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  • spip-league/composer-installer
1 résultat
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avec 115 ajouts et 103 suppressions
......@@ -4,9 +4,5 @@ namespace SpipLeague\Composer\Extensions;
* @since 0.7.0
* @author JamesRezo <>
class InvalidSpecificationException extends \DomainException
class InvalidSpecificationException extends \DomainException {}
......@@ -13,18 +13,22 @@ use SpipLeague\Composer\SpipPaths;
* Déduites du contenu du fichier `./plugins-dist.json`
* @since 0.7.0
* @author JamesRezo <>
class Specification implements SpecificationInterface
private string $prefix;
private string $path;
private string $source;
private string $branch;
private string $tag;
/** @var array<int,array{name:string,version:string,source?:array{url?:string}}>|null */
* @var array<int,array{name:string,version:string,source?:array{url?:string}}>|null
private static ?array $packages = \null;
protected ?RemoteUrlsInterface $changer = null;
......@@ -83,12 +87,10 @@ class Specification implements SpecificationInterface
* Limitation: l'extension DOIT être composerisée et être
* distribuée dans un dépôt composer accessible.
* @throws InvalidSpecificationException if a composer.lock error occurs or vendorName is missing.
public static function createFromComposer(Composer $composer, string $vendorName): self
if (\is_null(self::$packages)) {
if (self::$packages === null) {
$lockFile = Factory::getLockFile(Factory::getComposerFile());
/** @var array{packages?:array<int,array{name:string,version:string,source?:array{url?:string}}>} $lockFileContent */
$lockFileContent = \json_decode(\file_get_contents($lockFile) ?: 'null', \true);
......@@ -101,12 +103,13 @@ class Specification implements SpecificationInterface
$tag = $branch = \null;
$links = $composer->getPackage()->getRequires();
$links = $composer->getPackage()
$require = $links[$vendorName] ?? null;
if ($require) {
$prefix = (string) \preg_replace(',^[^/]+/,', '', $vendorName);
$search = \array_filter(self::$packages, fn ($package) => $vendorName === $package['name']);
$search = \array_filter(self::$packages, fn($package) => $vendorName === $package['name']);
$sourceUrl = '';
if (\count($search) > 0) {
$package = \array_shift($search);
......@@ -178,7 +181,7 @@ class Specification implements SpecificationInterface
public function computeVendorName(): string
if (\is_null($this->changer)) {
if ($this->changer === null) {
return '';
......@@ -6,8 +6,6 @@ namespace SpipLeague\Composer\Extensions;
* Spécifiations d'installation d'un "plugins-dist" en SPIP4.4.
* @since 0.7.0
* @author JamesRezo <>
interface SpecificationInterface extends \JsonSerializable
......@@ -8,8 +8,6 @@ use SpipLeague\Composer\Git\RemoteUrlsInterface;
* @since 0.7.0
* @author JamesRezo <>
class Factory
......@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
namespace SpipLeague\Composer\Git;
use Composer\IO\IOInterface;
use Composer\Util\ProcessExecutor;
......@@ -11,12 +10,10 @@ use Composer\Util\ProcessExecutor;
class RemoteUrls implements RemoteUrlsInterface
/** @var string[] */
private array $matching = [
* @var string[]
private array $matching = ['', '', ''];
private ?ProcessExecutor $processor;
......@@ -10,7 +10,9 @@ use Composer\Util\Filesystem;
class PluginsClearCache
/** @var string[] */
* @var string[]
private static array $files = [
......@@ -25,21 +27,21 @@ class PluginsClearCache
* To delete the cache files dedicated of the activated plugins
* @param $event
* @return void
public static function clearCache(Event $event)
$event->getIO()->write('Clearing the plugins cache ...');
$vendorDir = $event->getComposer()->getConfig()->get('vendor-dir') . '/';
