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Habillage des noms de champs de l'onglet "contenu" de l'espace prive + une...

Habillage des noms de champs de l'onglet "contenu" de l'espace prive + une astuce pour palir les couleurs (avec pale.gif).
parent 6d0f1a72
Aucune branche associée trouvée
Aucune étiquette associée trouvée
Aucune requête de fusion associée trouvée
......@@ -133,6 +133,7 @@ dist/images/mot-cle-24.gif -text
dist/images/naviguer-site.png -text
dist/images/noeud_moins.gif -text
dist/images/noeud_plus.gif -text
dist/images/pale.gif -text
dist/images/pense-bete.gif -text
dist/images/petite-cle.gif -text
dist/images/petition-24.gif -text
......@@ -257,6 +258,7 @@ dist/modeles/pagination_page.html -text
dist/modeles/pagination_page_precedent_suivant.html -text
dist/modeles/pagination_precedent_suivant.html -text
dist/modeles/paginationitem.html -text
dist/pale.gif -text
dist/polices/dustismo-license.txt -text svneol=unset#application/octet-stream
dist/polices/dustismo.ttf -text
dist/polices/dustismo_bold.ttf -text
......@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ div.spip_code, .spip_cadre { margin-bottom: 1em; }
table { border-collapse: collapse; border-spacing: 0; }
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table.spip tr.row_even { background: #DDD; }
table.spip th, table.spip td { text-align: left; border: 2px solid #FFF; }
......@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ span.spip_documents_center { display: block; margin-top: 1em; }
.ps, .notes { line-height: 1.4em; margin-bottom: 2em; }
.notes { clear: both; }
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/* modeles par defaut */
......@@ -125,11 +125,11 @@ span.spip_documents_center { display: block; margin-top: 1em; }
/* Habillage des formulaires
---------------------------------------------- */
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.formulaire_spip textarea { margin-bottom: 1em; }
/* Boutons */

