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Cosmetique: graphisme des suivis de forums

parent 91b66ef0
Aucune branche associée trouvée
Aucune étiquette associée trouvée
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......@@ -125,6 +125,7 @@ ecrire/img_pack/forum-admin-24.gif -text
ecrire/img_pack/forum-droite.gif -text
ecrire/img_pack/forum-droite_rtl.gif -text
ecrire/img_pack/forum-interne-24.gif -text
ecrire/img_pack/forum-public-24.gif -text
ecrire/img_pack/forum-vert.gif -text
ecrire/img_pack/groupe-mot-24.gif -text
ecrire/img_pack/heures-am.png -text
......@@ -123,21 +123,30 @@ function controle_forum($row, $rappel) {
$type = $r['type'];
$valeur = $r['valeur'];
$pref = $r['pref'];
$cadre = "";
$controle = "\n<br /><br /><a id='$id_forum'></a>";
// $controle.= "[$forum_stat]";
if ($forum_stat == "prive") $logo = "forum-interne-24.gif";
else if ($forum_stat == "privadm") $logo = "forum-admin-24.gif";
else if ($forum_stat == "privrac") $logo = "forum-admin-24.gif";
else $logo = "forum-public-24.gif";
$controle .= debut_cadre_thread_forum("", true, "", typo($forum_titre));
if ($forum_stat=="off" OR $forum_stat == "privoff")
$controle .= "<div style='border: 2px #ff0000 dashed; background-color: white;'>";
else if ($forum_stat=="prop")
if ($forum_stat=="off" OR $forum_stat == "privoff") {
$controle .= "<div style='border: 2px #ff0000 dashed;'>";
else if ($forum_stat=="prop") {
$controle .= "<div style='border: 2px yellow solid; background-color: white;'>";
else {
$controle .= "<div style='border-right: 1px solid #cccccc; border-bottom: 1px solid #cccccc;'>" .
"<div style='border: 1px #999999 dashed; background-color: white;'>";
$controle .= "<div>";
$controle .= "<table width=100% cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0><tr><td width=100% valign='top'><table width=100% cellpadding=5 cellspacing=0><tr><td bgcolor='$couleur_foncee'><font face='verdana,arial,sans,sans-serif' size=2 color='#ffffff'><b>" .
"</b></font></td></tr><tr><td class='serif'><span class='arial2'>" .
$controle .= "<table width=100% cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0><tr><td width=100% valign='top'><table width=100% cellpadding=5 cellspacing=0><tr><td class='serif'><span class='arial2'>" .
affdate_heure($forum_date_heure) .
if ($forum_auteur) {
......@@ -153,7 +162,7 @@ function controle_forum($row, $rappel) {
else if ($forum_stat == "prive" OR $forum_stat == "privrac" OR $forum_stat == "privadm")
$controle .=
......@@ -161,7 +170,7 @@ function controle_forum($row, $rappel) {
else {
......@@ -178,7 +187,7 @@ function controle_forum($row, $rappel) {
"creer.gif") .
......@@ -210,9 +219,8 @@ function controle_forum($row, $rappel) {
$controle .= "</TD></TR></TABLE>";
$controle .= "</TD></TR></TABLE>\n";
if (!($forum_stat == 'off' OR $forum_stat == 'privoff' OR $forum_stat=='prop'))
$controle .= "</div>";
$controle .= "</div>";
$controle .= "</div>".fin_cadre_thread_forum(true);
return $controle;
......@@ -6,10 +6,12 @@ include ("inc.php3");
if ($admin=='oui') {
debut_page(_T('titre_page_forum'), "redacteurs", "forum-admin");
$statutforum = 'privadm';
$logo = "forum-admin-24.gif";
$urlforum = 'forum_admin.php3';
} else {
debut_page(_T('titre_forum'), "redacteurs", "forum-interne");
$statutforum = 'privrac';
$logo = "forum-interne-24.gif";
$urlforum = 'forum.php3';
......@@ -61,7 +63,7 @@ if ($total > 10) {
echo "<p><div align='center'>";
icone (_T('icone_poster_message'), "forum_envoi.php3?statut=$statutforum&adresse_retour=$urlforum&titre_message=".urlencode(filtrer_entites(_T('texte_nouveau_message'))), "forum-interne-24.gif", "creer.gif");
icone (_T('icone_poster_message'), "forum_envoi.php3?statut=$statutforum&adresse_retour=$urlforum&titre_message=".urlencode(filtrer_entites(_T('texte_nouveau_message'))), $logo, "creer.gif");
echo "</div>";