->write('Clearing the plugins cache ...');
$vendorDir = $event->getComposer()
->get('vendor-dir') . '/';
$fs = new Filesystem($event->getComposer()->getLoop()->getProcessExecutor());
foreach (self::$files as $file) {
$fs->remove($vendorDir . '../' . SpipPaths::interpolate($file));
......@@ -18,27 +18,30 @@ class Security
public static function copySafetyScreen(Event $event): void
$search = array_filter(
function (Link $link) {
return $link->getTarget() === 'spip/security';
fn(Link $link) => $link->getTarget() === 'spip/security',
if (empty($search)) {
$event->getIO()->warning('spip/security is not installed.');
->warning('spip/security is not installed.');
$event->getIO()->write('Updating the safety screen ...');
$vendorDir = $event->getComposer()->getConfig()->get('vendor-dir');
->write('Updating the safety screen ...');
$vendorDir = $event->getComposer()
try {
$vendorDir . '/spip/security/ecran_securite.php',
$vendorDir . '/../config/ecran_securite.php',
\copy($vendorDir . '/spip/security/ecran_securite.php', $vendorDir . '/../config/ecran_securite.php');
} catch (\Throwable $th) {
......@@ -7,22 +7,20 @@ use Composer\Package\PackageInterface;
class SpipInstaller extends LibraryInstaller
* {@inheritDoc}
public function getInstallPath(PackageInterface $package)
if ('spip-ecrire' === $package->getType()) {
if ($package->getType() === 'spip-ecrire') {
return './' . SpipPaths::BACK_OFFICE;
if ('spip-prive' === $package->getType()) {
if ($package->getType() === 'spip-prive') {
return './' . SpipPaths::PRIVATE_TEMPLATE;
if ('spip-plugin' === $package->getType()) {
if ($package->getType() === 'spip-plugin') {
/** @var array{spip?:array{extensions?:string[],template?:string,private_template?:string,back_office?:string}} */
$extra = $this->composer->getPackage()->getExtra();
$extra = $this->composer->getPackage()
$template = $extra['spip']['template'] ?? '';
$extensions = $extra['spip']['extensions'] ?? [];
$name = $package->getName();
......@@ -38,10 +36,7 @@ class SpipInstaller extends LibraryInstaller
return './' . SpipPaths::PLUGINS . '/' . $name;
if (in_array($package->getType(), [
])) {
if (in_array($package->getType(), ['spip-lang', 'spip-theme'])) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
'Unable to install this package as its type is not supported for now.' .
' Wait for a future SPIP version for using it.',
......@@ -51,9 +46,6 @@ class SpipInstaller extends LibraryInstaller
return parent::getInstallPath($package);
* {@inheritDoc}
public function supports(string $packageType)
return in_array($packageType, [
......@@ -17,16 +17,13 @@ class SpipInstallerPlugin implements PluginInterface, EventSubscriberInterface,
public function activate(Composer $composer, IOInterface $io)
$installer = new SpipInstaller($io, $composer);
public function deactivate(Composer $composer, IOInterface $io)
public function deactivate(Composer $composer, IOInterface $io) {}
public function uninstall(Composer $composer, IOInterface $io)
public function uninstall(Composer $composer, IOInterface $io) {}
public static function getSubscribedEvents()
......@@ -82,7 +79,7 @@ class SpipInstallerPlugin implements PluginInterface, EventSubscriberInterface,
public function getCapabilities()
return [
'Composer\Plugin\Capability\CommandProvider' => 'SpipLeague\Composer\CommandProvider',
\Composer\Plugin\Capability\CommandProvider::class => \SpipLeague\Composer\CommandProvider::class,
......@@ -5,24 +5,37 @@ namespace SpipLeague\Composer;
class SpipPaths
public const CHMOD = 0777;
public const UMASK = 0000;
public const PLUGINS = 'plugins';
public const EXTENSIONS = 'plugins-dist';
public const TEMPLATE = 'squelettes-dist';
public const PRIVATE_TEMPLATE = 'prive';
public const BACK_OFFICE = 'ecrire';
