'d code:62
18 0.5546 1834840 evaluer_fond( $fond = 'prive/squelettes/contenu/article', $contexte = ['exec' => 'article', 'id_article' => 8513, 'date' => '2023-10-11 15:58:30', 'date_default' => TRUE, 'date_redac' => '2023-10-11 15:58:30', 'date_redac_default' => TRUE, 'type-page' => 'article', 'composition' => '', 'lang' => 'fr', 'espace_prive' => '1'], $connect = '' ) ...\utils.php:3461
19 0.6071 1883808 include( 'ecrire\public\evaluer_page.php ) ...\assembler.php:715
20 0.6072 1928056 eval( 'ecrire\public\evaluer_page.php(52) : eval()'d code ) ...\evaluer_page.php:52
21 0.6612 2006256 recuperer_fond( $fond = 'prive/objets/contenu/article', $contexte = ['id' => '8513', 'id_article' => '8513', 'virtuel' => 'oui', 'wysiwyg' => '1', 'espace_prive' => '1', 'lang' => 'fr'], $options = ['compil' => [0 => '../prive/squelettes/contenu/article.html', 1 => 'html_993e6d5c6feb97a238d8d333b7c06992', 2 => '', 3 => 22, 4 => 'fr'], 'ajax' => 'wysiwyg'], $connect = '' ) ...\evaluer_page.php(52) : eval()'d code:42
22 0.6612 2006848 evaluer_fond( $fond = 'prive/objets/contenu/article', $contexte = ['id' => '8513', 'id_article' => '8513', 'virtuel' => 'oui', 'wysiwyg' => '1', 'espace_prive' => '1', 'lang' => 'fr'], $connect = '' ) ...\utils.php:3461
23 0.6612 2006848 inclure_page( $fond = 'prive/objets/contenu/article', $contexte = ['id' => '8513', 'id_article' => '8513', 'virtuel' => 'oui', 'wysiwyg' => '1', 'espace_prive' => '1', 'lang' => 'fr'], $connect = '' ) ...\assembler.php:709
24 0.6616 2008488 public_produire_page_dist( $fond = 'prive/objets/contenu/article', $contexte = ['id' => '8513', 'id_article' => '8513', 'virtuel' => 'oui', 'wysiwyg' => '1', 'espace_prive' => '1', 'lang' => 'fr'], $use_cache = 1, $chemin_cache = 'd6e40f9e68f1241469dba0ad506f879e.cache', $contexte_cache = ['id' => '8513', 'id_article' => '8513', 'virtuel' => 'oui', 'wysiwyg' => '1', 'espace_prive' => '1', 'lang' => 'fr'], $page = ['contexte_implicite' => ['squelettes' => '', 'host' => 'ae2021.localhost', 'https' => '', 'espace' => TRUE, 'marqueur' => ':accesrestreint_zones_autorisees=1', 'marqueur_skel' => '', 'notes' => '', 'spip_version_code' => 20230715, 'cache' => 'prive/objets/contenu/article']], $lastinclude = 0, $connect = '' ) ...\assembler.php:303
25 0.6616 2008488 public_parametrer_dist( $fond = 'prive/objets/contenu/article', $contexte = ['id' => '8513', 'id_article' => '8513', 'virtuel' => 'oui', 'wysiwyg' => '1', 'espace_prive' => '1', 'lang' => 'fr'], $cache = 'd6e40f9e68f1241469dba0ad506f879e.cache', $connect = '' ) ...\assembler.php:339
26 0.6644 2012632 html_a5b45c295805ff5c0dae66b56fbf7327( $Cache = ['cache' => 'd6e40f9e68f1241469dba0ad506f879e.cache'], $Pile = [0 => ['id' => '8513', 'id_article' => '8513', 'virtuel' => 'oui', 'wysiwyg' => '1', 'espace_prive' => '1', 'lang' => 'fr', 'date' => '2023-10-11 15:58:31', 'date_default' => TRUE, 'date_redac' => '2023-10-11 15:58:31', 'date_redac_default' => TRUE]], $doublons = ???, $Numrows = ???, $SP = ??? ) ...\parametrer.php:111
