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"plus de toiles dans le portfolio"

parent f2706f86
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......@@ -1846,4 +1846,37 @@ div.navigation-calendrier { background-color:#GET{foncee}; }
border:1px solid #GET{foncee};
\ No newline at end of file
/* portfolios */
.lien_tout_supprimer {
background-color: #dddddd;
padding: 4px;
color: black;
text-align: #GET{right};
#contenu .ajax-action .cadre-portfolio .titrem {background-color:#GET{claire};}
.cadre-portfolio .cadre_padding {padding:0;}
.cadre-portfolio table {border-#GET{left}:1px solid #GET{claire};}
.cadre-portfolio table td.document {
border-bottom:1px solid #GET{claire};border-#GET{right}:1px solid #GET{claire};
text-align: #GET{left};
#contenu .cadre-portfolio table td.document .titrem {background-color:#eee;}
.cadre-portfolio table {background:#cccccc;}
#contenu .ajax-action .cadre-documents .titrem {background-color:#999;}
.cadre-documents .cadre_padding {padding:0;}
.cadre-documents table {border-#GET{left}:1px solid #999;}
.cadre-documents table td.document {
border-bottom:1px solid #999;border-#GET{right}:1px solid #999;
text-align: #GET{left};
#contenu .cadre-documents table td.document .titrem {background-color:#eee;}
.cadre-documents table {background:#cccccc;}
......@@ -30,12 +30,8 @@ function inc_documenter_dist(
if (is_int($doc)) {
if ($ancre == 'portfolio') {
$lies = spip_query("SELECT docs.*,l.id_$type, FROM spip_documents AS docs, spip_documents_".$type."s AS l WHERE l.id_$type=$doc AND l.id_document=docs.id_document AND docs.mode='document' AND docs.extension IN ('gif', 'jpg', 'png') ORDER BY 0+docs.titre,");
$toile = 'toile_claire';
$couleur = 'bordure_claire_';
} else {
$lies = spip_query("SELECT docs.*,l.id_$type, FROM spip_documents AS docs, spip_documents_".$type."s AS l WHERE l.id_$type=$doc AND l.id_document=docs.id_document AND docs.mode='document' AND docs.extension NOT IN ('gif', 'jpg', 'png') ORDER BY 0+docs.titre,");
$toile = 'toile_gris_fort';
$couleur = 'bordure_grise_';
$documents = array();
......@@ -46,8 +42,6 @@ function inc_documenter_dist(
if (!$documents) return '';
$class = "${couleur}basse $couleur$spip_lang_left";
// la derniere case d'une rangee
$bord_droit = ($ancre == 'portfolio' ? 2 : 1);
......@@ -74,15 +68,13 @@ function inc_documenter_dist(
// ref a $exec inutilise en standard
$script = $appelant ? $appelant : $GLOBALS['exec'];
$style = ($document['vu']=='oui') ? ' background-color: #cccccc;':'';
$vu = ($document['vu']=='oui') ? ' vu':'';
$deplier = in_array($id_document, explode(',', _request('show_docs')));
if (!$case)
$res .= "<tr style='border-top: 1px solid black;'>";
else if ($case == $bord_droit)
$class .= " ${couleur}$spip_lang_right";
$res .= "\n<td class='$class' style='width:33%; text-align: $spip_lang_left; $style' valign='top'>"
$res .= "<tr>";
$res .= "\n<td class='document$vu'>"
. $tourner($id_document, $document, $script, $flag, $type)
. (!$flag ? '' :
$legender($id_document, $document, $script, $type, $document["id_$type"], $ancre, $deplier))
......@@ -91,35 +83,37 @@ function inc_documenter_dist(
. "</td>\n";
if ($case > $bord_droit) {
$case = 0;
$res .= "</tr>\n";
// fermer la derniere ligne
if ($case) {
$res .= "<td class='$couleur$spip_lang_left'>&nbsp;</td>";
$res .= "<td></td>";
$res .= "</tr>";
$s = ($ancre =='documents' ? '': '-');
$head = $pied = "";
if (is_int($doc)) {
$head = "\n<div style='padding: 4px; color: black;' class='verdana2 $toile'>\n<b>".majuscules(_T("info_$ancre"))."</b></div>";
$bouton = bouton_block_depliable(majuscules(_T("info_$ancre")),true,"portfolio_$ancre");
$head = debut_cadre("$ancre","","",$bouton);
if (count($documents) > 3) {
$head .= "<div style='background-color: #dddddd; padding: 4px; color: black; text-align: right' class='arial1'>"
$head .= "<div class='lien_tout_supprimer'>"
. ajax_action_auteur('documenter', "$s$doc/$type", $script, "id_$type=$doc&s=$s&type=$type",array(_T('lien_tout_supprimer')))
. "</div>\n";
} else $head = '';
$head .= debut_block_depliable(true,"portfolio_$ancre");
$pied = fin_block();
$res = $head
. "\n<table width='100%' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='4'>"
. $res
. "</table>";
. "</table>"
. $pied;
return ajax_action_greffe("documenter", "$s$doc", $res, '');
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