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reecriture de tous les iterateurs sur le mode de la class Iterator de PHP

il devient possible de faire :

$s = new IterSQL(

array (
    'select' => 
    array (
      0 => '',
      1 => 'articles.id_article',
      2 => 'articles.id_rubrique',
      3 => 'articles.titre',
      5 => 'articles.descriptif',
      6 => 'articles.chapo',
      7 => 'articles.lang',
    'from' => 
    array (
      'articles' => 'spip_articles',
    'type' => 
    array (
    'where' => 
    array (
      0 => 
      array (
        0 => '=',
        1 => 'articles.statut',
        2 => '\'publie\'',
      1 => '1=1',
    'join' => 
    array (
    'groupby' => 
    array (
    'orderby' => 
    array (
      0 => ' DESC',
    'limit' => '0,1',
    'having' => 
    array (
    'table' => 'articles',
    'id' => '_articles_recents',
    'connect' => '',


foreach ($s as $k=>$v) {


mais aussi :


$s = new IterDATA(
	array (
	'source' => '',
	'sourcemode' => 'rss'

foreach ($s as $k=>$v) {

parent 403a3446
Aucune branche associée trouvée
Aucune étiquette associée trouvée
Aucune requête de fusion associée trouvée
......@@ -362,7 +362,7 @@ define('CODE_CORPS_BOUCLE', '%s
if ($iter->ok) {
if ($iter->valid()) {
......@@ -472,7 +472,7 @@ function calculer_boucle_nonrec($id_boucle, &$boucles, $trace) {
$boucle->numrows = true;
$corps = "\n\t\$t0 = str_repeat($corps, \$Numrows['$id_boucle']['total']);";
} else $corps = "while (\$Pile[\$SP] = \$iter->next()) {\n$corps\n }";
} else $corps = "while (\$Pile[\$SP]=\$iter->fetch()) {\n$corps\n }";
$count = '';
if (!$boucle->select) {
......@@ -490,7 +490,7 @@ function calculer_boucle_nonrec($id_boucle, &$boucles, $trace) {
if ($boucle->numrows OR $boucle->mode_partie) {
if ($count == 'count(*)')
$count = "array_shift(\$iter->next())";
else $count = "\$iter->count()";
else $count = "\$iter->total()";
$nums .= "\$Numrows['$id_boucle']['total'] = @intval($count);"
. $boucle->mode_partie
. "\n\t";
......@@ -523,7 +523,7 @@ function calculer_boucle_nonrec($id_boucle, &$boucles, $trace) {
case 'IterPOUR':
case 'IterDATA':
case 'IterENUM':
$command = 'array("where" => $where, "source"=>$source, "sourcemode"=>$sourcemode, "limit" => $limit)';
......@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
// annonce au compilo les "champs" disponibles
function public_creer_boucle_DATA_dist($b) {
$b->iterateur = 'IterPOUR'; # designe la classe d'iterateur
$b->iterateur = 'IterDATA'; # designe la classe d'iterateur
$b->show = array(
'field' => array(
'cle' => 'STRING',
......@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ function public_creer_boucle_ENUM_dist($b) {
$b->iterateur = 'IterENUM'; # designe la classe d'iterateur
$b->show = array(
'field' => array(
'cle' => 'STRING',
'valeur' => 'STRING',
......@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
// annonce au compilo les "champs" disponibles
function public_creer_boucle_POUR_dist($b) {
$b->iterateur = 'IterPOUR'; # designe la classe d'iterateur
$b->iterateur = 'IterDATA'; # designe la classe d'iterateur
$b->show = array(
'field' => array(
'tableau' => 'ARRAY',
......@@ -16,91 +16,108 @@
// Iterateur SQL
class Iter {
var $ok = false;
var $type;
var $command;
var $info;
private $result = false;
* array command: les commandes d'initialisation
* array info: les infos sur le squelette
public function Iter($command, $info=array()) {
$this->type = '??';
$this->command = $command;
$this->info = $info;
class Iter implements Iterator {
public function __construct() {} // initialise
public function rewind() {} // revient au depart
public function valid() {} // avons-nous un element
public function current() {} // quel est sa valeur
public function key() {} // quelle est sa cle
public function next() {} // avancer d'un cran
# Iter SPIP
var $type; # type de l'iterateur
var $command; # parametres de l'iterateur
var $info; # infos de compilateur
// avancer en position n
public function seek($n=0, $continue=null) {
while($n-->0 AND $this->valid()) $this->next();
return true;
public function fetch() {
if ($this->valid()) {
$r = array('cle' => $this->key(), 'valeur' => $this->current());
} else
$r = false;
return $r;
public function seek($n=0, $continue=null) {}
public function next() {}
public function free() {}
public function count() {}
public function free() {} // liberer la ressource
public function total() {} // #TOTAL_BOUCLE
class IterSQL extends Iter {
var $ok = false;
var $type;
var $command;
var $info;
private $result = false;
private $sqlresult = false; # ressource sql
private $row = null; # row sql courante
private function select() {
$v = &$this->command;
$this->result = calculer_select($v['select'], $v['from'], $v['type'], $v['where'], $v['join'], $v['groupby'], $v['orderby'], $v['limit'], $v['having'], $v['table'], $v['id'], $v['connect'], $this->info);
$this->ok = !!$this->result;
$this->sqlresult = calculer_select($v['select'], $v['from'], $v['type'], $v['where'], $v['join'], $v['groupby'], $v['orderby'], $v['limit'], $v['having'], $v['table'], $v['id'], $v['connect'], $this->info);