27 0.6644 2012760 BOUCLE_afficher_contenuhtml_a5b45c295805ff5c0dae66b56fbf7327( $Cache = ['cache' => 'd6e40f9e68f1241469dba0ad506f879e.cache'], $Pile = [0 => ['id' => '8513', 'id_article' => '8513', 'virtuel' => 'oui', 'wysiwyg' => '1', 'espace_prive' => '1', 'lang' => 'fr', 'date' => '2023-10-11 15:58:31', 'date_default' => TRUE, 'date_redac' => '2023-10-11 15:58:31', 'date_redac_default' => TRUE], 1 => ['virtuel' => '', 'lang' => 'fr', 'surtitre' => '', 'titre' => 'test AR', 'soustitre' => '', 'descriptif' => '', 'chapo' => '', 'nom_site' => '', 'url_site' => '', 'texte' => '[->doc30000]', 'ps' => '', 'id_rubrique' => '191', 'id_article' => '8513']], $doublons = [], $Numrows = [], $SP = 0 ) ...\html_a5b45c295805ff5c0dae66b56fbf7327.php:255
28 0.6678 2032872 propre( $t = '[->doc30000]', $connect = '', $env = ['id' => '8513', 'id_article' => '8513', 'virtuel' => 'oui', 'wysiwyg' => '1', 'espace_prive' => '1', 'lang' => 'fr', 'date' => '2023-10-11 15:58:31', 'date_default' => TRUE, 'date_redac' => '2023-10-11 15:58:31', 'date_redac_default' => TRUE] ) ...\html_a5b45c295805ff5c0dae66b56fbf7327.php:182
29 0.6685 2056232 expanser_liens( $t = '[->doc30000]', $connect = '', $env = ['id' => '8513', 'id_article' => '8513', 'virtuel' => 'oui', 'wysiwyg' => '1', 'espace_prive' => '1', 'lang' => 'fr', 'date' => '2023-10-11 15:58:31', 'date_default' => TRUE, 'date_redac' => '2023-10-11 15:58:31', 'date_redac_default' => TRUE] ) ...\texte.php:909
30 0.6692 2058088 inc_lien_dist( $lien = 'doc30000', $texte = '', $class = '', $title = FALSE, $hlang = FALSE, $rel = '', $connect = '', $env = ['id' => '8513', 'id_article' => '8513', 'virtuel' => 'oui', 'wysiwyg' => '1', 'espace_prive' => '1', 'lang' => 'fr', 'date' => '2023-10-11 15:58:31', 'date_default' => TRUE, 'date_redac' => '2023-10-11 15:58:31', 'date_redac_default' => TRUE] ) ...\lien.php:301
31 0.6692 2058496 calculer_url( $ref = 'doc30000', $texte = '', $pour = 'tout', $connect = '', $echappe_typo = ??? ) ...\lien.php:94
32 0.6692 2058496 traiter_lien_implicite( $ref = 'doc30000', $texte = '', $pour = 'tout', $connect = '' ) ...\lien.php:512
33 0.6705 2060864 generer_objet_url( $id = '30000', $entite = 'document', $args = '', $ancre = '', $public = NULL, $type = '', $connect = '' ) ...\lien.php:612
34 0.6708 2060864 generer_objet_url_ecrire( $id = 30000, $objet = 'document', $args = '', $ancre = '', $public = FALSE, $connect = '' ) ...\utils.php:1884
35 0.6723 2063296 urls_generer_url_ecrire_document_dist( $id = 30000, $args = '', $ancre = '', $public = FALSE, $connect = '' ) ...\urls.php:328
36 0.6723 2063296 generer_url_document_dist( $id_document = 30000, $args = ???, $ancre = ??? ) ...\generer_url_ecrire_document.php:31
37 0.6723 2063296 autoriser( $faire = 'voir', $type = 'document', $id = 30000, $qui = NULL, $opt = ['htaccess' => TRUE] ) ...\documents.php:66
38 0.6723 2063296 autoriser_dist( $faire = 'voir', $type = 'document', $id = 30000, $qui = NULL, $opt = ['htaccess' => TRUE] ) ...\autoriser.php:113
39 0.6724 2065136 autoriser_document_voir( $faire = 'voir', $type = 'document', $id = 30000, $qui = ['statut' => '0minirezo', 'id_auteur' => '592', 'webmestre' => 'oui', 'prefs' => ['couleur' => '5', 'display' => 1, 'cnx' => 'perma', 'display_navigation' => 'navigation_avec_icones', 'display_outils' => 'oui'], 'nom' => 'Jacques Pyrat', 'bio' => '', 'email' => 'jacques@pyrat.net', 'nom_site' => '', 'url_site' => '', 'login' => 'jpyrat', 'maj' => '2023-10-11 15:57:46', 'pgp' => '', 'en_ligne' => '2023-10-11 15:57:46', 'imessage' => 'oui', 'messagerie' => '', 'cookie_oubli' => '436147738608fa91650a5b2.67016444', 'source' => 'spip', 'lang' => 'fr', 'extra' => '', 'auth' => 'spip', 'cookie' => 'oui', 'hash_env' => '91ed0e5d34ef81505c237e6357c9d658', 'ip_change' => FALSE, 'date_session' => 1696852448, 'restreint' => [], 'quand' => '2023-10-11 15:57:46', 'svp_admin_plugin_voir' => 'tous'], $options = ['htaccess' => TRUE] ) ...\autoriser.php:221
