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suppression de la modabox "de depannage" car mediabox integre les extensions...

suppression de la modabox "de depannage" car mediabox integre les extensions du core par
parent 188edec4
Aucune branche associée trouvée
Aucune étiquette associée trouvée
Aucune requête de fusion associée trouvée
......@@ -75,11 +75,6 @@ metadata/flv.php -text
metadata/image.php -text
metadata/svg.php -text
metadata/swf.php -text
modalbox/jquery.simplemodal-1.3.3.js -text
modalbox/modal_closebox.png -text
modalbox/modalbox.js -text
modalbox/modalbox_pipelines.php -text
modalbox/style_prive_plugin_modalbox.html -text
modeles/doc.html -text
modeles/doc_legende.html -text
modeles/document_case.html -text
* SimpleModal 1.3.3 - jQuery Plugin
* Copyright (c) 2009 Eric Martin (
* Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses
* Revision: $Id: jquery.simplemodal.js 228 2009-10-30 13:34:27Z emartin24 $
* SimpleModal is a lightweight jQuery plugin that provides a simple
* interface to create a modal dialog.
* The goal of SimpleModal is to provide developers with a cross-browser
* overlay and container that will be populated with data provided to
* SimpleModal.
* There are two ways to call SimpleModal:
* 1) As a chained function on a jQuery object, like $('#myDiv').modal();.
* This call would place the DOM object, #myDiv, inside a modal dialog.
* Chaining requires a jQuery object. An optional options object can be
* passed as a parameter.
* @example $('<div>my data</div>').modal({options});
* @example $('#myDiv').modal({options});
* @example jQueryObject.modal({options});
* 2) As a stand-alone function, like $.modal(data). The data parameter
* is required and an optional options object can be passed as a second
* parameter. This method provides more flexibility in the types of data
* that are allowed. The data could be a DOM object, a jQuery object, HTML
* or a string.
* @example $.modal('<div>my data</div>', {options});
* @example $.modal('my data', {options});
* @example $.modal($('#myDiv'), {options});
* @example $.modal(jQueryObject, {options});
* @example $.modal(document.getElementById('myDiv'), {options});
* A SimpleModal call can contain multiple elements, but only one modal
* dialog can be created at a time. Which means that all of the matched
* elements will be displayed within the modal container.
* SimpleModal internally sets the CSS needed to display the modal dialog
* properly in all browsers, yet provides the developer with the flexibility
* to easily control the look and feel. The styling for SimpleModal can be
* done through external stylesheets, or through SimpleModal, using the
* overlayCss and/or containerCss options.
* SimpleModal has been tested in the following browsers:
* - IE 6, 7, 8
* - Firefox 2, 3
* - Opera 9, 10
* - Safari 3, 4
* - Chrome 1, 2
* @name SimpleModal
* @type jQuery
* @requires jQuery v1.2.2
* @cat Plugins/Windows and Overlays
* @author Eric Martin (
* @version 1.3.3
;(function ($) {
var ie6 = $.browser.msie && parseInt($.browser.version) == 6 && typeof window['XMLHttpRequest'] != "object",
ieQuirks = null,
w = [];
* Stand-alone function to create a modal dialog.
* @param {string, object} data A string, jQuery object or DOM object
* @param {object} [options] An optional object containing options overrides
$.modal = function (data, options) {
return $.modal.impl.init(data, options);
* Stand-alone close function to close the modal dialog
$.modal.close = function () {
* Chained function to create a modal dialog.
* @param {object} [options] An optional object containing options overrides
$.fn.modal = function (options) {
return $.modal.impl.init(this, options);
* SimpleModal default options
* appendTo: (String:'body') The jQuery selector to append the elements to. For ASP.NET, use 'form'.