$this->ok = !!$this->sqlresult;
if ($this->ok)
$this->row = sql_fetch($this->sqlresult, $this->command['connect']);
* array command: les commandes d'initialisation
* array info: les infos sur le squelette
public function IterSQL($command, $info=array()) {
public function __construct($command, $info=array()) {
$this->command = $command;
$this->info = $info;
public function rewind() {
return $this->seek(0);
public function valid() {
return is_array($this->row);
public function current() {
return $this->row;
public function seek($n=0, $continue=null) {
# SQLite ne sait pas seek(), il faut relancer la query
if (!$a = sql_seek($this->result, $this->command['connect'], $n, $continue)) {
if (!$a = sql_seek($this->sqlresult, $this->command['connect'], $n, $continue)) {
return true; # ??
return true;
return $a;
public function next(){
return sql_fetch($this->result, $this->command['connect']);
$this->row = sql_fetch($this->sqlresult, $this->command['connect']);
public function fetch(){
if ($this->valid()) {
$r = $this->current();
} else
$r = false;
return $r;
public function free(){
return sql_free($this->result, $this->command['connect']);
return sql_free($this->sqlresult, $this->command['connect']);
public function count() {
return sql_count($this->result, $this->command['connect']);
public function total() {
return sql_count($this->sqlresult, $this->command['connect']);
class IterENUM extends Iter {
var $ok = true;
var $type;
var $command;
var $info;
var $n = 0;
var $max = 1000000;
var $filtre = array();
private $result = false;
* array command: les commandes d'initialisation
* array info: les infos sur le squelette
public function IterENUM($command, $info=array()) {
private $n = 0;
private $pos = 0;
private $start = 0;
private $offset = 0;
private $total = 1000000;
private $max = 1000000;
private $filtre = array();
public function __construct($command=array(), $info=array()) {
$this->command = $command;
$this->info = $info;
......@@ -128,60 +145,82 @@ class IterENUM extends Iter {
// critere {2,7}
if ($this->command['limit']) {
$limit = explode(',',$this->command['limit']);
$this->n = $limit[0];
$this->max = $limit[0]+$limit[1]-1;
$this->offset = $limit[0];
$this->total = $limit[1];
// Appliquer les filtres sur (valeur)
if ($this->filtre) {
$this->filtre = create_function('$valeur', $b = 'return ('.join(') AND (', $this->filtre).');');
$this->filtre = create_function('$cle,$valeur', $b = 'return ('.join(') AND (', $this->filtre).');');
public function seek($n=0, $continue=null) {
$this->n = $n;
return true;
public function rewind() {
$this->n = $this->start-1;
$this->pos = -1;
for ($i=0; $i<=$this->offset; $i++) {
$this->next(); # pour filtre
public function valid(){
$this->n <= $this->max
AND $this->pos < $this->total;
public function current() {
return $this->n;
public function key() {
return $this->pos;
public function next() {
if ($f = $this->filtre) {
while (
$this->n < $this->max
AND !$f($a = $this->n++)){};
} else
$a = $this->n++;
if ($this->n <= 1+$this->max)
return array('valeur' => $a);
$this->n <= $this->max
AND !$f($this->pos,$this->n)) {
public function free(){
public function seek($n=0, $continue=null) {
$this->n = $this->start-1;
$this->pos = -1;
for ($i=0; $i<=$n; $i++) {
$this->next(); # pour filtre
return true;
public function count() {
return $this->max;
public function total() {
return $this->total;
class IterPOUR extends Iter {
var $ok = false;
var $type;
var $command;
var $info;
var $tableau = array();
var $filtre = array();
private $result = false;
class IterDATA extends Iter {
private $tableau = array();
private $filtre = array();
private $cle = null;
private $valeur = null;
* array command: les commandes d'initialisation
* array info: les infos sur le squelette
public function IterPOUR($command, $info=array()) {
public function __construct($command, $info=array()) {
$this->command = $command;
$this->info = $info;
public function rewind() {
list($this->cle, $this->valeur) = each($this->tableau);
private function select($command) {
// les commandes connues pour l'iterateur POUR
// sont : tableau=#ARRAY ; cle=...; valeur=...
// source URL
......@@ -305,23 +344,29 @@ class IterPOUR extends Iter {
public function seek($n=0, $continue=null) {
while($n-->0 AND list($cle, $valeur) = each($this->tableau)){};
AND list($this->cle, $this->valeur) = each($this->tableau)){};
return true;
public function next(){
if (list($cle, $valeur) = each($this->tableau)) {
return array('cle' => $cle, 'valeur' => $valeur);
public function valid(){
return !is_null($this->cle);
public function free(){
public function current() {
return $this->valeur;
public function key() {
return $this->cle;
public function next(){
if ($this->valid())
list($this->cle, $this->valeur) = each($this->tableau);
public function count() {
public function total() {
return count($this->tableau);
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