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build: update getid3 en version v1.9.22-202207161647

parent 150342f7
Aucune branche associée trouvée
Aucune étiquette associée trouvée
Aucune requête de fusion associée trouvée
Affichage de
avec 366 ajouts et 73 suppressions
......@@ -11,6 +11,13 @@
// ///
if(!defined('GETID3_LIBXML_OPTIONS') && defined('LIBXML_VERSION')) {
if(LIBXML_VERSION >= 20621) {
} else {
class getid3_lib
......@@ -303,11 +310,10 @@ class getid3_lib
} elseif (($exponent == 0) && ($fraction == 0)) {
if ($signbit == '1') {
$floatvalue = -0;
$floatvalue = -0.0;
} else {
$floatvalue = 0;
$floatvalue = 0.0;
$floatvalue = ($signbit ? 0 : -0);
} elseif (($exponent == 0) && ($fraction != 0)) {
// These are 'unnormalized' values
$floatvalue = pow(2, (-1 * (pow(2, $exponentbits - 1) - 2))) * self::DecimalBinary2Float($fractionstring);
......@@ -732,7 +738,7 @@ class getid3_lib
// This function has been deprecated in PHP 8.0 because in libxml 2.9.0, external entity loading is
// disabled by default, but is still needed when LIBXML_NOENT is used.
$loader = @libxml_disable_entity_loader(true);
$XMLobject = simplexml_load_string($XMLstring, 'SimpleXMLElement', LIBXML_NOENT);
$XMLobject = simplexml_load_string($XMLstring, 'SimpleXMLElement', GETID3_LIBXML_OPTIONS);
$return = self::SimpleXMLelement2array($XMLobject);
return $return;
......@@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ class getID3
public $option_md5_data = false;
* Use MD5 of source file if availble - only FLAC and OptimFROG
* Use MD5 of source file if available - only FLAC and OptimFROG
* @var bool
......@@ -387,12 +387,15 @@ class getID3
protected $startup_warning = '';
const VERSION = '1.9.21-202109171300';
const VERSION = '1.9.22-202207161647';
const FREAD_BUFFER_SIZE = 32768;
const ATTACHMENTS_NONE = false;
* @throws getid3_exception
public function __construct() {
// Check for PHP version
......@@ -565,7 +568,7 @@ class getID3
$this->info['php_memory_limit'] = (($this->memory_limit > 0) ? $this->memory_limit : false);
// remote files not supported
if (preg_match('#^(ht|f)tp://#', $filename)) {
if (preg_match('#^(ht|f)tps?://#', $filename)) {
throw new getid3_exception('Remote files are not supported - please copy the file locally first');
......@@ -1051,15 +1054,16 @@ class getID3
'mime_type' => 'audio/x-monkeys-audio',
// has been known to produce false matches in random files (e.g. JPEGs), leave out until more precise matching available
// // MOD - audio - MODule (assorted sub-formats)
// 'mod' => array(
// 'pattern' => '^.{1080}(M\\.K\\.|M!K!|FLT4|FLT8|[5-9]CHN|[1-3][0-9]CH)',
// 'group' => 'audio',
// 'module' => 'mod',
// 'option' => 'mod',
// 'mime_type' => 'audio/mod',
// ),
// MOD - audio - MODule (SoundTracker)
'mod' => array(
//'pattern' => '^.{1080}(M\\.K\\.|M!K!|FLT4|FLT8|[5-9]CHN|[1-3][0-9]CH)', // has been known to produce false matches in random files (e.g. JPEGs), leave out until more precise matching available
'pattern' => '^.{1080}(M\\.K\\.)',
'group' => 'audio',
'module' => 'mod',
'option' => 'mod',
'mime_type' => 'audio/mod',
// MOD - audio - MODule (Impulse Tracker)
'it' => array(
......@@ -1090,7 +1094,7 @@ class getID3
// MPC - audio - Musepack / MPEGplus
'mpc' => array(
'pattern' => '^(MPCK|MP\\+|[\\x00\\x01\\x10\\x11\\x40\\x41\\x50\\x51\\x80\\x81\\x90\\x91\\xC0\\xC1\\xD0\\xD1][\\x20-\\x37][\\x00\\x20\\x40\\x60\\x80\\xA0\\xC0\\xE0])',
'pattern' => '^(MPCK|MP\\+)',
'group' => 'audio',
'module' => 'mpc',
'mime_type' => 'audio/x-musepack',
......@@ -1547,6 +1551,13 @@ class getID3
$info = $GetFileFormatArray['mp3'];
$info['include'] = 'module.'.$info['group'].'.'.$info['module'].'.php';
return $info;
} elseif (preg_match('#\\.mp[cp\\+]$#i', $filename) && preg_match('#[\x00\x01\x10\x11\x40\x41\x50\x51\x80\x81\x90\x91\xC0\xC1\xD0\xD1][\x20-37][\x00\x20\x40\x60\x80\xA0\xC0\xE0]#s', $filedata)) {
// old-format (SV4-SV6) Musepack header that has a very loose pattern match and could falsely match other data (e.g. corrupt mp3)
// only enable this pattern check if the filename ends in .mpc/mpp/mp+
$GetFileFormatArray = $this->GetFileFormatArray();
$info = $GetFileFormatArray['mpc'];
$info['include'] = 'module.'.$info['group'].'.'.$info['module'].'.php';
return $info;
} elseif (preg_match('#\\.cue$#i', $filename) && preg_match('#FILE "[^"]+" (BINARY|MOTOROLA|AIFF|WAVE|MP3)#', $filedata)) {
// there's not really a useful consistent "magic" at the beginning of .cue files to identify them
// so until I think of something better, just go by filename if all other format checks fail
......@@ -2193,6 +2204,11 @@ abstract class getid3_handler
$this->data_string_position += $bytes;
return substr($this->data_string, $this->data_string_position - $bytes, $bytes);
if ($bytes == 0) {
return '';
} elseif ($bytes < 0) {
throw new getid3_exception('cannot fread('.$bytes.' from '.$this->ftell().')', 10);
$pos = $this->ftell() + $bytes;
if (!getid3_lib::intValueSupported($pos)) {
throw new getid3_exception('cannot fread('.$bytes.' from '.$this->ftell().') because beyond PHP filesystem limit', 10);
......@@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ class getid3_zip extends getid3_handler
$DataDescriptor = $this->fread(16);
$LocalFileHeader['data_descriptor']['signature'] = getid3_lib::LittleEndian2Int(substr($DataDescriptor, 0, 4));
if ($LocalFileHeader['data_descriptor']['signature'] != 0x08074B50) { // "PK\x07\x08"