* focus: (Boolean:true) Forces focus to remain on the modal dialog
* opacity: (Number:50) The opacity value for the overlay div, from 0 - 100
* overlayId: (String:'simplemodal-overlay') The DOM element id for the overlay div
* overlayCss: (Object:{}) The CSS styling for the overlay div
* containerId: (String:'simplemodal-container') The DOM element id for the container div
* containerCss: (Object:{}) The CSS styling for the container div
* dataId: (String:'simplemodal-data') The DOM element id for the data div
* dataCss: (Object:{}) The CSS styling for the data div
* minHeight: (Number:200) The minimum height for the container
* minWidth: (Number:200) The minimum width for the container
* maxHeight: (Number:null) The maximum height for the container. If not specified, the window height is used.
* maxWidth: (Number:null) The maximum width for the container. If not specified, the window width is used.
* autoResize: (Boolean:false) Resize container on window resize? Use with caution - this may have undesirable side-effects.
* autoPosition: (Boolean:true) Reposition container on window resize?
* zIndex: (Number: 1000) Starting z-index value
* close: (Boolean:true) If true, closeHTML, escClose and overClose will be used if set.
If false, none of them will be used.
* closeHTML: (String:'<a class="modalCloseImg" title="Close"></a>') The HTML for the
default close link. SimpleModal will automatically add the closeClass to this element.
* closeClass: (String:'simplemodal-close') The CSS class used to bind to the close event
* escClose: (Boolean:true) Allow Esc keypress to close the dialog?
* overlayClose: (Boolean:false) Allow click on overlay to close the dialog?
* position: (Array:null) Position of container [top, left]. Can be number of pixels or percentage
* persist: (Boolean:false) Persist the data across modal calls? Only used for existing
DOM elements. If true, the data will be maintained across modal calls, if false,
the data will be reverted to its original state.
* onOpen: (Function:null) The callback function used in place of SimpleModal's open
* onShow: (Function:null) The callback function used after the modal dialog has opened
* onClose: (Function:null) The callback function used in place of SimpleModal's close
$.modal.defaults = {
appendTo: 'body',
focus: true,
opacity: 50,
overlayId: 'simplemodal-overlay',
overlayCss: {},
containerId: 'simplemodal-container',
containerCss: {},
dataId: 'simplemodal-data',
dataCss: {},
minHeight: 200,
minWidth: 300,
maxHeight: null,
maxWidth: null,
autoResize: false,
autoPosition: true,
zIndex: 1000,
close: true,
closeHTML: '<a class="modalCloseImg" title="Close"></a>',
closeClass: 'simplemodal-close',
escClose: true,
overlayClose: false,
position: null,
persist: false,
onOpen: null,
onShow: null,
onClose: null
* Main modal object
$.modal.impl = {
* Modal dialog options
o: null,
* Contains the modal dialog elements and is the object passed
* back to the callback (onOpen, onShow, onClose) functions
d: {},
* Initialize the modal dialog
init: function (data, options) {
var s = this;
// don't allow multiple calls
if ( {
return false;
// $.boxModel is undefined if checked earlier
ieQuirks = $.browser.msie && !$.boxModel;
// merge defaults and user options
s.o = $.extend({}, $.modal.defaults, options);
// keep track of z-index
s.zIndex = s.o.zIndex;
// set the onClose callback flag
s.occb = false;
// determine how to handle the data based on its type
if (typeof data == 'object') {
// convert DOM object to a jQuery object
data = data instanceof jQuery ? data : $(data);
// if the object came from the DOM, keep track of its parent
if (data.parent().parent().size() > 0) {
s.d.parentNode = data.parent();
// persist changes? if not, make a clone of the element
if (!s.o.persist) {
s.d.orig = data.clone(true);
else if (typeof data == 'string' || typeof data == 'number') {
// just insert the data as innerHTML
data = $('<div></div>').html(data);
else {
// unsupported data type!