public const TMP = 'tmp';
public const ETC = 'config';
public const VAR = 'local';
public const DOC = 'IMG';
public const LOCAL_COMPOSER = 'composer.local.json';
public const LOCAL_PLUGINS_DIST = 'plugins-dist.json';
public const DIR_CACHE = '%spip.dirs.tmp%/cache';
public const DIR_LOG = '%spip.dirs.tmp%/log';
public const DIR_ASSETS_CSS = '%spip.dirs.var%/cache-css';
public const DIR_ASSETS_JS = '%spip.dirs.var%/cache-js';
public const WHEELS_CACHE = '%spip.dirs.cache%/wheels';
......@@ -17,18 +17,18 @@ use SpipLeague\Composer\Switch\Operation\RemoveSpecification;
* @since 0.7.0
* @author JamesRezo <>
class Analyzer
private Filesystem $filesystem;
private CollectionInterface $distribution;
private Composer $composer;
public function __construct(
CollectionInterface $distribution,
Composer $composer
Composer $composer,
) {
$this->distribution = $distribution;
$this->composer = $composer;
......@@ -42,7 +42,8 @@ class Analyzer
$extensions = [];
/** @var array{spip?:array{extensions?:mixed}} $extra */
$extra = $this->composer->getPackage()->getExtra();
$extra = $this->composer->getPackage()
if (isset($extra['spip']['extensions']) && \is_array($extra['spip']['extensions'])) {
$extensions = $extra['spip']['extensions'];
......@@ -75,7 +76,8 @@ class Analyzer
public function back(): \Generator
$extensions = $this->getExtensions();
$requires = $this->composer->getPackage()->getRequires();
$requires = $this->composer->getPackage()
$vendorNames = \array_keys($requires);
$vendorDirs = [];
......@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ use SpipLeague\Composer\Extensions\CollectionInterface;
class AddToRequire implements OperationInterface
private string $vendorName;
private string $constraint;
public function __construct(string $vendorName, string $constraint)
......@@ -33,8 +34,6 @@ class AddToRequire implements OperationInterface
* {@inheritDoc}
* @codeCoverageIgnore
public function mark(CollectionInterface $distribution, Composer $composer): ?self
......@@ -44,7 +43,9 @@ class AddToRequire implements OperationInterface
public function do(CollectionInterface $distribution, Composer $composer): string
$composer->getConfig()->getConfigSource()->addLink('require', $this->vendorName, $this->constraint);
->addLink('require', $this->vendorName, $this->constraint);
return 'require ' . $this->vendorName . ':' . $this->constraint . ' added.';
......@@ -34,7 +34,8 @@ class AddToSpipExtraExtensions implements OperationInterface
$extensions = [];
/** @var array{spip?:array{extensions?:mixed}} $extra */
$extra = $composer->getPackage()->getExtra();
$extra = $composer->getPackage()
if (isset($extra['spip']['extensions']) && \is_array($extra['spip']['extensions'])) {
$extensions = $extra['spip']['extensions'];
......@@ -46,7 +47,8 @@ class AddToSpipExtraExtensions implements OperationInterface
$extensions = [];
/** @var array{spip?:array{extensions?:mixed}} $extra */
$extra = $composer->getPackage()->getExtra();
$extra = $composer->getPackage()
if (isset($extra['spip']['extensions']) && \is_array($extra['spip']['extensions'])) {
$extensions = $extra['spip']['extensions'];
......@@ -55,7 +57,9 @@ class AddToSpipExtraExtensions implements OperationInterface
$extensions[] = $this->vendorName;
$composer->getConfig()->getConfigSource()->addProperty('extra.spip.extensions', $extensions);
->addProperty('extra.spip.extensions', $extensions);
return 'extensions ' . $this->vendorName . ' added';
......@@ -7,8 +7,6 @@ use SpipLeague\Composer\Extensions\CollectionInterface;
* @since 0.7.0
* @author JamesRezo <>
interface OperationInterface
......@@ -8,13 +8,13 @@ use SpipLeague\Composer\Extensions\CollectionInterface;
* @since 0.7.0
* @author JamesRezo <>