( ! ) Deprecated: Function autoriser_document_voir should returns a boolean instead of NULL (casts as boolean). This will trigger fatal error in future versions. in ecrire\inc\autoriser.php on line 232
Call Stack
# Time Memory Function Location
1 0.0004 369072 {main}( ) ...\index.php:0
2 0.0168 759376 charger_fonction( $nom = 'fond', $dossier = ???, $continue = ??? ) ...\index.php:154
3 0.0168 759528 include_spip( $f = 'exec/fond', $include = ??? ) ...\utils.php:81
4 0.0168 759568 find_in_path( $file = 'exec/fond.php', $dirname = '', $include = TRUE ) ...\utils.php:159
5 0.0181 762856 include_once( 'ecrire\exec\fond.php ) ...\utils.php:1633
6 0.0182 781320 include( 'ecrire\public.php ) ...\fond.php:74
7 0.0360 1128688 include( 'ecrire\public\evaluer_page.php ) ...\public.php:156
8 0.0361 1149336 eval( 'ecrire\public\evaluer_page.php(52) : eval()'d code ) ...\evaluer_page.php:52
9 0.0361 1150624 recuperer_fond( $fond = 'prive/squelettes/structure', $contexte = ['exec' => 'article', 'id_article' => 8513, 'date' => '2023-10-11 15:58:30', 'date_default' => TRUE, 'date_redac' => '2023-10-11 15:58:30', 'date_redac_default' => TRUE, 'type-page' => 'article', 'composition' => '', 'lang' => 'fr'], $options = ['compil' => [0 => '../prive/squelettes/page.html', 1 => 'html_64796f80abde55af0c82791806ea8647', 2 => '', 3 => 2, 4 => 'fr']], $connect = '' ) ...\evaluer_page.php(52) : eval()'d code:1
10 0.0361 1151216 evaluer_fond( $fond = 'prive/squelettes/structure', $contexte = ['exec' => 'article', 'id_article' => 8513, 'date' => '2023-10-11 15:58:30', 'date_default' => TRUE, 'date_redac' => '2023-10-11 15:58:30', 'date_redac_default' => TRUE, 'type-page' => 'article', 'composition' => '', 'lang' => 'fr'], $connect = '' ) ...\utils.php:3461
11 0.0378 1156448 include( 'ecrire\public\evaluer_page.php ) ...\assembler.php:715
12 0.0379 1180968 eval( 'ecrire\public\evaluer_page.php(52) : eval()'d code ) ...\evaluer_page.php:52
13 0.1414 1298560 recuperer_fond( $fond = 'prive/squelettes/body', $contexte = ['exec' => 'article', 'id_article' => 8513, 'date' => '2023-10-11 15:58:30', 'date_default' => TRUE, 'date_redac' => '2023-10-11 15:58:30', 'date_redac_default' => TRUE, 'type-page' => 'article', 'composition' => '', 'lang' => 'fr', 'espace_prive' => '1'], $options = ['compil' => [0 => '../prive/squelettes/structure.html', 1 => 'html_93549ec99e186cb864c77319356657f1', 2 => '', 3 => 9, 4 => 'fr']], $connect = '' ) ...\evaluer_page.php(52) : eval()'d code:19
14 0.1414 1299152 evaluer_fond( $fond = 'prive/squelettes/body', $contexte = ['exec' => 'article', 'id_article' => 8513, 'date' => '2023-10-11 15:58:30', 'date_default' => TRUE, 'date_redac' => '2023-10-11 15:58:30', 'date_redac_default' => TRUE, 'type-page' => 'article', 'composition' => '', 'lang' => 'fr', 'espace_prive' => '1'], $connect = '' ) ...\utils.php:3461
15 0.1474 1315456 include( 'ecrire\public\evaluer_page.php ) ...\assembler.php:715
16 0.1475 1359096 eval( 'ecrire\public\evaluer_page.php(52) : eval()'d code ) ...\evaluer_page.php:52