$this->getid3->warning('invalid Local File Header Data Descriptor Signature at offset '.($this->ftell() - 16).' - expecting 08 07 4B 50, found '.getid3_lib::PrintHexBytes($LocalFileHeader['data_descriptor']['signature']));
$this->getid3->warning('invalid Local File Header Data Descriptor Signature at offset '.($this->ftell() - 16).' - expecting 08 07 4B 50, found '.getid3_lib::PrintHexBytes(substr($DataDescriptor, 0, 4)));
$this->fseek($LocalFileHeader['offset']); // seek back to where filepointer originally was so it can be handled properly
return false;
......@@ -20,6 +20,24 @@ getid3_lib::IncludeDependency(GETID3_INCLUDEPATH.'',
class getid3_asf extends getid3_handler
protected static $ASFIndexParametersObjectIndexSpecifiersIndexTypes = array(
1 => 'Nearest Past Data Packet',
2 => 'Nearest Past Media Object',
3 => 'Nearest Past Cleanpoint'
protected static $ASFMediaObjectIndexParametersObjectIndexSpecifiersIndexTypes = array(
1 => 'Nearest Past Data Packet',
2 => 'Nearest Past Media Object',
3 => 'Nearest Past Cleanpoint',
0xFF => 'Frame Number Offset'
protected static $ASFTimecodeIndexParametersObjectIndexSpecifiersIndexTypes = array(
2 => 'Nearest Past Media Object',
3 => 'Nearest Past Cleanpoint'
* @param getID3 $getid3
......@@ -317,6 +335,7 @@ class getid3_asf extends getid3_handler
// shortcut
$thisfile_asf['codec_list_object'] = array();
/** @var mixed[] $thisfile_asf_codeclistobject */
$thisfile_asf_codeclistobject = &$thisfile_asf['codec_list_object'];
$thisfile_asf_codeclistobject['offset'] = $NextObjectOffset + $offset;
......@@ -332,6 +351,9 @@ class getid3_asf extends getid3_handler
$thisfile_asf_codeclistobject['codec_entries_count'] = getid3_lib::LittleEndian2Int(substr($ASFHeaderData, $offset, 4));
if ($thisfile_asf_codeclistobject['codec_entries_count'] > 0) {
$thisfile_asf_codeclistobject['codec_entries'] = array();
$offset += 4;
for ($CodecEntryCounter = 0; $CodecEntryCounter < $thisfile_asf_codeclistobject['codec_entries_count']; $CodecEntryCounter++) {
// shortcut
......@@ -528,7 +550,7 @@ class getid3_asf extends getid3_handler
$offset += 16;
$thisfile_asf_markerobject['reserved_guid'] = $this->BytestringToGUID($thisfile_asf_markerobject['reserved']);
if ($thisfile_asf_markerobject['reserved'] != $this->GUIDtoBytestring('4CFEDB20-75F6-11CF-9C0F-00A0C90349CB')) {
$this->warning('marker_object.reserved GUID {'.$this->BytestringToGUID($thisfile_asf_markerobject['reserved_1']).'} does not match expected "GETID3_ASF_Reserved_1" GUID {4CFEDB20-75F6-11CF-9C0F-00A0C90349CB}');
$this->warning('marker_object.reserved GUID {'.$this->BytestringToGUID($thisfile_asf_markerobject['reserved']).'} does not match expected "GETID3_ASF_Reserved_1" GUID {4CFEDB20-75F6-11CF-9C0F-00A0C90349CB}');
$thisfile_asf_markerobject['markers_count'] = getid3_lib::LittleEndian2Int(substr($ASFHeaderData, $offset, 4));
......@@ -648,7 +670,7 @@ class getid3_asf extends getid3_handler
$this->warning('error_correction_object.error_correction_type GUID {'.$this->BytestringToGUID($thisfile_asf_errorcorrectionobject['reserved']).'} does not match expected "GETID3_ASF_No_Error_Correction" GUID {'.$this->BytestringToGUID(GETID3_ASF_No_Error_Correction).'} or "GETID3_ASF_Audio_Spread" GUID {'.$this->BytestringToGUID(GETID3_ASF_Audio_Spread).'}');
$this->warning('error_correction_object.error_correction_type GUID {'.$this->BytestringToGUID($thisfile_asf_errorcorrectionobject['error_correction_type']).'} does not match expected "GETID3_ASF_No_Error_Correction" GUID {'.$this->BytestringToGUID(GETID3_ASF_No_Error_Correction).'} or "GETID3_ASF_Audio_Spread" GUID {'.$this->BytestringToGUID(GETID3_ASF_Audio_Spread).'}');
//return false;
......@@ -1442,7 +1464,7 @@ class getid3_asf extends getid3_handler
$info['bitrate'] = (isset($thisfile_audio['bitrate']) ? $thisfile_audio['bitrate'] : 0) + (isset($thisfile_video['bitrate']) ? $thisfile_video['bitrate'] : 0);
$info['bitrate'] = 0 + (isset($thisfile_audio['bitrate']) ? $thisfile_audio['bitrate'] : 0) + (isset($thisfile_video['bitrate']) ? $thisfile_video['bitrate'] : 0);
if ((!isset($info['playtime_seconds']) || ($info['playtime_seconds'] <= 0)) && ($info['bitrate'] > 0)) {
$info['playtime_seconds'] = ($info['filesize'] - $info['avdataoffset']) / ($info['bitrate'] / 8);
......@@ -1577,8 +1599,9 @@ class getid3_asf extends getid3_handler
'GETID3_ASF_Audio_Media' => 'F8699E40-5B4D-11CF-A8FD-00805F5C442B',
'GETID3_ASF_Media_Object_Index_Object' => 'FEB103F8-12AD-4C64-840F-2A1D2F7AD48C',
'GETID3_ASF_Alt_Extended_Content_Encryption_Obj' => 'FF889EF1-ADEE-40DA-9E71-98704BB928CE',
'GETID3_ASF_Index_Placeholder_Object' => 'D9AADE20-7C17-4F9C-BC28-8555DD98E2A2', //
'GETID3_ASF_Compatibility_Object' => '26F18B5D-4584-47EC-9F5F-0E651F0452C9', //
'GETID3_ASF_Index_Placeholder_Object' => 'D9AADE20-7C17-4F9C-BC28-8555DD98E2A2', //
'GETID3_ASF_Compatibility_Object' => '26F18B5D-4584-47EC-9F5F-0E651F0452C9', //
'GETID3_ASF_Media_Object_Index_Parameters_Object'=> '6B203BAD-3F11-48E4-ACA8-D7613DE2CFA7',
return $GUIDarray;
......@@ -1741,7 +1764,7 @@ class getid3_asf extends getid3_handler
* @return array
public function HeaderExtensionObjectDataParse(&$asf_header_extension_object_data, &$unhandled_sections) {
$offset = 0;
$objectOffset = 0;
......@@ -1805,8 +1828,8 @@ class getid3_asf extends getid3_handler
$thisObject['stream_language_id_index'] = getid3_lib::LittleEndian2Int(substr($asf_header_extension_object_data, $offset, 2));
$offset += 2;
$thisObject['average_time_per_frame'] = getid3_lib::LittleEndian2Int(substr($asf_header_extension_object_data, $offset, 4));
