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Valider 3b1a3a24 rédigé par Antoine Pitrou's avatar Antoine Pitrou
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parent 94a8652d
Aucune branche associée trouvée
Aucune étiquette associée trouvée
Aucune requête de fusion associée trouvée
......@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ function afficher_barre($formulaire='',$texte='', $forum=false) {
$ret .= "<td align='center'>";
if ($spip_lang == "fr") {
$ret .= bouton_barre_racc ("javascript:barre_raccourci('&laquo;','&raquo;',$champ)", "barre-guillemets.png", "Insrer des &laquo; guillemets fran&ccedil;ais &raquo;", $formulaire, $texte);
$ret .= bouton_barre_racc ("javascript:barre_raccourci('&laquo;','&raquo;',$champ)", "barre-guillemets.png", "Ins&eacute;rer des &laquo; guillemets fran&ccedil;ais &raquo;", $formulaire, $texte);
$ret .= "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;";
$ret .= bouton_barre_racc ("javascript:barre_inserer('&OElig;',$champ)", "barre-oe-maj.png", "Ins&eacute;rer un E-dans-l-O majuscule", $formulaire, $texte);
$ret .= bouton_barre_racc ("javascript:barre_inserer('&oelig;',$champ)", "barre-oe.png", "Ins&eacute;rer un E-dans-l-O", $formulaire, $texte);
......@@ -830,7 +830,7 @@ function verif_butineur() {
if (ereg("rv:([0-9]+\.[0-9]+)", $browser_description, $match))
$browser_rev = doubleval($match[1]);
// Autres Gecko => equivalents 1.4 par defaut (Galeon, etc.)
else if (strpos($browser_description, "Gecko"))
else if (strpos($browser_description, "Gecko") and !strpos($browser_description, "KHTML"))
$browser_rev = 1.4;
// Machins quelconques => equivalents 1.0 par defaut (Konqueror, etc.)
else $browser_rev = 1.0;
......@@ -27,26 +27,26 @@ function barre_raccourci(debut,fin,champ) {
donotinsert = false;
theSelection = false;
bblast = 0;
if ((clientVer >= 4) && is_ie && is_win)
theSelection = document.selection.createRange().text; // Get text selection
if (theSelection) {
if (theSelection.substring(theSelection.length-1, theSelection.length) == ' ')
while (theSelection.substring(theSelection.length-1, theSelection.length) == ' ')
theSelection = theSelection.substring(0, theSelection.length-1);
fin = fin + " ";
if (theSelection.substring(0,1) == '{' && debut.substring(0,1) == '{')
if (theSelection.substring(0,1) == '{' && debut.substring(0,1) == '{')
debut = debut + " ";
if (theSelection.substring(theSelection.length-1, theSelection.length) == '}' && fin.substring(0,1) == '}')
if (theSelection.substring(theSelection.length-1, theSelection.length) == '}' && fin.substring(0,1) == '}')
fin = " " + fin;
// Add tags around selection
document.selection.createRange().text = debut + theSelection + fin;
......@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ function barre_raccourci(debut,fin,champ) {
function barre_demande(debut,milieu,fin,affich,champ) {
var inserer = prompt(affich);
if (inserer != null) {
if (inserer == "") {inserer = "xxx"; }
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