alert('SimpleModal Error: Unsupported data type: ' + typeof data);
return s;
// create the modal overlay, container and, if necessary, iframe
data = null;
// display the modal dialog;
// useful for adding events/manipulating data in the modal dialog
if ($.isFunction(s.o.onShow)) {
s.o.onShow.apply(s, [s.d]);
// don't break the chain =)
return s;
* Create and add the modal overlay and container to the page
create: function (data) {
var s = this;
// get the window properties
w = s.getDimensions();
// add an iframe to prevent select options from bleeding through
if (ie6) {
s.d.iframe = $('<iframe src="javascript:false;"></iframe>')
.css($.extend(s.o.iframeCss, {
display: 'none',
opacity: 0,
position: 'fixed',
height: w[0],
width: w[1],
zIndex: s.o.zIndex,
top: 0,
left: 0
// create the overlay
s.d.overlay = $('<div></div>')
.attr('id', s.o.overlayId)
.css($.extend(s.o.overlayCss, {
display: 'none',
opacity: s.o.opacity / 100,
height: w[0],
width: w[1],
position: 'fixed',
left: 0,
top: 0,
zIndex: s.o.zIndex + 1
// create the container
s.d.container = $('<div></div>')
.attr('id', s.o.containerId)
.css($.extend(s.o.containerCss, {
display: 'none',
position: 'fixed',
zIndex: s.o.zIndex + 2
.append(s.o.close && s.o.closeHTML
? $(s.o.closeHTML).addClass(s.o.closeClass)
: '')
s.d.wrap = $('<div></div>')
.attr('tabIndex', -1)
.css({height: '100%', outline: 0, width: '100%'})
// add styling and attributes to the data
// append to body to get correct dimensions, then move to wrap = data
.attr('id', data.attr('id') || s.o.dataId)
.css($.extend(s.o.dataCss, {
display: 'none'
data = null;
// fix issues with IE
if (ie6 || ieQuirks) {
* Bind events
bindEvents: function () {
var s = this;
// bind the close event to any element with the closeClass class
$('.' + s.o.closeClass).bind('click.simplemodal', function (e) {
// bind the overlay click to the close function, if enabled
if (s.o.close && s.o.overlayClose) {
s.d.overlay.bind('click.simplemodal', function (e) {
// bind keydown events
$(document).bind('keydown.simplemodal', function (e) {
if (s.o.focus && e.keyCode == 9) { // TAB
else if ((s.o.close && s.o.escClose) && e.keyCode == 27) { // ESC
// update window size
$(window).bind('resize.simplemodal', function () {
// redetermine the window width/height
w = s.getDimensions();
// reposition the dialog
if (ie6 || ieQuirks) {
else {
// update the iframe & overlay
s.d.iframe && s.d.iframe.css({height: w[0], width: w[1]});
s.d.overlay.css({height: w[0], width: w[1]});
* Unbind events
unbindEvents: function () {
$('.' + this.o.closeClass).unbind('click.simplemodal');
* Fix issues in IE6 and IE7 in quirks mode
fixIE: function () {
var s=this, p = s.o.position;
// simulate fixed position - adapted from BlockUI
$.each([s.d.iframe || null, s.d.overlay, s.d.container], function (i, el) {
if (el) {
var bch = 'document.body.clientHeight', bcw = 'document.body.clientWidth',
bsh = 'document.body.scrollHeight', bsl = 'document.body.scrollLeft',
bst = 'document.body.scrollTop', bsw = 'document.body.scrollWidth',
ch = 'document.documentElement.clientHeight', cw = 'document.documentElement.clientWidth',
sl = 'document.documentElement.scrollLeft', st = 'document.documentElement.scrollTop',
s = el[0].style;
s.position = 'absolute';
if (i < 2) {
s.setExpression('height','' + bsh + ' > ' + bch + ' ? ' + bsh + ' : ' + bch + ' + "px"');
s.setExpression('width','' + bsw + ' > ' + bcw + ' ? ' + bsw + ' : ' + bcw + ' + "px"');
else {
var te, le;
if (p && p.constructor == Array) {
var top = p[0]
? typeof p[0] == 'number' ? p[0].toString() : p[0].replace(/px/, '')
: el.css('top').replace(/px/, '');
te = top.indexOf('%') == -1
? top + ' + (t = ' + st + ' ? ' + st + ' : ' + bst + ') + "px"'
: parseInt(top.replace(/%/, '')) + ' * ((' + ch + ' || ' + bch + ') / 100) + (t = ' + st + ' ? ' + st + ' : ' + bst + ') + "px"';
if (p[1]) {
var left = typeof p[1] == 'number' ? p[1].toString() : p[1].replace(/px/, '');
le = left.indexOf('%') == -1