$offset += 4;
$thisObject['average_time_per_frame'] = getid3_lib::LittleEndian2Int(substr($asf_header_extension_object_data, $offset, 8));
$offset += 8;
$thisObject['stream_name_count'] = getid3_lib::LittleEndian2Int(substr($asf_header_extension_object_data, $offset, 2));
$offset += 2;
......@@ -1823,7 +1846,7 @@ class getid3_asf extends getid3_handler
$streamName['stream_name_length'] = getid3_lib::LittleEndian2Int(substr($asf_header_extension_object_data, $offset, 2));
$offset += 2;
$streamName['stream_name'] = getid3_lib::LittleEndian2Int(substr($asf_header_extension_object_data, $offset, $streamName['stream_name_length']));
$streamName['stream_name'] = substr($asf_header_extension_object_data, $offset, $streamName['stream_name_length']);
$offset += $streamName['stream_name_length'];
$thisObject['stream_names'][$i] = $streamName;
......@@ -1845,7 +1868,7 @@ class getid3_asf extends getid3_handler
$payloadExtensionSystem['extension_system_info_length'] = getid3_lib::LittleEndian2Int(substr($asf_header_extension_object_data, $offset, 4));
$offset += 4;
$payloadExtensionSystem['extension_system_info_length'] = getid3_lib::LittleEndian2Int(substr($asf_header_extension_object_data, $offset, $payloadExtensionSystem['extension_system_info_length']));
$payloadExtensionSystem['extension_system_info'] = substr($asf_header_extension_object_data, $offset, $payloadExtensionSystem['extension_system_info_length']);
$offset += $payloadExtensionSystem['extension_system_info_length'];
$thisObject['payload_extension_systems'][$i] = $payloadExtensionSystem;
......@@ -1853,6 +1876,40 @@ class getid3_asf extends getid3_handler
case GETID3_ASF_Advanced_Mutual_Exclusion_Object:
$thisObject['exclusion_type'] = substr($asf_header_extension_object_data, $offset, 16);
$offset += 16;
$thisObject['exclusion_type_text'] = $this->BytestringToGUID($thisObject['exclusion_type']);
$thisObject['stream_numbers_count'] = getid3_lib::LittleEndian2Int(substr($asf_header_extension_object_data, $offset, 2));
$offset += 2;
for ($i = 0; $i < $thisObject['stream_numbers_count']; $i++) {
$thisObject['stream_numbers'][$i] = getid3_lib::LittleEndian2Int(substr($asf_header_extension_object_data, $offset, 2));
$offset += 2;
case GETID3_ASF_Stream_Prioritization_Object:
$thisObject['priority_records_count'] = getid3_lib::LittleEndian2Int(substr($asf_header_extension_object_data, $offset, 2));
$offset += 2;
for ($i = 0; $i < $thisObject['priority_records_count']; $i++) {
$priorityRecord = array();
$priorityRecord['stream_number'] = getid3_lib::LittleEndian2Int(substr($asf_header_extension_object_data, $offset, 2));
$offset += 2;
$priorityRecord['flags_raw'] = getid3_lib::LittleEndian2Int(substr($asf_header_extension_object_data, $offset, 2));
$offset += 2;
$priorityRecord['flags']['mandatory'] = (bool) $priorityRecord['flags_raw'] & 0x00000001;
$thisObject['priority_records'][$i] = $priorityRecord;
case GETID3_ASF_Padding_Object:
// padding, skip it
......@@ -1970,6 +2027,103 @@ class getid3_asf extends getid3_handler
case GETID3_ASF_Index_Parameters_Object:
$thisObject['index_entry_time_interval'] = getid3_lib::LittleEndian2Int(substr($asf_header_extension_object_data, $offset, 4));
$offset += 4;
$thisObject['index_specifiers_count'] = getid3_lib::LittleEndian2Int(substr($asf_header_extension_object_data, $offset, 2));
$offset += 2;
for ($i = 0; $i < $thisObject['index_specifiers_count']; $i++) {
$indexSpecifier = array();
$indexSpecifier['stream_number'] = getid3_lib::LittleEndian2Int(substr($asf_header_extension_object_data, $offset, 2));
$offset += 2;
$indexSpecifier['index_type'] = getid3_lib::LittleEndian2Int(substr($asf_header_extension_object_data, $offset, 2));
$offset += 2;
$indexSpecifier['index_type_text'] = isset(static::$ASFIndexParametersObjectIndexSpecifiersIndexTypes[$indexSpecifier['index_type']])
? static::$ASFIndexParametersObjectIndexSpecifiersIndexTypes[$indexSpecifier['index_type']]
: 'invalid'
$thisObject['index_specifiers'][$i] = $indexSpecifier;
case GETID3_ASF_Media_Object_Index_Parameters_Object:
$thisObject['index_entry_count_interval'] = getid3_lib::LittleEndian2Int(substr($asf_header_extension_object_data, $offset, 4));
$offset += 4;
$thisObject['index_specifiers_count'] = getid3_lib::LittleEndian2Int(substr($asf_header_extension_object_data, $offset, 2));
$offset += 2;
for ($i = 0; $i < $thisObject['index_specifiers_count']; $i++) {
$indexSpecifier = array();
$indexSpecifier['stream_number'] = getid3_lib::LittleEndian2Int(substr($asf_header_extension_object_data, $offset, 2));
$offset += 2;
$indexSpecifier['index_type'] = getid3_lib::LittleEndian2Int(substr($asf_header_extension_object_data, $offset, 2));
$offset += 2;
$indexSpecifier['index_type_text'] = isset(static::$ASFMediaObjectIndexParametersObjectIndexSpecifiersIndexTypes[$indexSpecifier['index_type']])
? static::$ASFMediaObjectIndexParametersObjectIndexSpecifiersIndexTypes[$indexSpecifier['index_type']]
: 'invalid'
$thisObject['index_specifiers'][$i] = $indexSpecifier;
case GETID3_ASF_Timecode_Index_Parameters_Object:
// 4.11 Timecode Index Parameters Object (mandatory only if TIMECODE index is present in file, 0 or 1)
// Field name Field type Size (bits)
// Object ID GUID 128 // GUID for the Timecode Index Parameters Object - ASF_Timecode_Index_Parameters_Object
// Object Size QWORD 64 // Specifies the size, in bytes, of the Timecode Index Parameters Object. Valid values are at least 34 bytes.