class RemoveDirectory implements OperationInterface
private Filesystem $filesystem;
private string $directory;
private bool $ifEmpty;
public function __construct(Filesystem $filesystem, string $directory, bool $ifEmpty = false)
......@@ -7,8 +7,6 @@ use SpipLeague\Composer\Extensions\CollectionInterface;
* @since 0.7.0
* @author JamesRezo <>
class RemoveFromRequire implements OperationInterface
......@@ -42,7 +40,9 @@ class RemoveFromRequire implements OperationInterface
public function do(CollectionInterface $distribution, Composer $composer): string
$composer->getConfig()->getConfigSource()->removeLink('require', $this->vendorName);
->removeLink('require', $this->vendorName);
return 'require ' . $this->vendorName . ' removed';
......@@ -7,8 +7,6 @@ use SpipLeague\Composer\Extensions\CollectionInterface;
* @since 0.7.0
* @author JamesRezo <>
class RemoveFromSpipExtraExtensions implements OperationInterface
......@@ -39,7 +37,8 @@ class RemoveFromSpipExtraExtensions implements OperationInterface
$extensions = [];
/** @var array{spip?:array{extensions?:mixed}} $extra */
$extra = $composer->getPackage()->getExtra();
$extra = $composer->getPackage()
if (isset($extra['spip']['extensions']) && \is_array($extra['spip']['extensions'])) {
$extensions = $extra['spip']['extensions'];
......@@ -51,7 +50,8 @@ class RemoveFromSpipExtraExtensions implements OperationInterface
$extensions = [];
/** @var array{spip?:array{extensions?:mixed}} $extra */
$extra = $composer->getPackage()->getExtra();
$extra = $composer->getPackage()
if (isset($extra['spip']['extensions']) && \is_array($extra['spip']['extensions'])) {
$extensions = $extra['spip']['extensions'];
......@@ -59,7 +59,9 @@ class RemoveFromSpipExtraExtensions implements OperationInterface
return 'nothing to do';
$composer->getConfig()->getConfigSource()->addProperty('extra.spip.extensions', \array_diff($extensions, [$this->vendorName]));
->addProperty('extra.spip.extensions', \array_diff($extensions, [$this->vendorName]));
return 'extensions ' . $this->vendorName . ' removed';
......@@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ class RemoveSpecification implements OperationInterface
return 'RemoveSpecification ' . $this->prefix;
* @codeCoverageIgnore
......@@ -8,15 +8,16 @@ use SpipLeague\Composer\Switch\Operation\OperationInterface;
* @since 0.7.0
* @author JamesRezo <>
class Switcher
private CollectionInterface $distribution;
private Composer $composer;
/** @var array<string,OperationInterface[]> */
* @var array<string,OperationInterface[]>
private array $operations = [
'distribution' => [],
'extensions' => [],
......@@ -33,7 +34,7 @@ class Switcher
public function to(OperationInterface $operation): void
$operation = $operation->mark($this->distribution, $this->composer);
if (!\is_null($operation)) {
if ($operation !== null) {
$this->operations[$operation->getType()][] = $operation;
......@@ -10,16 +10,22 @@ class WheelsClearCache
public static function clearCache(Event $event): void
$event->getIO()->write('Clearing the Textwheel cache ...');
$vendorDir = $event->getComposer()->getConfig()->get('vendor-dir') . '/';
->write('Clearing the Textwheel cache ...');
$vendorDir = $event->getComposer()
->get('vendor-dir') . '/';
$fs = new Filesystem($event->getComposer()->getLoop()->getProcessExecutor());
$sffs = new SymfonyFilesystem;
$vendorDir . '../' . SpipPaths::interpolate(SpipPaths::WHEELS_CACHE)
$sffs = new SymfonyFilesystem();
$fs->emptyDirectory($vendorDir . '../' . SpipPaths::interpolate(SpipPaths::WHEELS_CACHE));
$vendorDir . '../' . SpipPaths::interpolate(SpipPaths::WHEELS_CACHE),
$sffs->chmod($vendorDir . '../' .SpipPaths::interpolate(SpipPaths::WHEELS_CACHE), SpipPaths::CHMOD, SpipPaths::UMASK);