? left + ' + (t = ' + sl + ' ? ' + sl + ' : ' + bsl + ') + "px"'
: parseInt(left.replace(/%/, '')) + ' * ((' + cw + ' || ' + bcw + ') / 100) + (t = ' + sl + ' ? ' + sl + ' : ' + bsl + ') + "px"';
else {
te = '(' + ch + ' || ' + bch + ') / 2 - (this.offsetHeight / 2) + (t = ' + st + ' ? ' + st + ' : ' + bst + ') + "px"';
le = '(' + cw + ' || ' + bcw + ') / 2 - (this.offsetWidth / 2) + (t = ' + sl + ' ? ' + sl + ' : ' + bsl + ') + "px"';
s.setExpression('top', te);
s.setExpression('left', le);
focus: function (pos) {
var s = this, p = pos || 'first';
// focus on dialog or the first visible/enabled input element
var input = $(':input:enabled:visible:' + p, s.d.wrap);
input.length > 0 ? input.focus() : s.d.wrap.focus();
getDimensions: function () {
var el = $(window);
// fix a jQuery/Opera bug with determining the window height
var h = $.browser.opera && $.browser.version > '9.5' && $.fn.jquery <= '1.2.6' ? document.documentElement['clientHeight'] :
$.browser.opera && $.browser.version < '9.5' && $.fn.jquery > '1.2.6' ? window.innerHeight :
return [h, el.width()];
getVal: function (v) {
return v == 'auto' ? 0
: v.indexOf('%') > 0 ? v
: parseInt(v.replace(/px/, ''));
setContainerDimensions: function (resize) {
var s = this;
if (!resize || (resize && s.o.autoResize)) {
// get the dimensions for the container and data
var ch = s.getVal(s.d.container.css('height')), cw = s.getVal(s.d.container.css('width')),
dh =, dw =;
var mh = s.o.maxHeight && s.o.maxHeight < w[0] ? s.o.maxHeight : w[0],
mw = s.o.maxWidth && s.o.maxWidth < w[1] ? s.o.maxWidth : w[1];
// height
if (!ch) {
if (!dh) {ch = s.o.minHeight;}
else {
if (dh > mh) {ch = mh;}
else if (dh < s.o.minHeight) {ch = s.o.minHeight;}
else {ch = dh;}
else {
ch = ch > mh ? mh : ch;
// width
if (!cw) {
if (!dw) {cw = s.o.minWidth;}
else {
if (dw > mw) {cw = mw;}
else if (dw < s.o.minWidth) {cw = s.o.minWidth;}
else {cw = dw;}
else {
cw = cw > mw ? mw : cw;
s.d.container.css({height: ch, width: cw});
if (dh > ch || dw > cw) {
if (s.o.autoPosition) {
setPosition: function () {
var s = this, top, left,
hc = (w[0]/2) - (s.d.container.outerHeight(true)/2),
vc = (w[1]/2) - (s.d.container.outerWidth(true)/2);
if (s.o.position && === "[object Array]") {
top = s.o.position[0] || hc;
left = s.o.position[1] || vc;
} else {
top = hc;
left = vc;
s.d.container.css({left: left, top: top});
watchTab: function (e) {
var s = this;
if ($('.simplemodal-container').length > 0) {
// save the list of inputs
s.inputs = $(':input:enabled:visible:first, :input:enabled:visible:last',[0]);
// if it's the first or last tabbable element, refocus
if ((!e.shiftKey && == s.inputs[s.inputs.length -1]) ||
(e.shiftKey && == s.inputs[0]) ||
s.inputs.length == 0) {
var pos = e.shiftKey ? 'last' : 'first';
setTimeout(function () {s.focus(pos);}, 10);
else {
// might be necessary when custom onShow callback is used
setTimeout(function () {s.focus();}, 10);
* Open the modal dialog elements
* - Note: If you use the onOpen callback, you must "show" the
* overlay and container elements manually
* (the iframe will be handled by SimpleModal)
open: function () {
var s = this;
// display the iframe
s.d.iframe &&;
if ($.isFunction(s.o.onOpen)) {
// execute the onOpen callback
s.o.onOpen.apply(s, [s.d]);
else {
// display the remaining elements;;;
// bind default events
* Close the modal dialog
* - Note: If you use an onClose callback, you must remove the
* overlay, container and iframe elements manually
* @param {boolean} external Indicates whether the call to this
* function was internal or external. If it was external, the
* onClose callback will be ignored
close: function () {
var s = this;
// prevent close when dialog does not exist
if (! {
return false;
// remove the default events
if ($.isFunction(s.o.onClose) && !s.occb) {
// set the onClose callback flag
s.occb = true;
// execute the onClose callback
s.o.onClose.apply(s, [s.d]);
else {
// if the data came from the DOM, put it back
if (s.d.parentNode) {
// save changes to the data?