// Index Entry Count Interval DWORD 32 // This value is ignored for the Timecode Index Parameters Object.
// Index Specifiers Count WORD 16 // Specifies the number of entries in the Index Specifiers list. Valid values are 1 and greater.
// Index Specifiers array of: varies //
// * Stream Number WORD 16 // Specifies the stream number that the Index Specifiers refer to. Valid values are between 1 and 127.
// * Index Type WORD 16 // Specifies the type of index. Values are defined as follows (1 is not a valid value):
// 2 = Nearest Past Media Object - indexes point to the closest data packet containing an entire video frame or the first fragment of a video frame
// 3 = Nearest Past Cleanpoint - indexes point to the closest data packet containing an entire video frame (or first fragment of a video frame) that is a key frame.
// Nearest Past Media Object is the most common value
$thisObject['index_entry_count_interval'] = getid3_lib::LittleEndian2Int(substr($asf_header_extension_object_data, $offset, 4));
$offset += 4;
$thisObject['index_specifiers_count'] = getid3_lib::LittleEndian2Int(substr($asf_header_extension_object_data, $offset, 2));
$offset += 2;
for ($i = 0; $i < $thisObject['index_specifiers_count']; $i++) {
$indexSpecifier = array();
$indexSpecifier['stream_number'] = getid3_lib::LittleEndian2Int(substr($asf_header_extension_object_data, $offset, 2));
$offset += 2;
$indexSpecifier['index_type'] = getid3_lib::LittleEndian2Int(substr($asf_header_extension_object_data, $offset, 2));
$offset += 2;
$indexSpecifier['index_type_text'] = isset(static::$ASFTimecodeIndexParametersObjectIndexSpecifiersIndexTypes[$indexSpecifier['index_type']])
? static::$ASFTimecodeIndexParametersObjectIndexSpecifiersIndexTypes[$indexSpecifier['index_type']]
: 'invalid'
$thisObject['index_specifiers'][$i] = $indexSpecifier;
case GETID3_ASF_Compatibility_Object:
$thisObject['profile'] = getid3_lib::LittleEndian2Int(substr($asf_header_extension_object_data, $offset, 1));
$offset += 1;
$thisObject['mode'] = getid3_lib::LittleEndian2Int(substr($asf_header_extension_object_data, $offset, 1));
$offset += 1;
if ($this->GUIDname($thisObject['guid_text'])) {
......@@ -615,7 +615,7 @@ echo 'average_File_bitrate = '.number_format(array_sum($vbr_bitrates) / count($v
2 => array(0, 1, 1.3333, 1.7778, 2.2100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0),
$ratio = (float) (isset($lookup[$mpeg_version][$rawaspectratio]) ? $lookup[$mpeg_version][$rawaspectratio] : 0);
if ($mpeg_version == 2 && $ratio != 1) {
if ($mpeg_version == 2 && $ratio != 1 && $width != 0) {
// Calculate pixel aspect ratio from MPEG-2 display aspect ratio
$ratio = $ratio * $height / $width;
......@@ -61,12 +61,16 @@ class getid3_quicktime extends getid3_handler
$AtomHeader = $this->fread(8);
// Atom sizes are stored as 32-bit number in most cases, but sometimes (notably for "mdat")
// a 64-bit value is required, in which case the normal 32-bit size field is set to 0x00000001
// and the 64-bit "real" size value is the next 8 bytes.