17 0.5546 1834248 recuperer_fond( $fond = 'prive/squelettes/contenu/article', $contexte = ['exec' => 'article', 'id_article' => 8513, 'date' => '2023-10-11 15:58:30', 'date_default' => TRUE, 'date_redac' => '2023-10-11 15:58:30', 'date_redac_default' => TRUE, 'type-page' => 'article', 'composition' => '', 'lang' => 'fr', 'espace_prive' => '1'], $options = ['compil' => [0 => '../prive/squelettes/body.html', 1 => 'html_1327058fbc79c2336144c7cd9a9d2074', 2 => '', 3 => 22, 4 => 'fr'], 'ajax' => 'contenu'], $connect = '' ) ...\evaluer_page.php(52) : eval()'d code:62
18 0.5546 1834840 evaluer_fond( $fond = 'prive/squelettes/contenu/article', $contexte = ['exec' => 'article', 'id_article' => 8513, 'date' => '2023-10-11 15:58:30', 'date_default' => TRUE, 'date_redac' => '2023-10-11 15:58:30', 'date_redac_default' => TRUE, 'type-page' => 'article', 'composition' => '', 'lang' => 'fr', 'espace_prive' => '1'], $connect = '' ) ...\utils.php:3461
19 0.6071 1883808 include( 'ecrire\public\evaluer_page.php ) ...\assembler.php:715
20 0.6072 1928056 eval( 'ecrire\public\evaluer_page.php(52) : eval()'d code ) ...\evaluer_page.php:52
21 0.6612 2006256 recuperer_fond( $fond = 'prive/objets/contenu/article', $contexte = ['id' => '8513', 'id_article' => '8513', 'virtuel' => 'oui', 'wysiwyg' => '1', 'espace_prive' => '1', 'lang' => 'fr'], $options = ['compil' => [0 => '../prive/squelettes/contenu/article.html', 1 => 'html_993e6d5c6feb97a238d8d333b7c06992', 2 => '', 3 => 22, 4 => 'fr'], 'ajax' => 'wysiwyg'], $connect = '' ) ...\evaluer_page.php(52) : eval()'d code:42
22 0.6612 2006848 evaluer_fond( $fond = 'prive/objets/contenu/article', $contexte = ['id' => '8513', 'id_article' => '8513', 'virtuel' => 'oui', 'wysiwyg' => '1', 'espace_prive' => '1', 'lang' => 'fr'], $connect = '' ) ...\utils.php:3461
23 0.6612 2006848 inclure_page( $fond = 'prive/objets/contenu/article', $contexte = ['id' => '8513', 'id_article' => '8513', 'virtuel' => 'oui', 'wysiwyg' => '1', 'espace_prive' => '1', 'lang' => 'fr'], $connect = '' ) ...\assembler.php:709
24 0.6616 2008488 public_produire_page_dist( $fond = 'prive/objets/contenu/article', $contexte = ['id' => '8513', 'id_article' => '8513', 'virtuel' => 'oui', 'wysiwyg' => '1', 'espace_prive' => '1', 'lang' => 'fr'], $use_cache = 1, $chemin_cache = 'd6e40f9e68f1241469dba0ad506f879e.cache', $contexte_cache = ['id' => '8513', 'id_article' => '8513', 'virtuel' => 'oui', 'wysiwyg' => '1', 'espace_prive' => '1', 'lang' => 'fr'], $page = ['contexte_implicite' => ['squelettes' => '', 'host' => 'ae2021.localhost', 'https' => '', 'espace' => TRUE, 'marqueur' => ':accesrestreint_zones_autorisees=1', 'marqueur_skel' => '', 'notes' => '', 'spip_version_code' => 20230715, 'cache' => 'prive/objets/contenu/article']], $lastinclude = 0, $connect = '' ) ...\assembler.php:303
25 0.6616 2008488 public_parametrer_dist( $fond = 'prive/objets/contenu/article', $contexte = ['id' => '8513', 'id_article' => '8513', 'virtuel' => 'oui', 'wysiwyg' => '1', 'espace_prive' => '1', 'lang' => 'fr'], $cache = 'd6e40f9e68f1241469dba0ad506f879e.cache', $connect = '' ) ...\assembler.php:339
26 0.6644 2012632 html_a5b45c295805ff5c0dae66b56fbf7327( $Cache = ['cache' => 'd6e40f9e68f1241469dba0ad506f879e.cache'], $Pile = [0 => ['id' => '8513', 'id_article' => '8513', 'virtuel' => 'oui', 'wysiwyg' => '1', 'espace_prive' => '1', 'lang' => 'fr', 'date' => '2023-10-11 15:58:31', 'date_default' => TRUE, 'date_redac' => '2023-10-11 15:58:31', 'date_redac_default' => TRUE]], $doublons = ???, $Numrows = ???, $SP = ??? ) ...\parametrer.php:111