457 octets | W: | H:


281 octets | W: | H:

  • 2-up
  • Swipe
  • Onion skin

256 octets


300 octets | W: | H:


301 octets | W: | H:

  • 2-up
  • Swipe
  • Onion skin
......@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ function changer_statut_forum($id_forum, $statut) {
// Installer un bouton de moderation (securise) dans l'espace prive
function controle_cache_forum($action, $id, $texte, $lien, $fond, $fonc) {
function controle_cache_forum($action, $id, $texte, $lien, $fond, $fonction) {
$link = $GLOBALS['clean_link'];
$link->addvar('controle_forum', $action);
$link->addvar('id_controle_forum', $id);
......@@ -1142,6 +1142,12 @@ function afficher_forum($request, $adresse_retour, $controle_id_article = 0) {
$forum_stat = $statut;
if ($forum_stat == "prive") $logo = "forum-interne-24.gif";
else if ($forum_stat == "privadm") $logo = "forum-admin-24.gif";
else if ($forum_stat == "privrac") $logo = "forum-admin-24.gif";
else $logo = "forum-public-24.gif";
if ($compteur_forum==1) echo "\n<br /><br />";
$afficher = ($controle_id_article) ? ($statut!="perso") :
......@@ -1165,19 +1171,20 @@ function afficher_forum($request, $adresse_retour, $controle_id_article = 0) {
echo "\n<td width=100% valign='top'>";
if ($compteur_forum == 1) echo debut_cadre_forum($logo, false, "", typo($titre));
else echo debut_cadre_thread_forum("", false, "", typo($titre));
// Si refuse, cadre rouge
if ($statut=="off") {
echo "<table width=100% cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 border=0><tr><td>";
echo "<div style='border: 2px dashed red; padding: 5px;'>";
// Si propose, cadre jaune
else if ($statut=="prop") {
echo "<table width=100% cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 border=0><tr><td>";
echo "<div style='border: 1px solid yellow; padding: 5px;'>";
if ($compteur_forum == 1) echo debut_cadre_forum("forum-interne-24.gif", false, "", typo($titre));
else echo debut_cadre_thread_forum("", false, "", typo($titre));
echo "<span class='arial2'>";
echo "<span class='arial2'>";
echo affdate_court($date_heure);
echo ", ";
echo heures($date_heure).":".minutes($date_heure);
......@@ -1201,7 +1208,7 @@ function afficher_forum($request, $adresse_retour, $controle_id_article = 0) {
else {
......@@ -1216,7 +1223,7 @@ function afficher_forum($request, $adresse_retour, $controle_id_article = 0) {
......@@ -1246,13 +1253,13 @@ function afficher_forum($request, $adresse_retour, $controle_id_article = 0) {
if ($statut == "off" OR $statut == "prop") echo "</div>";
if ($compteur_forum == 1) echo fin_cadre_forum();
else echo fin_cadre_thread_forum();
if ($statut == "off" OR $statut == "prop") {
echo "</td></tr></table>";
echo "</td></tr></table>\n";
......@@ -1728,7 +1735,7 @@ function barre_onglets($rubrique, $onglet){
if ($rubrique == "suivi_forum"){
onglet(_T('onglet_messages_publics'), "controle_forum.php3?page=public", "public", $onglet, "racine-site-24.gif");
onglet(_T('onglet_messages_publics'), "controle_forum.php3?page=public", "public", $onglet, "forum-public-24.gif");
onglet(_T('onglet_messages_internes'), "controle_forum.php3?page=interne", "interne", $onglet, "forum-interne-24.gif");
$query_forum = "SELECT * FROM spip_forum WHERE statut='publie' AND texte='' LIMIT 0,1";
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