$atom_size_extended_bytes = 0;
$atomsize = getid3_lib::BigEndian2Int(substr($AtomHeader, 0, 4));
$atomname = substr($AtomHeader, 4, 4);
// 64-bit MOV patch by jlegateØktnc*com
if ($atomsize == 1) {
$atomsize = getid3_lib::BigEndian2Int($this->fread(8));
$atom_size_extended_bytes = 8;
$atomsize = getid3_lib::BigEndian2Int($this->fread($atom_size_extended_bytes));
if (($offset + $atomsize) > $info['avdataend']) {
......@@ -85,12 +89,14 @@ class getid3_quicktime extends getid3_handler
$info['quicktime'][$atomname]['offset'] = $offset;
$atomHierarchy = array();
$parsedAtomData = $this->QuicktimeParseAtom($atomname, $atomsize, $this->fread(min($atomsize, $atom_data_read_buffer_size)), $offset, $atomHierarchy, $this->ParseAllPossibleAtoms);
$parsedAtomData = $this->QuicktimeParseAtom($atomname, $atomsize, $this->fread(min($atomsize - $atom_size_extended_bytes, $atom_data_read_buffer_size)), $offset, $atomHierarchy, $this->ParseAllPossibleAtoms);
$parsedAtomData['name'] = $atomname;
$parsedAtomData['size'] = $atomsize;
$parsedAtomData['offset'] = $offset;
if ($atom_size_extended_bytes) {
$parsedAtomData['xsize_bytes'] = $atom_size_extended_bytes;
if (in_array($atomname, array('uuid'))) {
@$info['quicktime'][$atomname][] = $parsedAtomData;
} else {
......@@ -108,7 +114,7 @@ class getid3_quicktime extends getid3_handler
if (!empty($info['quicktime']['comments']['chapters']) && is_array($info['quicktime']['comments']['chapters']) && (count($info['quicktime']['comments']['chapters']) > 0)) {
if (isset($info['quicktime']['comments']['chapters']) && is_array($info['quicktime']['comments']['chapters']) && (count($info['quicktime']['comments']['chapters']) > 0)) {
$durations = $this->quicktime_time_to_sample_table($info);
for ($i = 0; $i < count($info['quicktime']['comments']['chapters']); $i++) {
$bookmark = array();
......@@ -258,7 +264,9 @@ class getid3_quicktime extends getid3_handler
} else {
switch ($atomname) {
case 'moov': // MOVie container atom
case 'moof': // MOvie Fragment box
case 'trak': // TRAcK container atom
case 'traf': // TRAck Fragment box
case 'clip': // CLIPping container atom
case 'matt': // track MATTe container atom
case 'edts': // EDiTS container atom
......@@ -842,6 +850,7 @@ $this->warning('incomplete/incorrect handling of "stsd" with Parrot metadata in
case 'dvcp':
case 'gif ':
case 'h263':
case 'hvc1':
case 'jpeg':
case 'kpcd':
case 'mjpa':
......@@ -1540,6 +1549,21 @@ $this->warning('incomplete/incorrect handling of "stsd" with Parrot metadata in
unset($mdat_offset, $chapter_string_length, $chapter_matches);
case 'ID32': // ID3v2
getid3_lib::IncludeDependency(GETID3_INCLUDEPATH.'module.tag.id3v2.php', __FILE__, true);
$getid3_temp = new getID3();
$getid3_temp->openfile($this->getid3->filename, $this->getid3->info['filesize'], $this->getid3->fp);
$getid3_id3v2 = new getid3_id3v2($getid3_temp);
$getid3_id3v2->StartingOffset = $atom_structure['offset'] + 14; // framelength(4)+framename(4)+flags(4)+??(2)
if ($atom_structure['valid'] = $getid3_id3v2->Analyze()) {
$atom_structure['id3v2'] = $getid3_temp->info['id3v2'];
} else {
$this->warning('ID32 frame at offset '.$atom_structure['offset'].' did not parse');
unset($getid3_temp, $getid3_id3v2);
case 'free': // FREE space atom
case 'skip': // SKIP atom
case 'wide': // 64-bit expansion placeholder atom
......@@ -1699,7 +1723,8 @@ $this->warning('incomplete/incorrect handling of "stsd" with Parrot metadata in
$atom_structure['language'] = substr($atom_data, 4 + 0, 2);
$atom_structure['unknown'] = getid3_lib::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 4 + 2, 2));
$atom_structure['data'] = substr($atom_data, 4 + 4);
$atom_structure['key_name'] = @$info['quicktime']['temp_meta_key_names'][$metaDATAkey++];
$atom_structure['key_name'] = (isset($info['quicktime']['temp_meta_key_names'][$metaDATAkey]) ? $info['quicktime']['temp_meta_key_names'][$metaDATAkey] : '');
if ($atom_structure['key_name'] && $atom_structure['data']) {
@$info['quicktime']['comments'][str_replace('', '', $atom_structure['key_name'])][] = $atom_structure['data'];
......@@ -2074,6 +2099,28 @@ $this->warning('incomplete/incorrect handling of "stsd" with Parrot metadata in
$atom_structure['track_number'] = getid3_lib::BigEndian2Int($atom_data);
// AVIF-related -
case 'pitm': // Primary ITeM
case 'iloc': // Item LOCation
case 'iinf': // Item INFo
case 'iref': // Image REFerence
case 'iprp': // Image PRoPerties
$this->error('AVIF files not currently supported');
$atom_structure['data'] = $atom_data;
case 'tfdt': // Track Fragment base media Decode Time box
case 'tfhd': // Track Fragment HeaDer box
case 'mfhd': // Movie Fragment HeaDer box
case 'trun': // Track fragment RUN box
$this->error('fragmented mp4 files not currently supported');
$atom_structure['data'] = $atom_data;
case 'mvex': // MoVie EXtends box
case 'pssh': // Protection System Specific Header box
case 'sidx': // Segment InDeX box
$this->warning('Unknown QuickTime atom type: "'.preg_replace('#[^a-zA-Z0-9 _\\-]#', '?', $atomname).'" ('.trim(getid3_lib::PrintHexBytes($atomname)).'), '.$atomsize.' bytes at offset '.$baseoffset);
$atom_structure['data'] = $atom_data;
......@@ -2322,6 +2369,7 @@ $this->warning('incomplete/incorrect handling of "stsd" with Parrot metadata in
$QuicktimeVideoCodecLookup['gif '] = 'GIF';
$QuicktimeVideoCodecLookup['h261'] = 'H261';
$QuicktimeVideoCodecLookup['h263'] = 'H263';
$QuicktimeVideoCodecLookup['hvc1'] = 'H.265/HEVC';
$QuicktimeVideoCodecLookup['IV41'] = 'Indeo4';
$QuicktimeVideoCodecLookup['jpeg'] = 'JPEG';
$QuicktimeVideoCodecLookup['kpcd'] = 'PhotoCD';
......@@ -219,7 +219,8 @@ class getid3_real extends getid3_handler