46 octets


46 octets

......@@ -426,44 +426,47 @@ i.spip {}
strong.spip {}
hr.spip {}
/* Listes SPIP */
.spip_puce { list-style-position: outside; }
ul.spip {}
ol.spip {}
li.spip {}
h3.spip { margin: 2em 0 1.4em 0; border-bottom: 2px solid; font: 1.15em Verdana, Geneva, Sans, sans-serif; font-weight: bold; }
.chapo { font-weight: bold; color: #333; }
h3.spip { margin: 2em 0 1.4em 0; border-bottom: 2px solid; font: 1.15em Verdana, Geneva, Sans, sans-serif; color: #333; }
p.spip { line-height: 1.4em; }
p.spip_note { margin-bottom: 3px; margin-top: 3px; margin-#GET{left}: 17px; text-indent: -17px; }
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a.spip_note { background-color: #eee; font-weight: bold; }
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#voir a.spip_glossaire:hover { text-decoration: underline overline; }
.spip_recherche { width: 240px; float: [(#GET{right})]; }
.spip_recherche .recherche{ padding: 3px; width: 200px; font-size: 10px; border: 1px solid #fff; background-color: #GET{foncee}; color: #fff; margin: 0 3px 6px 0; }
.spip_recherche .submit {}
/* Citations, code et poesie */
q, blockquote.spip, .spip_poesie, .spip_serif { font-family: Georgia, Times, serif; }
blockquote.spip { margin-#GET{left}: 40px; margin-#GET{right}: 0; margin-top: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px; border: solid 1px #aaa; background-color: #fff; padding-left: 10px; padding-right: 10px; }
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q, blockquote, .spip_poesie, .spip_serif { font-family: Georgia, Times, serif; }
blockquote { padding-#GET{left}: 1em; border-#GET{left}: 4px solid #DDD; }
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/* Tableaux */
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table.spip caption { caption-side: top; /* bottom pas pris en compte par IE */
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table.spip { margin-bottom: 1em; color: #633E6D; border-collapse: collapse; border-spacing: 0; }
table.spip caption { caption-side: top; font-weight: bold; color: #9DBA00; line-height: normal; }
table.spip tr.row_first { background: #C5E41C; background-image: url(#EVAL{ _DIR_IMG_PACK}wrapper.php?file=pale.gif); }
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table.spip th, table.spip td { text-align: left; border: 2px solid #FFF; }
table.spip th { padding: .2em; vertical-align: middle; font-weight: bold; }
table.spip td { padding: .4em; vertical-align: top; }
/* Logos, documents et images */
img, .spip_logos { margin: 0; padding: 0; border: none; }
......@@ -516,14 +519,8 @@ div.titrem { display: block; padding-top: 6px; padding-bottom: 4px; background-r
.ajax-action {padding-top:1px;clear:both;position:relative; }
.dater {position:relative; }
.dater .titrem,
.editer_mot .titrem,
.editer_auteurs .titrem { background-color: #GET{claire}; }
.dater .hover,
.editer_mot .hover,
.editer_auteurs .hover { background-color: #GET{foncee}; }
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.dater .hover, .editer_mot .hover, .editer_auteurs .hover { background-color: #GET{foncee}; }
.mots_tous #contenu .titrem.impliable {background-color: #GET{claire}; }
.configuration #contenu .cadre .titrem {background-color:#eee; }
......@@ -664,8 +661,8 @@ {background:#cccccc; }
pour les puces de changement rapide de statut ; NB: ca buggue car ca s'affiche en-dessous du cadre
li .puce_statut{float: #GET{left}; padding-top: 5px; }
li .puce_article_popup {padding:0px; }
li .puce_statut { float: #GET{left}; padding-top: 5px; }
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......@@ -681,22 +678,21 @@ div.puce_breve_popup, span.puce_breve_popup { width: 27px; }
.tabs-nav a { color: #GET{foncee}; }
/* generique */
#contenu #voir span.label {margin-top:1em;font-size:x-small;display:block;clear:both;font-style:italic; }
#contenu #voir span p { margin-top:0; }
#navigation .infos .numero {font-size:x-small;font-weight:bold; text-align: center; }
#navigation .infos .numero p { font-size:x-large; margin:5px 0;color:#333; font-family: verdana, helvetica, arial, sans; }
#contenu .bandeau_actions {border-top:1px solid #eee;border-bottom:1px solid #eee; margin:5px 0;clear:both; }
#contenu .bandeau_actions a:hover {background:#fff; }
#contenu .logo_titre {float: #GET{right}; margin:5px 0; margin-#GET{left}:5px; }
#contenu #voir span.label { clear: both; display: block; background-color: #GET{claire}; background-image: url(#EVAL{ _DIR_IMG_PACK}wrapper.php?file=pale.gif); margin-top: 2em; padding: .1em; font-size: x-small; color: #777; }
#contenu #voir span p { margin-top: 0; }
#navigation .infos .numero {font-size: x-small;font-weight:bold; text-align: center; }
#navigation .infos .numero p { font-size: x-large; margin:5px 0;color:#333; font-family: verdana, helvetica, arial, sans; }
#contenu .bandeau_actions {border-top: 1px solid #eee; border-bottom:1px solid #eee; margin:5px 0;clear:both; }
#contenu .bandeau_actions a:hover { background: #fff; }
#contenu .logo_titre { float: #GET{right}; margin: 5px 0; margin-#GET{left}: 5px; }
ul.instituer { /*float: #GET{right}; */
text-align: #GET{left}; border-top:1px solid #eee; border-bottom:1px solid #eee; margin: 0; padding:5px 0; /*font-size:0.9em; */ }
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ul.instituer li {list-style:none; margin: 0;padding:0; }
ul.instituer li ul {margin: 0;padding:0; }
ul.instituer li ul li a { display:block; }
ul.instituer li ul li img {margin:1px 1px -1px; margin-#GET{right}:5px;visibility:hidden;border:1px solid #f8f7f3; }
ul.instituer li ul li img {margin: 1px 1px -1px; margin-#GET{right}: 5px; visibility: hidden; border: 1px solid #f8f7f3; }
ul.instituer li.selected img,ul.instituer li a:hover img {visibility:visible; }
ul.instituer a:hover {background:#eee; }
ul.instituer a:hover { background: #eee; }
ul.instituer li.prepa.selected a,ul.instituer li.prepa a:hover {background:#fff; }
ul.instituer li.prop.selected a,ul.instituer li.prop a:hover {background:#f89058;color:#fff; }
ul.instituer li.publie.selected a,ul.instituer li.publie a:hover {background:#9dba00;color:#fff; }
......@@ -706,16 +702,16 @@ ul.instituer li.refuse.selected a,ul.instituer li.refuse a:hover {background:#ff
#voir.tabs-container {background:#fff; padding:5px;border:1px solid #999; }
/* exec/articles */
.articles h1 {color:#000;font-size:large; margin-top:5px; }
#voir .article_prop {text-align: center;font-weight:bold;font-size:small;color:red; }
.articles h1 {color: #000; font-size: large; margin-top: 5px; }
#voir .article_prop {text-align: center; font-weight: bold; font-size: small; color: red; }
/* exec/naviguer */
.naviguer h1 {color:#000;font-size:large; margin-top:5px; }
#contenu div.gauche { width:49%;float: #GET{left}; }
#contenu div.droite { width:49%;float: #GET{right}; }
.naviguer h1 {color: #000;font-size: large; margin-top: 5px; }
#contenu div.gauche { width: 49%; float: #GET{left}; }
#contenu div.droite { width: 49%; float: #GET{right}; }
/* exec/sites */
.sites h1 {color:#000;font-size:large; margin-top:5px; }
.sites h1 { color: #000;font-size: large; margin-top:5px; }
#voir .site_prop {text-align: center;font-weight:bold;font-size:small;color:red; }
#voir .site_syndique {font-weight:bold; text-align: center; }
#voir .site_syndique img {vertical-align:middle; }
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