27 0.6644 2012760 BOUCLE_afficher_contenuhtml_a5b45c295805ff5c0dae66b56fbf7327( $Cache = ['cache' => 'd6e40f9e68f1241469dba0ad506f879e.cache'], $Pile = [0 => ['id' => '8513', 'id_article' => '8513', 'virtuel' => 'oui', 'wysiwyg' => '1', 'espace_prive' => '1', 'lang' => 'fr', 'date' => '2023-10-11 15:58:31', 'date_default' => TRUE, 'date_redac' => '2023-10-11 15:58:31', 'date_redac_default' => TRUE], 1 => ['virtuel' => '', 'lang' => 'fr', 'surtitre' => '', 'titre' => 'test AR', 'soustitre' => '', 'descriptif' => '', 'chapo' => '', 'nom_site' => '', 'url_site' => '', 'texte' => '[->doc30000]', 'ps' => '', 'id_rubrique' => '191', 'id_article' => '8513']], $doublons = [], $Numrows = [], $SP = 0 ) ...\html_a5b45c295805ff5c0dae66b56fbf7327.php:255
28 0.6678 2032872 propre( $t = '[->doc30000]', $connect = '', $env = ['id' => '8513', 'id_article' => '8513', 'virtuel' => 'oui', 'wysiwyg' => '1', 'espace_prive' => '1', 'lang' => 'fr', 'date' => '2023-10-11 15:58:31', 'date_default' => TRUE, 'date_redac' => '2023-10-11 15:58:31', 'date_redac_default' => TRUE] ) ...\html_a5b45c295805ff5c0dae66b56fbf7327.php:182
29 0.6685 2056232 expanser_liens( $t = '[->doc30000]', $connect = '', $env = ['id' => '8513', 'id_article' => '8513', 'virtuel' => 'oui', 'wysiwyg' => '1', 'espace_prive' => '1', 'lang' => 'fr', 'date' => '2023-10-11 15:58:31', 'date_default' => TRUE, 'date_redac' => '2023-10-11 15:58:31', 'date_redac_default' => TRUE] ) ...\texte.php:909
30 0.6692 2058088 inc_lien_dist( $lien = 'doc30000', $texte = '', $class = '', $title = FALSE, $hlang = FALSE, $rel = '', $connect = '', $env = ['id' => '8513', 'id_article' => '8513', 'virtuel' => 'oui', 'wysiwyg' => '1', 'espace_prive' => '1', 'lang' => 'fr', 'date' => '2023-10-11 15:58:31', 'date_default' => TRUE, 'date_redac' => '2023-10-11 15:58:31', 'date_redac_default' => TRUE] ) ...\lien.php:301
31 0.6692 2058496 calculer_url( $ref = 'doc30000', $texte = '', $pour = 'tout', $connect = '', $echappe_typo = ??? ) ...\lien.php:94
32 0.6692 2058496 traiter_lien_implicite( $ref = 'doc30000', $texte = '', $pour = 'tout', $connect = '' ) ...\lien.php:512
33 0.6705 2060864 generer_objet_url( $id = '30000', $entite = 'document', $args = '', $ancre = '', $public = NULL, $type = '', $connect = '' ) ...\lien.php:612
34 0.6708 2060864 generer_objet_url_ecrire( $id = 30000, $objet = 'document', $args = '', $ancre = '', $public = FALSE, $connect = '' ) ...\utils.php:1884
35 0.6723 2063296 urls_generer_url_ecrire_document_dist( $id = 30000, $args = '', $ancre = '', $public = FALSE, $connect = '' ) ...\urls.php:328
36 0.6723 2063296 generer_url_document_dist( $id_document = 30000, $args = ???, $ancre = ??? ) ...\generer_url_ecrire_document.php:31
37 0.6723 2063296 autoriser( $faire = 'voir', $type = 'document', $id = 30000, $qui = NULL, $opt = ['htaccess' => TRUE] ) ...\documents.php:66
38 0.6723 2063296 autoriser_dist( $faire = 'voir', $type = 'document', $id = 30000, $qui = NULL, $opt = ['htaccess' => TRUE] ) ...\autoriser.php:113
39 0.6898 2125160 trigger_error( $message = 'Function autoriser_document_voir should returns a boolean instead of NULL (casts as boolean). This will trigger fatal error in future versions.', $error_level = 16384 )