case 'audio/x-pn-realaudio':
case 'audio/x-pn-multirate-realaudio':
$this->ParseOldRAheader($thisfile_real_chunks_currentchunk_typespecificdata, $thisfile_real_chunks_currentchunk['parsed_audio_data']);
$this->ParseOldRAheader($thisfile_real_chunks_currentchunk_typespecificdata, $parsedAudioData);
$thisfile_real_chunks_currentchunk['parsed_audio_data'] = &$parsedAudioData;
$info['audio']['sample_rate'] = $thisfile_real_chunks_currentchunk['parsed_audio_data']['sample_rate'];
$info['audio']['bits_per_sample'] = $thisfile_real_chunks_currentchunk['parsed_audio_data']['bits_per_sample'];
......@@ -808,6 +808,9 @@ class getid3_riff extends getid3_handler
if (isset($thisfile_riff['AVI ']['hdrl']['strl']['strf'][$i]['data'])) {
$strfData = $thisfile_riff['AVI ']['hdrl']['strl']['strf'][$i]['data'];
if (!isset($thisfile_riff_raw['strf'][$strhfccType][$streamindex])) {
$thisfile_riff_raw['strf'][$strhfccType][$streamindex] = null;
// shortcut
$thisfile_riff_raw_strf_strhfccType_streamindex = &$thisfile_riff_raw['strf'][$strhfccType][$streamindex];
......@@ -1353,10 +1356,10 @@ class getid3_riff extends getid3_handler
if (!isset($info['playtime_seconds'])) {
$info['playtime_seconds'] = 0;
if (isset($thisfile_riff_raw['strh'][0]['dwLength']) && isset($thisfile_riff_raw['avih']['dwMicroSecPerFrame'])) {
if (isset($thisfile_riff_raw['strh'][0]['dwLength']) && isset($thisfile_riff_raw['avih']['dwMicroSecPerFrame'])) { // @phpstan-ignore-line
// needed for >2GB AVIs where 'avih' chunk only lists number of frames in that chunk, not entire movie
$info['playtime_seconds'] = $thisfile_riff_raw['strh'][0]['dwLength'] * ($thisfile_riff_raw['avih']['dwMicroSecPerFrame'] / 1000000);
} elseif (isset($thisfile_riff_raw['avih']['dwTotalFrames']) && isset($thisfile_riff_raw['avih']['dwMicroSecPerFrame'])) {
} elseif (isset($thisfile_riff_raw['avih']['dwTotalFrames']) && isset($thisfile_riff_raw['avih']['dwMicroSecPerFrame'])) { // @phpstan-ignore-line
$info['playtime_seconds'] = $thisfile_riff_raw['avih']['dwTotalFrames'] * ($thisfile_riff_raw['avih']['dwMicroSecPerFrame'] / 1000000);
......@@ -1579,7 +1582,7 @@ class getid3_riff extends getid3_handler
public function ParseRIFF($startoffset, $maxoffset) {
$info = &$this->getid3->info;
$RIFFchunk = false;
$RIFFchunk = array();
$FoundAllChunksWeNeed = false;
$LISTchunkParent = null;
$LISTchunkMaxOffset = null;
......@@ -1934,7 +1937,7 @@ class getid3_riff extends getid3_handler
return $RIFFchunk;
return !empty($RIFFchunk) ? $RIFFchunk : false;
......@@ -400,7 +400,7 @@ class getid3_aac extends getid3_handler
if (!isset($BitrateCache[$FrameLength])) {
$BitrateCache[$FrameLength] = ($info['aac']['header']['sample_frequency'] / 1024) * $FrameLength * 8;
getid3_lib::safe_inc($info['aac']['bitrate_distribution'][$BitrateCache[$FrameLength]], 1);
getid3_lib::safe_inc($info['aac']['bitrate_distribution'][(string)$BitrateCache[$FrameLength]], 1);
$info['aac'][$framenumber]['aac_frame_length'] = $FrameLength;
......@@ -31,9 +31,17 @@ class getid3_mod extends getid3_handler
return $this->getITheaderFilepointer();
} elseif (preg_match('#^Extended Module#', $fileheader)) {
return $this->getXMheaderFilepointer();
} elseif (preg_match('#^.{44}SCRM#', $fileheader)) {
} elseif (preg_match('#^.{44}SCRM#s', $fileheader)) {
return $this->getS3MheaderFilepointer();
} elseif (preg_match('#^.{1080}(M\\.K\\.|M!K!|FLT4|FLT8|[5-9]CHN|[1-3][0-9]CH)#', $fileheader)) {
//} elseif (preg_match('#^.{1080}(M\\.K\\.|M!K!|FLT4|FLT8|[5-9]CHN|[1-3][0-9]CH)#s', $fileheader)) {
} elseif (preg_match('#^.{1080}(M\\.K\\.)#s', $fileheader)) {
The four letters "M.K." - This is something Mahoney & Kaktus inserted when they
increased the number of samples from 15 to 31. If it's not there, the module/song
uses 15 samples or the text has been removed to make the module harder to rip.
Startrekker puts "FLT4" or "FLT8" there instead.
If there are more than 64 patterns, PT2.3 will insert M!K! here.
return $this->getMODheaderFilepointer();
$this->error('This is not a known type of MOD file');
......@@ -45,17 +53,48 @@ class getid3_mod extends getid3_handler
public function getMODheaderFilepointer() {
$info = &$this->getid3->info;
$this->fseek($info['avdataoffset'] + 1080);
$FormatID = $this->fread(4);
if (!preg_match('#^(M.K.|[5-9]CHN|[1-3][0-9]CH)$#', $FormatID)) {
$this->error('This is not a known type of MOD file');
$filedata = $this->fread(1084);
//if (!preg_match('#^(M.K.|[5-9]CHN|[1-3][0-9]CH)$#', $FormatID)) {
if (substr($filedata, 1080, 4) == 'M.K.') {
// + 0 song/module working title
// + 20 15 sample headers (see below)
// + 470 song length (number of steps in pattern table)
// + 471 song speed in beats per minute (see below)
// + 472 pattern step table
$offset = 0;
$info['mod']['title'] = rtrim(substr($filedata, $offset, 20), "\x00"); $offset += 20;
$info['tags']['mod']['title'] = array($info['mod']['title']);
for ($samplenumber = 0; $samplenumber <= 30; $samplenumber++) {
$sampledata = array();
$sampledata['name'] = substr($filedata, $offset, 22); $offset += 22;
$sampledata['length'] = getid3_lib::BigEndian2Int(substr($filedata, $offset, 2)); $offset += 2;
$sampledata['volume'] = getid3_lib::BigEndian2Int(substr($filedata, $offset, 2)); $offset += 2;
$sampledata['repeat_offset'] = getid3_lib::BigEndian2Int(substr($filedata, $offset, 2)); $offset += 2;
$sampledata['repeat_length'] = getid3_lib::BigEndian2Int(substr($filedata, $offset, 2)); $offset += 2;
$info['mod']['samples'][$samplenumber] = $sampledata;
$info['mod']['song_length'] = getid3_lib::BigEndian2Int(substr($filedata, $offset++, 1));// Songlength. Range is 1-128.