if (s.o.persist) {
// insert the (possibly) modified data back into the DOM;
else {
// remove the current and insert the original,
// unmodified data back into the DOM;
else {
// otherwise, remove it;
// remove the remaining elements
s.d.iframe && s.d.iframe.hide().remove();
// reset the dialog object
s.d = {};

1,87 ko

* To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
* and open the template in the editor.
;(function ($) {
$.modalbox = function (data, options) {
if ($.isFunction(options.onClose)){
var onClosefunc = options.onClose;
options.onClose = function(dialog){
onClosefunc.apply($.modal, [dialog])
return $.modal(data, options);
$.modalboxload = function (url, options) {
url: url,
dataType: "html",
success: function(c){
$.modalboxclose = function () {
\ No newline at end of file
function medias_modalbox_insert_head($flux){
if (!defined('_DIR_PLUGIN_MEDIABOX')) {
// Insertion des librairies js
$flux .='<script src="'.find_in_path('modalbox/jquery.simplemodal-1.3.3.js').'" type="text/javascript"></script>';
$flux .='<script src="'.find_in_path('modalbox/modalbox.js').'" type="text/javascript"></script>';
return $flux;
Ce squelette definit les styles de l'espace prive
Note: l'entete "Vary:" sert a repousser l'entete par
defaut "Vary: Cookie,Accept-Encoding", qui est (un peu)
genant en cas de "rotation du cookie de session" apres
un changement d'IP (effet de clignotement).
ATTENTION: il faut absolument le charset sinon Firefox croit que
c'est du text/html !
#HTTP_HEADER{Content-Type: text/css; charset=iso-8859-15}
#HTTP_HEADER{Vary: Accept-Encoding}
* SimpleModal Basic Modal Dialog
* Copyright (c) 2009 Eric Martin -
* Licensed under the MIT license:
* Revision: $Id: basic.css 185 2009-02-09 21:51:12Z emartin24 $
/* Overlay */
#simplemodal-overlay {background-color:#000; cursor:wait;}
/* Container */
#simplemodal-container {min-height:500px; min-width:600px; background-color:#[(#GET{claire}|couleur_eclaircir|couleur_eclaircir)]; border:10px solid #[(#GET{claire}|couleur_eclaircir)];}
.simplemodal-wrap {overflow:auto;}
#simplemodal-container a.modalCloseImg {background:url(#CHEMIN{modalbox/modal_closebox.png}) no-repeat; width:30px; height:30px; display:inline; z-index:3200; position:absolute; top:-12px; #GET{right}:-15px; cursor:pointer;}
#simplemodal-container #basicModalContent {padding:8px;}
#simplemodal-data .formulaire_spip {border:0;}
#simplemodal-data .entete-formulaire {border:0;}
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -45,12 +45,6 @@
......@@ -156,8 +156,4 @@ p.actions {clear:both;}
#portfolios .tout_supprimer span {display:block;text-align:#GET{right};}
.item.vu_oui {background:#f9f9f9;}
.item.vu_oui {background:#f9f9f9;}
\ No newline at end of file
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