$info['mod']['bpm'] = getid3_lib::BigEndian2Int(substr($filedata, $offset++, 1));// This byte is set to 127, so that old trackers will search through all patterns when loading. Noisetracker uses this byte for restart, ProTracker doesn't.
for ($songposition = 0; $songposition <= 127; $songposition++) {
// Song positions 0-127. Each hold a number from 0-63 (or 0-127)
// that tells the tracker what pattern to play at that position.
$info['mod']['song_positions'][$songposition] = getid3_lib::BigEndian2Int(substr($filedata, $offset++, 1));
} else {
$this->error('unknown MOD ID at offset 1080: '.getid3_lib::PrintHexBytes(substr($filedata, 1080, 4)));
return false;
$info['fileformat'] = 'mod';
$this->error('MOD parsing not enabled in this version of getID3() ['.$this->getid3->version().']');
return false;
$this->warning('MOD (SoundTracker) parsing incomplete in this version of getID3() ['.$this->getid3->version().']');
return true;
......@@ -315,6 +315,10 @@ class getid3_mp3 extends getid3_handler
$encoder_options .= ' -b'.$thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame['bitrate_min'];
if (isset($thisfile_mpeg_audio['bitrate']) && $thisfile_mpeg_audio['bitrate'] === 'free') {
$encoder_options .= ' --freeformat';
if (!empty($thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame['encoding_flags']['nogap_prev']) || !empty($thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame['encoding_flags']['nogap_next'])) {
$encoder_options .= ' --nogap';
......@@ -750,7 +754,8 @@ class getid3_mp3 extends getid3_handler
// It the LAME tag was only introduced in LAME v3.90
// Offsets of various bytes in
// are assuming a 'Xing' identifier offset of 0x24, which is the case for
......@@ -786,7 +791,7 @@ class getid3_mp3 extends getid3_handler
$thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame['lowpass_frequency'] = getid3_lib::BigEndian2Int(substr($headerstring, $LAMEtagOffsetContant + 0xA6, 1)) * 100;
// bytes $A7-$AE Replay Gain
// bytes $A7-$AA : 32 bit floating point "Peak signal amplitude"
if ($thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame['short_version'] >= 'LAME3.94b') {
// LAME 3.94a16 and later - 9.23 fixed point
......@@ -914,7 +919,7 @@ class getid3_mp3 extends getid3_handler
if ($thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame_raw['vbr_method'] == 1) {
if ($thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame_raw['vbr_method'] == 1 && $thisfile_mpeg_audio['bitrate'] !== 'free') {
$thisfile_mpeg_audio['bitrate_mode'] = 'cbr';
$thisfile_mpeg_audio['bitrate'] = self::ClosestStandardMP3Bitrate($thisfile_mpeg_audio['bitrate']);
......@@ -1169,6 +1174,7 @@ class getid3_mp3 extends getid3_handler
$nextframetestarray = array('error' => array(), 'warning' => array(), 'avdataend' => $info['avdataend'], 'avdataoffset'=>$info['avdataoffset']);
if ($this->decodeMPEGaudioHeader($nextframetestoffset, $nextframetestarray, false)) {
/** @phpstan-ignore-next-line */
if ($ScanAsCBR) {
// force CBR mode, used for trying to pick out invalid audio streams with valid(?) VBR headers, or VBR streams with no VBR header
......@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ class getid3_mpc extends getid3_handler
// this is SV7
return $this->ParseMPCsv7();
} elseif (preg_match('/^[\x00\x01\x10\x11\x40\x41\x50\x51\x80\x81\x90\x91\xC0\xC1\xD0\xD1][\x20-37][\x00\x20\x40\x60\x80\xA0\xC0\xE0]/s', $MPCheaderData)) {
} elseif (preg_match('#^[\x00\x01\x10\x11\x40\x41\x50\x51\x80\x81\x90\x91\xC0\xC1\xD0\xD1][\x20-37][\x00\x20\x40\x60\x80\xA0\xC0\xE0]#s', $MPCheaderData)) {
// this is SV4 - SV6, handle seperately
return $this->ParseMPCsv6();
......@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ class getid3_ogg extends getid3_handler
if ($info['ogg']['pageheader']['theora']['pixel_aspect_denominator'] > 0) {
$info['video']['pixel_aspect_ratio'] = (float) $info['ogg']['pageheader']['theora']['pixel_aspect_numerator'] / $info['ogg']['pageheader']['theora']['pixel_aspect_denominator'];
$this->warning('Ogg Theora (v3) not fully supported in this version of getID3 ['.$this->getid3->version().'] -- bitrate, playtime and all audio data are currently unavailable');
$this->warning('Ogg Theora (v3) not fully supported in this version of getID3 ['.$this->getid3->version().'] -- bitrate, playtime and all audio data are currently unavailable');
} elseif (substr($filedata, 0, 8) == "fishead\x00") {
......@@ -59,6 +59,7 @@ class getid3_voc extends getid3_handler
$thisfile_voc['header']['datablock_offset'] = getid3_lib::LittleEndian2Int(substr($VOCheader, 20, 2));
$thisfile_voc['header']['minor_version'] = getid3_lib::LittleEndian2Int(substr($VOCheader, 22, 1));
$thisfile_voc['header']['major_version'] = getid3_lib::LittleEndian2Int(substr($VOCheader, 23, 1));
$thisfile_voc['blocktypes'] = array();
do {
......@@ -68,6 +69,7 @@ class getid3_voc extends getid3_handler
$BlockSize = getid3_lib::LittleEndian2Int(substr($BlockData, 1, 3));
$ThisBlock = array();
/** @phpstan-ignore-next-line */
getid3_lib::safe_inc($thisfile_voc['blocktypes'][$BlockType], 1);
switch ($BlockType) {
case 0: // Terminator
......@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
* @link
* @link
* @link
if (!defined('GETID3_INCLUDEPATH')) { // prevent path-exposing attacks that access modules directly on public webservers
......@@ -168,14 +169,31 @@ class getid3_gif extends getid3_handler
$ExtensionBlock['byte_length'] = getid3_lib::LittleEndian2Int(substr($ExtensionBlockData, 2, 1));
$ExtensionBlock['data'] = (($ExtensionBlock['byte_length'] > 0) ? $this->fread($ExtensionBlock['byte_length']) : null);
if (substr($ExtensionBlock['data'], 0, 11) == 'NETSCAPE2.0') { // Netscape Application Block (NAB)
$ExtensionBlock['data'] .= $this->fread(4);
if (substr($ExtensionBlock['data'], 11, 2) == "\x03\x01") {
$info['gif']['animation']['animated'] = true;
$info['gif']['animation']['loop_count'] = getid3_lib::LittleEndian2Int(substr($ExtensionBlock['data'], 13, 2));
} else {
$this->warning('Expecting 03 01 at offset '.($this->ftell() - 4).', found "'.getid3_lib::PrintHexBytes(substr($ExtensionBlock['data'], 11, 2)).'"');
switch ($ExtensionBlock['function_code']) {
case 0xFF:
// Application Extension
if ($ExtensionBlock['byte_length'] != 11) {
$this->warning('Expected block size of the Application Extension is 11 bytes, found '.$ExtensionBlock['byte_length'].' at offset '.$this->ftell());
if (substr($ExtensionBlock['data'], 0, 11) !== 'NETSCAPE2.0'
&& substr($ExtensionBlock['data'], 0, 11) !== 'ANIMEXTS1.0'
) {
$this->warning('Ignoring unsupported Application Extension '.substr($ExtensionBlock['data'], 0, 11));
// Netscape Application Block (NAB)
$ExtensionBlock['data'] .= $this->fread(4);
if (substr($ExtensionBlock['data'], 11, 2) == "\x03\x01") {
$info['gif']['animation']['animated'] = true;
$info['gif']['animation']['loop_count'] = getid3_lib::LittleEndian2Int(substr($ExtensionBlock['data'], 13, 2));
} else {
$this->warning('Expecting 03 01 at offset '.($this->ftell() - 4).', found "'.getid3_lib::PrintHexBytes(substr($ExtensionBlock['data'], 11, 2)).'"');
if ($this->getid3->option_extra_info) {
......@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ class getid3_cue extends getid3_handler
public function readCueSheet(&$filedata)
$cue_lines = array();
foreach (explode("\n", str_replace("\r", null, $filedata)) as $line)
foreach (explode("\n", str_replace("\r", '', $filedata)) as $line)
if ( (strlen($line) > 0) && ($line[0] != '#'))
......@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ class getid3_pdf extends getid3_handler
// "free" object means "deleted", ignore
if (($maxObjLengths[$objectNumber] > 0) && ($maxObjLengths[$objectNumber] < $this->getid3->option_fread_buffer_size)) {
if (!empty($maxObjLengths[$objectNumber]) && ($maxObjLengths[$objectNumber] < $this->getid3->option_fread_buffer_size)) {
// ignore object that are zero-size or >32kB, they are unlikely to contain information we're interested in
$objBlob = $this->fread($maxObjLengths[$objectNumber]);
......@@ -2064,7 +2064,7 @@ class getid3_id3v2 extends getid3_handler
$parsedFrame['subframes'][] = $subframe;
case 'WXXX':
list($subframe['chapter_url_description'], $subframe['chapter_url']) = explode("\x00", $encoding_converted_text, 2);
@list($subframe['chapter_url_description'], $subframe['chapter_url']) = explode("\x00", $encoding_converted_text, 2);
$parsedFrame['chapter_url'][$subframe['chapter_url_description']] = $subframe['chapter_url'];
$parsedFrame['subframes'][] = $subframe;
......@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ class getid3_write_metaflac
// On top of that, if error messages are not always captured properly under Windows
// To at least see if there was a problem, compare file modification timestamps before and after writing
clearstatcache(true, $this->filename);
$timestampbeforewriting = filemtime($this->filename);
$commandline = GETID3_HELPERAPPSDIR.'metaflac.exe --no-utf8-convert --remove-all-tags --import-tags-from='.escapeshellarg($tempcommentsfilename);
......@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ class getid3_write_metaflac
$metaflacError = `$commandline`;
if (empty($metaflacError)) {
clearstatcache(true, $this->filename);
if ($timestampbeforewriting == filemtime($this->filename)) {
$metaflacError = 'File modification timestamp has not changed - it looks like the tags were not written';
......@@ -173,14 +173,14 @@ class getid3_write_metaflac
if (file_exists(GETID3_HELPERAPPSDIR.'metaflac.exe')) {
// To at least see if there was a problem, compare file modification timestamps before and after writing
clearstatcache(true, $this->filename);
$timestampbeforewriting = filemtime($this->filename);
$commandline = GETID3_HELPERAPPSDIR.'metaflac.exe --remove-all-tags "'.$this->filename.'" 2>&1';
$metaflacError = `$commandline`;
if (empty($metaflacError)) {
clearstatcache(true, $this->filename);
if ($timestampbeforewriting == filemtime($this->filename)) {
$metaflacError = 'File modification timestamp has not changed - it looks like the tags were not deleted';
......@@ -84,14 +84,14 @@ class getid3_write_vorbiscomment
// On top of that, if error messages are not always captured properly under Windows
// To at least see if there was a problem, compare file modification timestamps before and after writing
clearstatcache(true, $this->filename);
$timestampbeforewriting = filemtime($this->filename);
$commandline = GETID3_HELPERAPPSDIR.'vorbiscomment.exe -w --raw -c "'.$tempcommentsfilename.'" "'.$this->filename.'" 2>&1';
$VorbiscommentError = `$commandline`;
if (empty($VorbiscommentError)) {
clearstatcache(true, $this->filename);
if ($timestampbeforewriting == filemtime($this->filename)) {
$VorbiscommentError = 'File modification timestamp has not changed - it looks like the tags were not written';
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